At all events, the two latter are of less frequentoccurrence. how can cold and passionless wordsconvey the heavenly expressions of the spirit? The charmingmanner with which he described her form and person, which, withoutpossessing the graces of youth, won and attached him to her, isinexpressible, and must be left to the imagination. Igave her my hand. It is as if a curtain had been drawn from before my eyes, and,instead of prospects of eternal life, the abyss of an ever opengrave yawned before me. I talkeda little longer with the woman, and found that she was the daughterof the schoolmaster, and that her husband was gone on a journeyinto Switzerland for some money a relation had left him. The minister has long shown a regard for me, and hasfrequently urged me to seek employment. Some of them ran away at once, to enjoy theirevening meal; whilst others, of a gentler disposition, retired tothe courtyard to see the strangers, and to survey the carriage inwhich their Charlotte was to drive away. "That may do very well for your town clergymen,"said he: "country people are never ill-humoured; though, indeed,it might be useful, occasionally, to my wife for instance, and thejudge." The idea that Charlotte's eyes had dwelton his countenance, his cheek, his very apparel, endeared them allinestimably to me, so that at the moment I would not have partedfrom him for a thousand crowns. I went to take leave of him; for I tookit into my head to spend a few days in these mountains, from whereI now write to you. The children have become quite familiar with me; andeach gets a lump of sugar when I drink my coffee, and they sharemy milk and bread and butter in the evening. The gardener has become attached to me within the last few days, and he will lose nothing thereby. she exclaimed. Upon this occasion, Albert was deeply immersed in hissubject: I ceased to listen to him, and became lost in reverie.With a sudden motion, I pointed the mouth of the pistol to myforehead, over the right eye. Have not other attachments been specially appointed by fate to torment a head like mine? We were the second couple in the third country dance. I have since sketchedher profile, and must content myself with that. My dear friend, I beseech you,for the love of God, relieve me from such a yoke! she said, as she gaveme her hand for the promenade. I know you will forgive me. Charlotte entered,and sat down. She told me the motives andreasons of her own conduct, and the terms on which she is willingto give up the whole, and to do more than we have asked. I have had the courage, in aninterview of two hours' duration, not to betray my intention. File: PDF, 3.18 MB . I mentioned to you the other day that I had become acquainted withS--, the district judge, and that he had invited me to go and visithim in his retirement, or rather in his little kingdom. I saw the various articlesin the basket, from which the cover had fallen. Many people prefer to read off-line or to print out text and read from the real printed page. The parallel text version will save you from reaching for the dictionary to locate the meaning of a word. The Sorrows of Young Werther (German: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is a loosely autobiographical epistolary novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.First published in 1774, it reappeared as a revised edition in 1787. Why do I thus deceive myself? Albert fell upon her neck, andkissed her, and exclaimed, "We are so, and we shall be so!" Divine Klopstock! The novel is the story of a sensitive, artistic young man who demonstrates the fatal effects of a predilection for But theybelieve in him, and hear him not, --that, too, is an old story;and they train their children after their own image, etc. I have hithertoconducted your household as frugally and economically as possible,but you must pardon me for having defrauded you for thirty years.At the commencement of our married life, you allowed a small sumfor the wants of the kitchen, and the other household expenses.When our establishment increased and our property grew larger, Icould not persuade you to increase the weekly allowance in proportion:in short, you know, that, when our wants were greatest, you requiredme to supply everything with seven florins a week. Plot. Charlotteleaned forward on her arm; her eyes wandered over the scene; sheraised them to the sky, and then turned them upon me; they weremoistened with tears; she placed her hand on mine and said,"Klopstock!" Preview. One of the first European bestsellers upon its 1774 publication, this classic of Romantic literature is written mostly in the form of letters in which the hero recounts his unrequited love for a married woman. It was one of the most important novels in the Sturm und Drang period in German literature, and influenced the later Romantic movement. Pursuing this advice, he may become a useful memberof society, and I should advise every prince to give him anappointment; but it is all up with his love, and with his geniusif he be an artist. "Woe unto those," I said, "who use their power over a human heartto destroy the simple pleasures it would naturally enjoy! I accompanied her last week on a visit to theVicar of S--, a small village in the mountains, about a leaguehence. Yes, dear Charlotte! The first edition of the novel was published in September 1774, and was written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I am going," I continued, "going willingly; but,should I say for ever, perhaps I may not keep my word. What a child is man that he should be so solicitous about a look!What a child is man! To leave you, from whom I have been inseparable,whom I love so dearly, and yet to feel happy! Shemoves in a happy thoughtlessness within the confined circle of herexistence; she supplies her wants from day to day; and, when shesees the leaves fall, they raise no other idea in her mind thanthat winter is approaching. I left thewoman, with regret, giving each of the children a kreutzer, withan additional one for the youngest, to buy some wheaten bread forhis broth when she went to town next; and so we parted. ISBN 10: 0511554036. Can we say of anything that it existswhen all passes away, when