Cirkel, "Mica: its Occurrence, Exploitation and Uses" (Canadian Dept. The schematic of our preamplifier is very simple because it uses a very low-noise dual operational amplifier is very simple because it uses a very low-noise dual operational amplifier. Its special uses are in ulceration of the mouth or tongue (ulcerative stomatitis), tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Generally it is used in a negative context (for instance, to describe an event that has not happened or is unknown). How to use used in a sentence. 17,426 of 1891) uses flat aluminium plates and points, and working with an alternating current of 3000 volts is said to have obtained 1440 grains per e.h.p. 281+37 sentence examples: 1. In certain situations not using it will be appropriate for an informal document. 'That' is used as a determiner at the beginning of sentences to indicate one object which is far from the speaker. Greek was well understood in cultured Palestine; hence the latter recension uses many Greek terms which it does not explain; whereas in the Bab. It may be in this wide charismatic sense that Paul uses the term in 1 Cor. His discoveries included 300 uses for peanuts and 200 uses for sweet potatoes. He has a few terms which he uses to all alike. 2. After the time of Sulla these societies were regarded by the government with suspicion, mainly on account of the political uses to which they were turned, and various measures were passed for their suppression in Rome and Italy. duschcn, to strike or fall), one who uses, or of using, the dowsing-rod (called "deusing-rod" by John Locke in 1691), or "striking-rod" or divining-rod, for discovering subterranean minerals or water. Queens ' uses the Bliss classification scheme and subjects are ordered alphabetically according to class mark. When you use "i.e." Read More. Another word for uses. Essential oils have an extensive range of uses, of which the principal are their various applications in perfumery (q.v.). She sometimes uses a bamboo as a stick. The world's smallest abacus now uses individual molecules (13 November 1996 ). 3. 193,625 A brief account of the different qualities of the pelts, with some general remarks as to their customary uses, follows. Example sentences with the word where. and V.) which may reasonably be assigned to the Temple at Jerusalem uses freely the name min', it may be inferred that the district where an objection was felt to writing the Tetragrammaton was some distance from Jerusalem, and probably not in such close touch with it as most of the country districts of Judaea would be. But the influence of the court of Rome has gradually gone much beyond this, and has superseded almost all the local "uses.". The adducing of a witness for which he uses the verb is not an idea that covers all the uses. The Church's first creed had been " the Fatherhood of God and the Messiahship of Jesus " (A Ritschl); but the " Rule of Faith " (Irenaeus; Tertullian, who uses the exact expression; Origen)- that summary of religiously important facts which was meant to ward off error without reliance on speculations such as the Logos doctrine - built itself up along the lines of the baptismal formula of Matt. Here are some examples. Grecian tobacco is grown from Turkish seed and closely resembles Turkish tobacco in character and uses. byrd or bryd, and in early uses meant the young or nestlings only. The court may compel discovery of a secret trust for superstitious uses. Leo, the saint's favourite disciple and companion on Mount Alverno at the time, which describes the circumstances of the stigmatization; Elias of Cortona, the acting superior, wrote on the day after his death a circular letter wherein he uses language clearly implying that he had himself seen the Stigmata, and there is a considerable amount of contemporary authentic second hand evidence. Here’s a surprise: both “a unicorn” and “an umbrella” are correct. Theocritus uses it so frequently in the Bucolics that it has become a mannerism. I know the list of nefarious uses of the Internet—but on balance, we are building it for good purposes. From the 9th century onwards, however, this was changed; everywhere in the West the Roman use ousted the regional uses. Four of the medieval historians from whom he quotes most frequently are Sigebert of Gembloux, Hugh of Fleury, Helinand of Froidmont, and William of Malmesbury, whom he uses for Continental as well as for English history. feature brickwork - soldiers; brick on edge; corbels; dentil courses; setting out; uses; band courses; decorative panels. This property is usually obtained by mixing soft and hard soaps, or, more rarely, by adding gum tragacanth to a hard soap. He uses the metaphor of fire to represent hatred. The history, indeed, of many a word lies hid in its equivocal uses; and it in no way derogates from the dignity of the highest poetry to gain strength and variety from the ingenious application of the same sounds to different senses, any more than from the contrivances of rhythm or the accompaniment of imitative sounds. It is an indoor skiing facility that uses real snow it also house a bowling alley, multiplex cinema, climbing walls and restaurants. where example sentences. Its viscid character, and its non-liability to dry and harden by exposure to air, also fit it for various other uses, such as lubrication, &c., whilst its peculiar physical characters, enabling it to blend with either aqueous or oily matters under certain circumstances, render it a useful ingredient in a large number of products of varied kinds. 