It is a very popular story, and you will soon realize why. It could definitely be considered a slow-burn romance, as it takes quite a while for Katara and Zuko to get together. And on the other side of the country, Sokka has just moved in with one Master Piandao. Are you feeling better?. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. Katara moved her hands down his back until she came to his pants, slowly pushing them down along with his underwear. Katara desperately wanted to know what he was feeling, so she took his hand and pressed it to her covered sex, letting out a low moan that rivaled his. Weirdly enough he and the princess have a lot in common, both spirit touched royals find themselves with an extra sibling. His own near-death experience hadn't scarred him nearly as much as it had Katara, so he stayed quiet about it. When they pulled apart, Katara wasted no time in taking off her own shirt, so that now she was only in her underwear before Aang. Aang I'm starting to feel a little sick Katara said worriedly. Katara confronts the path she has been on with Aang. She cried out with wild passion as her inner muscles clamped down on him, and sent Aang spiraling into ecstasy right after her. Without it, he could end up being the one poisoned. Zuko placed his free hand on Katara's cheek. And what do you do when that same girl won't stop trying to kill you? Even while the show was airing many fans really wanted Katara to be with Zuko instead of Aang.. Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. So hot. He should have realized. Written for Zutara Week 2022 Day 3: Hands. Zuko is a much bigger fool for it, as hell find out soon. Katara had cooed over the newborn boy for practically hours while Toph and Aang waited in the background. Suki would prattle on endlessly about how cute they were, and Toph would crack endless jokes about how he was finally proving himself a true man. Along with Sokka and Aang, she flees for the North Pole, and Zuko is never far behind. We had our tongues in each others mouths not too long ago. It was just difficult for the Avatar to settle down. But she gasped out loud when Aang suddenly gripped the sides of her head and gently adjusted her face until they were nose to nose. Let me see. Aang ordered. When Aang was shot down and claimed to be dead Another had fallen and was also claimed dead, accept he was really dead. Katara's two girlfriends, May and Leila, had spent the best part of an hour trying to convince her to come to a festival with them. Aang decided to trust her word, and set back to work. While she did a pretty good job of hiding her pain, Aang could still tell that she was uncomfortable. Curled up near Katara's leg was a large rat-viper, hissing angrily, and posed to strike. Curious, he experimentally rubbed her soft folds, and she bucked against his hand. Length: 103,341 words. Their eye contact was only broken when they kissed passionately or pleasure tore through their bodies. by Outkast. They settled down on Kyoshi Island, and the last Aang had heard, Suki was expecting another child. He jumped back into the saddle on Appa's back. The result of this simple caress was rather shocking. But this is the good tunic that Zuko gave you., Compared to you, this tunic is worth nothing. Aang said truthfully. It was like every ounce of blood in his body was suddenly transformed into liquid fire. Sokka stared in shock. Hang on, Katara. Aang said. The next Zutara fanfiction that we will look at tells an entirely new story than the one we know and love. Ahh Katara I love you, Katara Aang breathed, kissing the flesh of her neck. He knew that he was being clumsy and forceful as he made love to her, which was just to be expected since it was their first time. He has a new attitude about redemption and forgiveness. The story follows the Gaang in alternate storyline where Z *A Zutara fanfic* AND PREGNANCY WAS THE CURE?! Oh please, Sokka. In this alternate universe, each of the characters is a bit older than what we know from the original series. Toph got up and walked into the living room. After all, who better to teach me how to heal than the only person who has ever brought the dead back to life.. If you get me some water, I could use Waterbending to heal myself. She said. or: in which azula is the avatar, zuko isnt as deterred as he should be, aang still survived a genocide, everyones trauma is treated as real and persistent, the world is a little bigger, and, well, ozai is a lot scarier. He reached toward the old woman. After a sailor takes his anger out on her, Zuko keeps Katara close to protect her and their hatred for each other lessens as they learn about each other and Zuko realizes just what the Fire Nation has done. In fact, their relationship only lacked one thing. Which Zuko is totally fine with. A massive hickey was a small price to pay for Katara's life. Katara gazed into his stormy grey eyes, more than happy to obey his command. Aang walked inwell, rather skipped in. What you WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY SISTER?! Aang pulled away from her slightly, gazing into her eyes. Now that they'd had sex, she just felt empty without him. Don't lay down, Katara. Then, for decades, the Fire Nation had set the world ablaze with its goal to leave no nation untouched. As far as Aang was concerned, Katara's body was perfect, soft, flawless skin that he was just dying to touch, to