time, with the speed of a storm, carriesall things onward, -- and our transitory existence, hurried alongby the torrent, is either swallowed up by the waves or dashedagainst the rocks? He befriended many women, and considered those bonds among the most formative to his thought. How fine the view from that point ofrock! She thanked me, and ascended the steps. When a nation, which has long groaned under theintolerable yoke of a tyrant, rises at last and throws off itschains, do you call that weakness? The little wood opposite -- how delightfulto sit under its shade! "That is what I meant," I replied; "ill-humourresembles indolence: it is natural to us; but if once we havecourage to exert ourselves, we find our work run fresh from ourhands, and we experience in the activity from which we shrank areal enjoyment." Language: english. Iam within the charmed atmosphere, and soon find myself at her side.My grandmother used to tell us a story of a mountain of loadstone.When any vessels came near it, they were instantly deprived oftheir ironwork: the nails flew to the mountain, and the unhappycrew perished amidst the disjointed planks. You insist so much on my not neglecting my drawing, that it wouldbe as well for me to say nothing as to confess how little I havelately done. The Sorrows of Young Werther, novel by J.W. why did he not wait till hisstrength was restored, till his blood became calm? I amnow completely settled there. I lookedafter her: suddenly I saw Charlotte's bonnet leaning out of thewindow, and she turned to look back, was it at me? I noticed some of the company prepare their mouths and drawthemselves up at the prospect of some agreeable forfeit. We went to the window. said I. Its Sturm und Drang style makes it a perennial favorite with readers of every era. I am told it is amost delightful thing to see him in the midst of his children, ofwhom he has nine. Perhapsshe turned to look at me. 1787 '2 'Published in English1779'2' The Sorrows of Young Werther … In these letters Werther gives a very intimate account of his stay in the fictive village Wahlheim, where he meets and falls in love with Charlotte, who is, however, already engaged to an older man named Albert. It was the first novel of the Sturm und Drang movement. His alarm lest I shouldmisconceive his position with regard to his mistress, or questionthe propriety of her conduct, touched me particularly. Ilooked down, and observed Charlotte's little sister, Jane, comingup the steps with a glass of water. I talked with Charlotte of the inconceivable manner in which menallow themselves to be blinded; how any one could avoid suspectingsome deception, when seven florins only were allowed to defrayexpenses twice as great. The novel was a sensation in its time - th… I have seen my aunt, and find that she is very far from being the disagreeable person our friends allege her to be. How my heart beats when by accident I touch her finger, or my feetmeet hers under the table! the few years by which she wasmy senior brought her to the grave before me. Our companions were asleep.Charlotte asked me if I did not wish to sleep also, and begged ofme not to make any ceremony on her account. She sells wine, beer, and coffee, and ischeerful and pleasant notwithstanding her age. Adieu, Wilhelm: I will not further bewilder myself with this subject. No, I am not deceived. I went, and returned without finding what I wished. But all this is ugly balderdash, which expresses not a singlecharacter nor feature. If I occasionally forgetmyself, and take part in the innocent pleasures which are not yetforbidden to the peasantry, and enjoy myself, for instance, withgenuine freedom and sincerity, round a well-covered table, orarrange an excursion or a dance opportunely, and so forth, allthis produces a good effect upon my disposition; only I must forgetthat there lie dormant within me so many other qualities whichmoulder uselessly, and which I am obliged to keep carefully concealed.Ah! The sorrow of young werther pdf Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by Project Gutenberg. I trembled as I took her hand, and kissed it.As we reached the top of the terrace, the moon rose from behindthe wooded hill. Iknew I could make no pretensions to her, nor did I offer any, thatis, as far as it was possible, in the presence of so much loveliness,not to pant for its enjoyment. This thought dwelt upon my mind; andin the evening, when we returned to the vicar's, and were sittinground the table with our bread end milk, the conversation turnedon the joys and sorrows of the world, I could not resist thetemptation to inveigh bitterly against ill-humour. von Goethe, published in German as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers in 1774. "Theywanted to cheat him," she said, "and would not answer his letters;so he is gone there himself. He shows a regard for me, butfor this I suspect I am more indebted to Charlotte than to his ownfancy for me. My good friend, if resistance be strength, howcan the highest degree of resistance be a weakness?". I kissed the ribbon a thousand times, andin every breath inhaled the remembrance of those happy and irrevocabledays which filled me with the keenest joy. "Take care," added the aunt, "that you do not lose your heart.""Why?" And I have again observed,my dear friend, in this trifling affair, that misunderstandingsand neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even maliceand wickedness. But Ineglected going, and perhaps should never have gone, if chance hadnot discovered to me the treasure which lay concealed in thatretired spot. The other day I went to the fountain, and found a young servant-girl,who had set her pitcher on the lowest step, and looked around tosee if one of her companions was approaching to place it on herhead. One might as wellsay, 'The fool, to die of a fever! One rainy afternoon I was sitting by myself, doingnothing, when it occurred to me I do not know how that the housemight be attacked, that we might require the pistols, that we mightin short, you know how we go on fancying, when we have nothingbetter to do. I am so happy, mydear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquilexistence, that I neglect my talents. Thus