40pµ6s, a basket, in allusion to one of the uses made of its leaves by the New Zealanders. One may also venture to declare that Dogmatic rests upon philosophical and historical studies, and exists for practical uses. 2. If you have used “be” in a sentence where “will” is used positively, then you simply add the negative word, “not” after “will”. Diogenes Laertius in his account of the Stoics (vii.85, Tr] y OE - Opµrt y 4ao-c TO TO TripeEv EaITO) uses the phrase TnpEiv EavrO to describe the instinct for self-preservation, the inward harmony of Chrysippus, the recognition of which is auve1,50ves. It is this leakage line that the waterworks engineer uses to ascertain the truth as to the leakage and to assist him in its suppression. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. There are many other uses to which silk is put, besides those mentioned above. Used to expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past. The portion, however, of the letter of the 19th of July, cited above, in which Louvois uses the words "ce n'est qu'un valet," does not, in the present writer's judgment, refer to Dauger at all, but to something which had been mooted in the meanwhile with a view to obtaining a valet for Fouquet. alkyd oil paints which he uses in transparent layers as well as impasto. Contemporaneously appeared The Dumb Philosopher, or Dickory Cronke, who gains the power of speech at the end of his life and uses it to predict the course of European affairs. Callias And Hipponicus The exports from Callao are guano, sugar, cotton, wool, hides, silver, copper, gold and forest products, and the imports include timber and other building materials, cotton and other textiles, general merchandise for personal, household and industrial uses, railway material, coal, kerosene, wheat, flour and other food stuffs. This was based upon ancient " uses," and represented no revolutionary change in the traditions of the " old religion.". Or rather, there are two uses of induction: inductive discovery before deduction, and inductive verification after deduction. A dog uses urine to mark its territory . The language was now formed, and was being employed for almost all the uses of science and philosophy. The municipal government is housed in an ancient tobacco factory converted to public uses, and a fine old Capuchin convent now serves as a public hospital. (1839), uses all available material up to date. Thus St Ignatius in writing to the Romans never refers to any presiding bishop, and somewhat earlier Clement of Rome in his epistles to the Corinthians uses the terms presbyter and episcopus interchangeably. In the textile trades the wool scourer employs a neutral olive-oil soap, or, on account of its cheapness, a neutral curd or curd mottled brand; the cotton cleanser, on the other hand, uses an alkaline soap, but for cleaning printed cottons a neutral olive-oil curd soap is used, for, in this case, free alkali and resin are objectionable; olive-oil soap, free from caustic alkali, but often with sodium carbonate, is also used in cleansing silk fibres, although hard soaps free from resin are frequently employed for their cheapness. I used to work in a SuperMarket Many other uses of mica might be mentioned. 10 examples of sentences “USES”. A Klages (Ber., 1902, 35, pp. A vigorous effort was made during the last fifteen years of the 19th century to bring the two uses into harmony by beginning the astronomical day at midnight. True, there are still words that you don’t know. In Lacaze-Duthiers's highly-elaborated memoir it should be noticed that he uses the term " cirrhes " rather misleadingly, not for cirrhiform feet, but as the equivalent of setae. Two well-defined views in this way prevailed, to which was added a third, according to which the books, though not to be put in the same rank as the canonical scriptures of the Hebrew collection, yet were of value for moral uses and to be read in congregations, - and hence they were called " ecclesiastical " - a designation first found in Rufinus (ob. There are now no medicinal uses of this substance. Two methods were used todetermine, in non-isothermal conditions, the sintering activation energy of UO2 and UO2+x oxides. 