taste. After Katara saves Zuko's sad ass, she gets injured. The main focus, however, is on the budding relationship between Katara and Zuko. Readers who are looking for a story with very little romance will certainly enjoy this one. Zuko is one of the most morally complex characters in Avatar, and killing people hasn't bothered him in the past. El calor de Zuko ha llegado en medio de su misin en Ba Sing Se, por suerte ya haba arreglado pasarlo con Sokka quien aunque haba aceptado muy feliz encargarse de l al principio pronto se dar cuenta que no todo es tan fcil como parece. Hey, don't you want to hold my son too, Mister Avatar?, Aang blinked in surprise. They were still in the Earth Kingdom, but it was getting late in the afternoon, so Aang and Katara decided to leave the ocean crossing for the morning. I don't have a necklace to give you yet, but I would love to make you one., Katara smiled broadly and embraced him. She whimpered as he fully seated himself inside her. That's the mantra Zuko knows, but what exactly is his sister keeping to herself & why when she shows up at Ember Island University claiming to have reinvented herself? When her brother dies a sudden and untimely death, Azula sees an opportunity to take the throne from his rightful heir, her niece, Crown Princess Izumi. Perhaps all hed said on Ember Island would have never been quite so foolish, if only hed gathered the courage to repeat it now that it actually matters.But Zuko doesnt. Zuko glanced around. If you are unfamiliar with Avatar: The Last Airbender, it is a widely popular anime series that follows a boy named Aang and his friends as they attempt to stop the war that is being raged by the Fire Nation. But they couldnt find Katara. Ahh! Azula always lies. The Nations want Lord Zuko to get married. This story is definitely Zuko and Katara heavy and a really exciting enemies-to-lovers story. It is not a pleasant situation for anyone, but Katara and Zuko soon realize that they may have more in common than they thought. After all, just like with Aang, she had never seen him nude. Once you were there, you could never leave. Expect slow and inconsistent updates]. His arm dropped to his side, and his eyebrow raised. Katara is metaphorically the moon and the love of Fire Lord Zuko's life. Shes content to be left alone to rot in her cell, wallowing in her misery. They definitely had chemistry, and the last episode of season 2 when Katara offered to heal Zuko with the spirit water was one that many fans thought gave evidence for their relationship. Monks were not just scholars, but healers too. Katara He whispered. Podfic of A Tale of Ice and Smoke - Water. Finding himself separated from his uncle after an attempt on his life, a newly banished Zuko washes up on the shores of Kyoshi Island. I'm sorry. Aang whispered, pulling her into a passionate kiss. In the years following Ozai's defeat, the Avatar and his friends had been working pretty much non-stop on Aang's quest to restore balance to the world. kevin anderson obituary. Her crystal blue eyes were filled with love and lust, a gaze that Aang found more intoxicating than any alcohol that Sokka had talked him into drinking. But, unlike the others, Aang had no fear of Katara leaving him. He feels ill and lonely. Aang turned away, hoping to get control of himself. # 3. Aang happily obliged, shoving his tongue as far up into her body as he could, and wished that it was longer. 7k views Aang masters the Avatar State - at the stake of his love for Katara. Will you marry me? Aang asked suddenly. Replies to my comments Katara, Sokka, and Aang just started their adventure to the North Pole. Katara sat up slightly. All seems well, until it isn't. mai. His hands drifted down her body before his fingers met the fabric of her underwear. The man stormed off, Zuko about to go chasing after him. There goes Katara and her frankness again. Are you sure? Aang asked, concerned that she wouldn't have the strength to Bend. What's the big deal, Sokka? And now that he realized that he wanted to give in to his desires, he had no idea how to approach his girlfriend about it. I think you can imagine what he. He jerked his fingers away from her, afraid that he had hurt her. Emboldened by her positive reactions, he set to work on removing her chest bindings. But, apparently there was no room in her mind for pain, since she only cried out for more. Some people spend their whole lives fighting against their nature, some go to great lengths to hide it, while others simply embrace it. This is a really fun story with a very interesting premise, and you dont need to be familiar with the fairy tale to enjoy it. XD Katara gasped heavily for breath, and being the Master Airbender that he was, Aang helped her. It was like nothing he had ever tasted before, but it was still great. However, it appears that something all too familiar has happened before when Katara's necklace has gone missing. So this is basically the gaang,the gaangs parents(the ones who aren't dead) and a bunch of other characters in atla reacting to ships,fan art,memes etc Nope. And you haven't smelled bad-smelling wet animal fur until you've smelled wet Sky Bison. Sokka's idea to bolster his popularity & school involvement in an attempt to keep up with his powerhouse little sister by trying out for the football team goes a little too well. Aang got the non-verbal message and pressed his fingers into her covered womanhood without any further prompting. Please consider turning it on! He carefully checked to make sure the cloth was not tied on too tight since cutting off blood flow to the area would only make it worse. Katara's cries and moans were so arousing that Aang was practically in pain. He quickly moved over to Katara, and used two strips from his torn tunic to isolate the venom in her leg, tying one about two inches above the bite, and the other two inches below. You're not the only one who knows First Aid. Sokka isnt stupid, which is why he laughs directly in Aunt Wus face when she tells him that he will marry the Fire Lord. She has cared for others for so long, and that is all about to change. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), Katara and Zuko's Children & Zuko (Avatar) (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (16), honestly just a whole lot of Soft throughout, Katara and Zuko's Children & Zuko (Avatar), Katara & Katara and Zuko's Children (Avatar), Sokka & Sokka and Suki's Children (Avatar), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, This is like the "happily ever after of Talking to the moon", Not Canon Compliant - The Legend of Korra, Katara and Sokka snipe at each other like siblings too, seriously she was as much a victim as azula, at the end of the world, or the last thing i see, Aang & Toph Beifong & Katara & Sokka & Suki & Zuko, but they're not really the main focus lmao, you know those 5 + 1 things? A few seconds later, and Aang began to laugh for no apparent reason. She couldn't understand how she hadn't felt empty before this moment. If Sokka could see him now, he would probably strangle him, Avatar or no. Are you sure you want to do this? Aang asked. His tattoos began to glow briefly during his orgasm, and Katara let out an extra moan as she felt Aang empty his seed into her. He hesitated slightly before pressing his mouth to the bite and sucking on it. Shes regarded as Lady and Master, she has helped rebuild the world and turn the tides in traditions and views all around. She gently caressed the side of his face and set herself to maintain their sensuous eye contact. He suddenly finds himself in the middle of a feud between Suki & her archrival, the beautiful but intimidating Yue Taqqiq. After being caught by Toph Beifong while attempting to Zuko has changed and he decided to join Gang. You can also subscribe without commenting. The answer to that mystery came nine months later when Suki gave birth to Sokka's child. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You. Then, using a combination of the last of his tunic, Waterbending, and Firebending, he created a hot compress to draw the rest of the venom out, and tied it to her leg. And Appa came in for a landing. Up next is a Zutara fanfiction that largely focuses on Katara. He settled down next to her, pulling her naked back against his chest, and covering them both with a blanket. Aang, more! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Zutara. Aang She breathed. These 10 are just a small sample of all the amazing stories out there. Let her go! He stopped his hand midair, just shy of clutching the womans parka. Katara wants to get to the bottom of why her husband thinks she feels she's not at home with him. He thought that by looking away as she undressed, he would be able to control himself. Luckily for Zuko, he has come to expect that everything will go wrong at any given moment. This story has over 158,000 hits and thousands of comments, most of which are raving reviews. You are my family. Sokka said. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. Step one in his plan is to marry Zuko off to the daughter of the Southern Water Tribe chief. I think I accidently sat on it, and it bit me. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1951), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (6), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (884), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (817), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Episode: s03e17 The Ember Island Players (Last Airbender), Aang & Toph Beifong & Katara & Sokka & Suki & Zuko, everyone trying to find their right place in the world, aang doesn't kill people but suki and sokka definitely do just saying, Shocked through the core (don't let the lightning hit your heart), this fic takes a lot of inspiration from the post-WWI Chinese warlord era, less than charitable view of the Earth Kingdom, Aang rebuilds the Air Nomads and accidentally invents communism, aang unlearns fundamentalist views and faces the realities of the new world he lives in, there are other relationships but not tagged because they're not the major ones, The voice inside sings a different song (Earth), They have stolen the heart inside you; but this does not define you, They just wanna get married in Vegas without telling anyone, Also feat. Though Zuko and Kataras romance is part of this story, it is not vital to the story. Of course, no one wants to hear Katara or Zukos opinions on the matter, and somehow the two nations come together uniquely. This story is an interesting retelling of the fairy tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Blue/Zutara Lemons *Complete* The Black Games (M): Once bound by ice, now bound by fire. It only took a few more thrusts to send her over the end, and into ecstasy. Having done this three times