did she express herself; but O Wilhelm! "You should not do that," said Charlotte: I felt perplexed. He went about the town afterward, complaining that thejudge's children were spoiled enough before, but that now Wertherwas completely ruining them. And she is sleeping calmly, little suspecting that she has seen mefor the last time. The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe - FACSIMIL pdf | 24.3 MB | 1214 hits. Enough, I became confused,got out in the figure, and occasioned general confusion; so thatit required all Charlotte's presence of mind to set me right bypulling and pushing me into my proper place. I need no moreto be guided, agitated, heated. The question, therefore, is,not whether a man is strong or weak, but whether he is able toendure the measure of his sufferings. These things resemble love. I hope he has met with no accident,as I have heard nothing of him since his departure." I walked across the court to a well-builthouse, and, ascending the flight of steps in front, opened the door,and saw before me the most charming spectacle I had ever witnessed.Six children, from eleven to two years old, were running about thehall, and surrounding a lady of middle height, with a lovely figure,dressed in a robe of simple white, trimmed with pink ribbons. Gracious Providence, to whom I owe allmy powers, why didst thou not withhold some of those blessings Ipossess, and substitute in their place a feeling of self-confidenceand contentment? I exclaimed, "God's blessing andyour mother's spirit are upon you." Once wegive ourselves up, we are totally lost. BOOK II. I begin to find my situation here more tolerable, considering allcircumstances. AndO Wilhelm, what a conversation it was! The majority of the story is a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist with a very sensitive and passionate temperament, sent to his friend Wilhelm. It is only necessary for us to know what is reallyexcellent, and venture to give it expression; and that is sayingmuch in few words. "I shall see her today!" I cannot think: I have no longer any feeling forthe beauties of nature, and books are distasteful to me. She is a lively, cheerful woman, with the best of hearts. The aunt inquired of Charlotte whether she had finished the bookshe had last sent her. Categories: Literature\\Literary. I left her asking permission to visither in the course of the day. she continued, with a firm but feelingvoice; "but shall we know one another again what do you think?what do you say?". Charlotte drew ourattention to the beautiful effect of the moonlight, which threw asilver hue over the terrace in front of us, beyond the beech trees.It was a glorious sight, and was rendered more striking by thedarkness which surrounded the spot where we were. "ForHeaven's sake," said Charlotte today, "let us have no more sceneslike those of last night! Tomorrow! I often envy Albert when I see him buried in aheap of papers and parchments, and I fancy I should be happy wereI in his place. We all laughed, as did he likewise very cordially, tillhe fell into a fit of coughing, which interrupted our conversationfor a time. Looking steadfastlyat her, I answered, "As long as I see those eyes open, there isno fear of my falling asleep." I have such a number of cousins,that I should be sorry if you were the most undeserving of them. I no longer remember where I stopped in my narrative: I only knowit was two in the morning when I went to bed; and if you had beenwith me, that I might have talked instead of writing to you, Ishould, in all probability, have kept you up till daylight. von Goethe, published in German as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers in 1774. To beadmitted into this most charming family, to be loved by the fatheras a son, by the children as a father, and by Charlotte! Everybody so describes his mistress; and yetI find it impossible to tell you how perfect she is, or why she isso perfect: suffice it to say she has captivated all my senses. If I sometimes invent an incidentwhich I forget upon the next narration, they remind one directlythat the story was different before; so that I now endeavour torelate with exactness the same anecdote in the same monotonoustone, which never changes. Iknow your soul dwells on such recollections with intense delight;but I implore -- " "O Albert!" I believe every word that is said of the magic of ancient music.How her simple song enchants me! this thought affects my spirits fearfully. Shewas holding a rye loaf in her hand, and was cutting slices for thelittle ones all around, in proportion to their age and appetite.She performed her task in a graceful and affectionate manner; eachclaimant awaiting his turn with outstretched hands, and boisterouslyshouting his thanks. No: itis not the great and rare calamities of the world, the floods whichsweep away whole villages, the earthquakes which swallow up ourtowns, that affect me. whocan do justice to her language? Butwhy should I talk of poetry and scenes and idyls? Goethe seems genuinely concerned with mental disturbances and depression; he takes the disease seriously rather than allowing his character … I was upon the terrace under the tall chestnut trees,and watched the setting sun. You know of old my ways of settling anywhere, of selecting a littlecottage in some cosy spot, and of putting up in it with everyinconvenience. But I have myself known people whobelieved, without any visible astonishment, that their housepossessed the prophet's never-failing cruse of oil. We set off, and, at first, delighted ourselves with the usualgraceful motions of the arms. I had spent half an hour struggling between the contending thoughtsof going and returning, when I heard them coming up the terrace.I ran to meet them. The thing speaksfor itself. One of the most famous - and infamous - works in the history of literature, The Sorrows of Young Werther was Goethe's first work of narrative art, published in 1774. We remained forsome time silent, when Charlotte observed, "Whenever I walk bymoonlight, it brings to my remembrance all my beloved and departedfriends, and I am filled with thoughts of death and futurity. 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