3 Plato regarding the world as an embodiment of eternal, archetypal ideas, which he groups under the central idea of Good, identified with the divine reason, at the same time uses the ordinary language of the day, and speaks of God and the gods, feeling his way towards the conception of a personal God, which, to quote Dr Illingworth again, neither he nor Aristotle could reach because they had not " a clear conception of human personality.". This fact is overshadowed in England, partly by the habitual use of the word "gentleman" (q.v.) anaerobic metabolism that uses sugar for energy, aerobic metabolism breaks down fat for energy. The book appears on its face to be a compilation, various authors being mentioned in the titles: Solomon in x. Another system uses a sacrificial anode tied to the rebar on either side of the patch repair. Burke uses, in reference to Hyder Ali, the same image which Demosthenes uses in reference to Philip. The two layers thus " woven " - Pliny uses the word texere in describing this part of the process - formed a sheet (plagula or net), which was then soaked in water of the Nile. The below list details the cookies used in our website. Sentences are everywhere. The act may still be of value in the construction of old grants, and in affording examples of what the legislature regarded as superstitious uses. This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. But the Deuteronomic version uses rent unclean, throughout (vv. The power to bless in this ecclesiastical sense is reserved to priests alone; the blessing of the paschal candle on Holy Saturday by the deacon being the one exception that proves the rule, for he uses for the purpose grains of incense previously blessed by the priest at the altar. Did you use to be shy? Example sentences with the word uses. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Properties and uses of wood. You may know the difference between "is" and "are," but what about if your noun is noncountable? The building, of beautiful classical design, and admirably adapted to its uses, was completed in 1916. 24. Or you are choosing between two subjects? These are some wh-questions with used to. Aristotle also uses the term for the science of probable reasoning as opposed to demonstrative reasoning (a7robECKTCK?7). The French census uses the commune as the basis of its returns, and employs the following classifications in respect to communal population: (I) Total communal population. It is not only the conditions of growth, but the uses to which the different crops are put, that have to be considered in the case of rotation. The metallurgy and uses of aluminium are treated in detail in P. Moissonnier, L' Aluminium (Paris, 1903); in J. MEAN, an homonymous word, the chief uses of which may be divided thus. A simple sentence with “USES” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. For the later period he uses the Greek Esther, with its additions, I Maccabees, Polybius, Strabo and Nicolaus of Damascus. The descent in meaning from that which is shared alike by several to that which is inferior, vulgar or low, is paralleled by the uses of "common.". In Some Dogmas of Religion (1906), he uses " dogma " of affirmations, whether supported by reasoning or merely asserted, if they claim " metaphysical " value, metaphysics being defined as " the systematic study of the ultimate nature of reality. To determine whether to use “in which,” you need to consider your writing situation. Quartz is a mineral which is put to many uses. Sentence Examples. But it may simply be an extension of the meaning of "right," or of the sense of "leave" which is found in early uses of the French loi. It is one of the headquarter stations of the Channel Squadron, which uses the harbour at Castletown Bearhaven on the northern shore, behind Bear Island, near the mouth of the bay. The combination Johannes Scotus Erigena has not been traced earlier than Ussher and Gale; even Gale uses it only in the heading of the version of St Maximus. The article uses rather specialized musical terminology. But if you learn whole sentences with “USES”, instead of the word “USES” by itself, you can learn a lot faster! Jeremiah, he thinks, always uses the same metre. While serving the government as a silent weapon against political adversaries or dangerous writers and as a means of punishing culprits of high birth without the scandal of a suit at law, the lettres de cachet had many other uses. The various uses to which the papyrus plant was applied are also enumerated by Theophrastus. ", 475) we read how each ascetic had " in his house a room in which in solitude they celebrated the mysteries of the holy life, introducing nothing therein, either to drink or to eat, nor anything else necessary for the uses of the flesh.". But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. (b) The Christology is more advanced, uses Alexandrian terms, and suggests the ideas of the Gospel of John. 7. Josephus uses the term of the national restoration of the Jews, Plutarch of the transmigration of souls, and Cicero of his own return from exile. In this respect the dominant opinion in the Church, intent on compromise, seems to have been expressed in the Report presented in 1908 to the convocation of the province of Canterbury by the sub-committee of five bishops appointed to investigate the matter, namely, that under the Ornaments Rubric the vestments prescribed in the first Prayer Book of Edward VI. It contains a beautiful Gothic Evangelical church, an old castle, once a monastery (founded 975, dissolved 1546), and now devoted to secular uses, and a classical school. It uses physical force to compel men to obey the laws. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. British Thoracic Society guidelines state that anyone who uses a bronchodilator three or more times a week should be treated with an anti-inflammatory drug. This should not be confused with To be used to = accustomed to something (normally out of habit or experience) Notice how Used to ends in –ed which normally means the verb is in the past tense. The convents have been suppressed, and in many cases converted to secular uses. He also published Sermons for the New Life (1858); Christ and his Salvation (1864); Work and Play (1864); Moral Uses of Dark Things (1868); Women's Suffrage, the Reform against Nature (1869); Sermons on Living Subjects (1872); and Forgiveness and Law (1874). What are the uses of the sutures? Every word of the Koran was to be taken in a literal sense, but that sense was to be learned from other uses in the Koran itself, not from the meaning in other literature of the time. It is not easy to determine what gifts are to be regarded as gifts to superstitious uses. The external uses of the drug are mainly analgesic. Instead, we use “would like.” This is just one of many uses for the modal “would” in everyday speech. ,It embraces a consideration of the external forms of plants - of their anatomical structure, however minute - of the functions which they perform - of their arrangement and classification - of their distribution over the globe at the present and at former epochs - and of the uses to which they are subservient. During this process the wood shrinks considerably, and unless much care and attention are given to the drying wood it will warp and shake sufficiently to unfit it for practical uses. 4. Although the Sarum Use prevailed far the most widely, yet there were separate Uses of York and Hereford, and also to a less degree of Lincoln, Bangor, Exeter, Wells, St Paul's, and probably of other dioceses and cathedral churches as well. 'That' and 'those' is generally used with 'there' to indicate that the object (s) is not close to the speaker. Binz, for instance, defines it as treating of the origin, nature, chemical and physical qualities, physiological actions, and therapeutical uses of drugs; in France and in Italy it is restricted to the mere description of medicines and their preparations, the action and uses of which as remedies are included in the term therapeutics. A man may, however, possess any number of concubines, who, though objects of jealousy to the legal wife, are tolerated by her in consideration of her superior position and power over them, a power which she often uses with great tyranny; but certain privileges are possessed by concubines, especially if they have borne Sons to their master. The mint, the arsenal and several convents (now ruined or converted to other uses) are also noteworthy. When an article is absent, it is sometimes said that the zero article is being used, as is the case in your second and fourth sentences. "Chat"-finely crushed flint and limestone yielded as tailings in the lead and zinc minesfinds many uses. It has been modified by Herreshoff, who uses a large hollow revolving central shaft cooled by a current of air. The building is readily adaptable to a variety of alternative uses. Cicero uses the name vicarius to describe an under-slave kept by another as part of his private property. After the raising of the duty on barley under the McKinley and Dingley tariffs that trade was practically destroyed and Canadian farmers were obliged to find other uses for this crop. If a woman administers to herself any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means to procure her own miscarriage, she is guilty of felony. In Japan, people drive on the left. The ZPrinter System uses a binder colored with standard food dyes. If it does, use that. adaptare, to fit to), a process of fitting, or modifying, a thing to other uses, and so altering its form or original purpose. There can be little doubt that with a fall in price further uses for rubber would arise, leading to an increased demand, and among them may be mentioned its utilization as a road material. Beamish, The Psychonomy of the Hand (1865); Frith and Allen, The Science of Palmistry (1883); Cotton, Palmistry and its practical uses (1890). Again, the probability that the passage in Jeremiah incorporates disjointed fragments of an older oracle is greatly increased by the fact that the prophecy against Moab in the preceding chapter uses, in the same way, Isa. The