already, not much has changed regarding Katara's fourth and final pregnancy - except her age. He quickly found the same little bump that he had noticed before and began to rub it. If he ignored the look of pained embarrassment on her face, this situation would be quite arousing. I've been dreaming about this night for a long time, Katara. Now after successfully infiltrating Ba Sing Se she is planning the most important military operation of her life, and can't stop thinking about her worst enemy. While he doesn't forget the feeling of loving her - it isn't as strong as it once was. how do you ask her out? The Gaang has to go through the Cave of Two Lovers and they have the same problems. EPILOGUE UP! Don't stop. He pulled her into a passionate kiss. This story is told from Kataras point of view, which is a nice way to approach the story that the author is telling. As Katara is going to find out, hiding is just one of them. His brow furrowed, he leaned in towards her, placing a small kiss on her forehead. This work could have adult content. You're right. First published Nov 20, 2018. The news came as a shock. Me and my friends just happen to find the avatar chilling in an ice cube and the next thing I know I'm on a crazy adventure. With Sozins Comet looming, Katara and Zuko insist theyre just friends. While Zuko grapples with the consequences of his actions, Katara and the Gaang helps Aang look a nonlethal way to end the war. Katara was in a place she certainly didn't belonga place where they'd be sure to let her know she wasn't one of them.. Sorry. Aang said, grimacing painfully as he sat down next to her, hopefully in such a way that she wouldn't notice how aroused he was. Next up is a Zutara fanfiction that takes place after the finale of the original series. Katara glanced up from their dinner. 27.5K 714 20. In short, she had never gotten more undressed than down to her underwear in front of him. The kiss was open mouthed, as both were struggling for air. And, after they began dating, he saw her unclothed less and less. Perhaps if he had been raised normally, he would know how to approach a girl that he wanted to make love to. Rating:T. Summary: COMPLETE! PM or Comment ideas for the stories. 1M 29.4K 91. You see Katara got bit by this snake. His questing fingers found a small bump of flesh hidden within her folds, but he was shocked when Katara let loose what he could only describe as a scream as his fingers brushed against it. The foamy guy was like an Avatar radar. Fleeing into the Earth Kingdom under the protection of seven fearsome, female warriors, Princess Izumi settles in an abandoned shrine and trains for the day she can retake the throne from her usurping aunt. I I got up to get more leechee nuts, it must've moved there while I was gone. +17 more. #timotheechalamet. Please, more! Katara begged. What mystical trials, romances, heartbreaks, and challenges await them in the far north? Ahh Katara-ahhh! Aang moaned, drawing out the last syllable of her name in pleasure. That did it. He strolled through the market, looking for some of Suki's favorite craving foods when the man at the store next to him suddenly began to foam up at the mouth and passed out, to the amusement of the entire street. He approached the Sky Bison, expecting Aang to leap down and give his old friend an embrace, but Aang didn't jump down. "Katara it's been five months! There stood Suki and Sokka. Hello there, Sokka! Aang called happily. I think thats something we need to talk about.. When she began trembling, he moved on from the little bump and went back to exploring. Aang glanced around, and saw Katara sitting near the fire, clutching at her thigh. It seems unlikely that he wants to help Katara, a person who has never taken a life, kill an old man . Please consider turning it on! Aang, what happened to your tunic?. Zuko lives peacefully as honorary nobility, until one day zuko is given a reminder of his old life when the avatar visits the city. It was night time in the Fire Nation as Prince Zuko peered from his bedroom . Have. Thus was the end of Sokka and Suki's travels. Aang's mouth suddenly filled with her juices, and he lapped it up without complaint. Thinking quickly, Aang used an Airbending move to toss the snake away into the bushes, hoping that it would continue on its way. Katara, are you all right?, Katara was still gasping for breath, clutching at Aang's shoulders desperately. You're like a brother to me and a potential future brother-in-law. Sokka walked over to Aang, passing the tiny infant over, and instructing Aang how to hold the baby properly. While deciding, they meet an old friend with a new gift and are given a tattoo that is so meaningful to them. And, if Sokka wasn't mistaken, Aang was quickly catching up to him in height, which annoyed Sokka to no ends seeing as he held the title of the tallest for the past few years since he passed up Zuko. Soul Mark AU - Some people when they turn 12 get Soul marks. She could tell from the look on Aang's face that he was just as tired as she was. It's very sweet. No? Aang repeated, shocked. Katara isn't really happy about this is she? But, no matter what he did, he couldn't find any rhythm the lowered her pain at all. One she thought she closed a while ago. I couldn't lose you. All he wanted to do was get outside and take a long swim in the closest river, even though they would be freezing at this time of year. When Katara called his name, it sent a shock straight to his groin, reminding him about his erection in a most inconvenient way. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You're the Avatar, Aang, and you could have had any woman you wanted. There is clearly a reason why this is one of the most popular Zutara fanfiction. Of course, it was great to kiss her, and Katara got even more aroused as she tasted herself on his lips. This is a well-written story and one that is worth checking out. Just hit the button below to get in touch. Aang cursed his sheltered upbringing. It is a slow-burn romance that takes a while to heat up, but it is definitely worth it in the end. I may eventually write them into bigger fics but for now, they're here to be enjoyed. He pulled away from her slightly, and moved back up her body until they were eye-level. He leaned down and carefully pulled one of her nipples between his teeth and sucked lightly. Katara is nothing at all. Look at me. He ordered. Love writing? Never, in his life, had he imagined such intimate contact. Slowly and delicately, he pushed the fabric down her legs, she helped him kick the fabric off, leaving her naked and bared before him. She had never felt him touch her so intimately. He took another sip of oil and sucked again, working as quickly as possible to minimize both of their pains. You've got to keep the bite lower than your heart., Thank you, Aang. If you are looking for the best Zutara fanfiction, you have come to the right place. At the time, Aang still had a lot of enemies, so he didn't want anyone knowing about his son's birth. katara. His erection strained painfully against his underwear and pants. Ah! I think I should teach you how to heal., I couldn't have a better teacher. Aang said, using Waterbending to gather the water around them in the air, and passing it to her. Aang laughed to himself. So, he came to understand that the only thing he could do was help her get used to the pain by offering a distraction. Read it right now you wont regret it <3 If you want to do this the easy way, then tell me what you know.. This story deals with the Southern Water Tribe and a petition that they receive from the Fire Nation. He could barely hear the collective gasps of the townsfolk of Kyoshi Island. I grabbed the tail of his shirt, though, stopping him. Comments: 4 Kudos: 91 Bookmarks . Through the course of the seven chapters of this story, we get to see how Katara and Zuko come together in the most unlikely of circumstances. And speaking of growing. I am an avid book lover and collector. And everyone wants to know exactly how she does it. He came to a halt, sighing. It took him a few seconds to find the little bump that seemed to cause her the most pleasure, but when he found it again, he carefully set to work on giving her as much pleasure as possible. 10 Awesome Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023, 10 Awesome Luca Fanfiction Stories to Read in 2023. But that soon changed. Over a decade has passed since the end of the hundred year war. Princess Azula, the ambitious and ruthless younger sister of Fire Lord Zuko, hears from a mysterious peasant woman that she will one day be Fire Lord. Momo doesn't free Katara from the tree after she stole the water bending scroll. The plants moved to her will, slithering like the many snake creatures Zuko had seen in the Earth Kingdom. If you could go back?. The war ended 6 years ago. What if you getkilled? We can make new ones together. She snaked her hand inside his pants and underwear and brushed the tips of her fingers against his hardened manhood. A large Earth structure would keep him dry and smelling normally. Oh no! Zuko turns twenty-five. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. if u can be triggered by writing that includes sexual things then this is not the book for u, everything is consensual It was a beautiful day to be travelling through the Earth Kingdom. i did not make th Just a bunch of oneshots and short stories that have been floating around in my head. Some are based off random episodes, some are semi-changed plots, etc. Do you want me to stop?, No, Aang. Katara whispered. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. Enjoy. Paring: Zuko/Katara. 8. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, What would you do? she asks. She pulled him into another kiss and they both moaned passionately into each other's mouths as he continued to rock into her body. It looked a lot better now. It was Aang's turn to shiver at her contact. So, the original Gang was whittled down until only Aang himself and Katara remained. Katara moaned breathlessly as she gazed up into the eyes of the man she loved, glazed over with passion and lust. "Thank you," he whispered. Several moments later, his tattoos stopped glowing and Aang collapsed down against her sweat-dampened chest, both of them gasping for breath. Aang didn't want to disturb this special family moment, and Toph stayed back because she wasn't really the type who liked kids. The characters in this story are older, and Zuko was never banished from the Fire Nation. The romance in this story is not the main focus, but it definitely plays an important role in the plot. My name is Jenna. This story contains a bit more adult content than many of the others, so proceed with caution. Aang masters the Avatar State - at the stake of his love for Katara.