coco palm (Cocos nucifera) is also put to varied uses. My new wallpaper stripper uses high-pressure steam to lift off the paper. He is at his best in the adaptation of the symbolism of old legend to modern uses. Ot uses the term avant-garde to indicate its focus on artists and art movements that have led the filed in breaking with successive traditions. English Examples of Determiners and Use in a Sentence Table of Contents Examples of Determiners and Use in a SentenceDefinite Article: TheIndefinite Article: A, AnDemonstratives: That, This, These, ThosePronouns and Possessive Determiners: My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, TheirQuantifiers: Any, Enough, Most, Some, Many, A Lot Of, Much, A Few and A LittleNumbers: One, Two, ThirtyDistributives: All, Both, Each, Every, Neither, Either, HalfDifference Words: … It may be said generally that while Luther insisted on a service in the vernacular, including the singing of German hymns, he considered it best to retain most of the ceremonies, the vestments and the uses of lights on the altar, which had existed in the unreformed church, while he was careful to explain that their retention might be dispensed with if thought necessary. For words with vowels at the beginning that sound like consonants, such as the “u” in unicorn, use “a” instead. This artist uses light and shade to good effect. They do not represent the opinions of The population selected was all RAF helicopter aircrew using NVGs at RAF Aldergrove, Northern Ireland; this population uses NVGs intensively. The economic uses of orchids are not remarkable. 15. (b) He contends that, when matter ascends to the evolution of organic life, the unconscious has a power, over and above its atomic volitions, of introducing a new element, and that in consequence the facts of variation, selection and inheritance, pointed out by Darwin, are merely means which the unconscious uses for its own ends in morphological development. 19. bovine offal for human consumption would not affect these uses, I assume. The basic rule for using a in a sentence is Use a before words, abbreviations, acronyms, or letters that begin with a consonant sound, regardless of their spelling. Speculators either directly employed slaves as artisans or commercial and banking agents, or hired them out, sometimes for work in mines or factories, sometimes for service in private houses, as cooks, flute-players, &c., or for viler uses. He uses the vernacular with an economy which no other English writer has rivalled. The Infant Distraction Test uses similar principles, but the VRA assessment should always be carried out at a specialist audiology clinic. A new church is anointed at its four corners, and also the altar round which it is built; similarly tombs, church gongs, and all other instruments and utensils dedicated to cultual uses. Balloon animals, balloon bouquets, balloon animals, balloon bouquets, balloon decorations - the uses of balloons at a party are endless. it enjoins public reading of certain lessons from the Apocrypha and uses in worship even the " Athanasian " as well as the two more ancient creeds. He does not with Price object to its being called the " moral sense," provided we understand by 1 It is to be observed that whereas Price and Stewart (after Butler) identify the object of self-love with happiness or pleasure, Reid conceives this " good " more vaguely as including perfection and happiness; though he sometimes uses " good " and happiness as convertible terms, and seems practically to have the latter in view in all that he says of self-love. The word and term it can be used for either a subject or an object in a sentence and can describe any physical or psychological subject or object. Now, all the uses of water, of whatever kind they may be, produce some such irregular diagrams as these, which can never be confused with the uniform horizontal line of leakage, but are always superimposed upon it. Its medicinal uses depend on the contained benzoic acid. Justin Martyr (163-167) certainly uses the Gospel; but his conception of Jesus' life is so strictly Synoptic that he can hardly have accepted it as from an apostolic eyewitness. - Gifts to superstitious uses are void both at common law and by statute. Josephus uses the word of Nazirites and of the temple treasure of Jerusalem. Again, without sentences, there’s no real communication. Borchers uses the alloy, granulated, in an anode chamber separated from the cathode cell by a porous partition through which the current, but not electrolyte, can pass freely. By the adoption of this method great reductions in the quantity of water used and wasted are in some cases effected, and the water tenant pays for the leakage or waste he permits to take place, as well as for the water he uses. Energy of UO2 and UO2+x oxides avoid using “... in which… ” everyday., comes next to England, partly by the habitual use of the Commune! 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