During the entire second EVA, Pete Conrad was like a man possessed, constantly aware of the timeline and the list of tasks yet to be done, single-minded in his determination to complete everything on the checklists that they wore on their sleeves. There was the development of the Saturn V, the CSM, and the LM, and the construction of the launch pads and the Vehicle Assembly Building at the Cape and all of the new facilities at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. They brought back to Earth a treasure of photographs, rocks, soil, and Surveyor parts; and they demonstrated both that the LM could be landed with precision and that a four-hour EVA was nowhere near the limiting workday for a well-trained astronaut. True, they could only make a sparse record of the work experience and of the adaptation process, but otherwise there were plenty of pictures of the rocks, craters, footprints, and equipment that were of primary interest to the engineers and scientists. There was the Snowman. And they also had a more-sophisticated solar-wind analyzer and a number of other physics packages that made up the ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package) that had gotten bumped off Apollo 11. A view of the surface as Al moves the camera. Apollo 15 lunar surface operations were conducted from July 30 to August 2, 1971, by Apollo 15 Commander David Scott and Apollo Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin, who used the first Lunar Roving Vehicle to make three exploratory trips away from their landing site at the base of the Apennine Mountains, near Hadley Rille.. Ewen Whitaker, now retired from the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary laboratory, was a member of the Surveyor team and had the responsibility of identifying the landing sites. "I can't believe it!". Nonetheless, things were going so well and the crew was obviously having such a good time - joking, laughing, humming, and singing - that the lack of a picture was a real frustration to those of us who had taken the Wednesday morning off from school or work to watch the coverage. Hello Everyone. However, with the fingers in the "relaxed" position, there was an opening of three to four inches between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger. They dig tiny craters which give the surface a texture like that left on dusty ground by a light rain; and, in the small-scale violence of the impacts, melt themselves and a few soil grains directly struck. They could stop, take a rest, and, if necessary, drop an item or two from the activity list. On the second EVA, they planned to extend their range to about 400 meters and the short run proved that, should something need tending in the spacecraft, they'd have no trouble getting back in a hurry. The journal presently covers eleven human flights of the Apollo program, relating the parts of the missions not on the lunar surface. Like the Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo flights to the Moon, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity. In thin enough layers and with the right background, lunar soil looks brown. PDF version made from the xerox reproductions made by Al Bean at La Posada in 1991. Welcome to this 6 August 2019 release of the Apollo 11 Flight Journal, part of the Apollo Flight Journal series.. Like its companion, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo program, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity.. There are few surfaces that aren't covered with fine soil; and, everywhere, the soil bears the imprints of craters of all sizes, most of them old and worn, with their circular outlines barely discernible beneath the overlapping effects of subsequent impacts. And, finally, Apollo 12 was particularly noteworthy in that Pete Conrad and Al Bean simply had a lot of fun. Indeed, it seemed for a moment that Intrepid was going to land right in the center of Surveyor crater. That is, unless we decide to protect the area from further erosion by putting a large dome over the entire area as part of an Apollo 12 Landing Site Museum. The suits also slowed the work in other ways. This was going to be fun. They had gotten about a half an hour behind the nominal timeline but were otherwise well pleased. The briefly molten material solidifies as irregularly-shaped clumps of darkish glass, clumps that give the surface layer a slight brownish cast. Welcome to the Apollo Flight Journal, the companion to the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. The lesson? Captions by Derek Henderson and Thierry Bisiaux. After a quick meal, they got busy preparing themselves, their suits, and the LM for the day's activities. And there were even some who thought that a Mars program was in the cards. So we said, 'Screw it, let's go early.' "Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but that's a long one for me." Recent paleomagnetic studies of lunar rocks have suggested that the magnetic field of Moon reached peak intensities on the order of ≈ 77 μT between 3.85 billion and 3.56 billion years ago (Ga) and subsequently declined to surface intensities of ≈ 4 μT by 3.19 Ga. And, all the while, the smallest impactors - the dust motes and sand-grains - collectively sandblasted rocks exposed on the surface and ground them down to a powder that gives the lunar soil its characteristic, ash-gray color. The Apollo 12 mission was the first opportunity in the scientific exploration of the Moon to sample extensively the rocks within half a kilometer of the landing site. The results are compared with similar calculations made using data from the Apollo 11 samples and with previous infrared temperature measurements. During the last few moments, Conrad lost sight of the ground and had to rely on his simulator training to make a blind touchdown. Surveyor Crater, itself, is old and very worn. The only way to find out was to wipe the mirror - which came clean - and then wipe a patch of paint. Finally, about four-and-a-half hours after touchdown, they made one final check to be sure that they had good, airtight suits and then radioed Houston for permission to depressurize the cabin. Money could be saved by conducting launches only twice a year. Significantly, the photographs taken by Conrad and Bean show relatively few rocks in the Sharp ejecta blanket, and there were certainly not enough rocks in the ejecta to elicit comment from either Bean or Conrad. Astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean descended to the surface, while Richard Gordon remained in lunar orbit aboard the Command Module. Surveyor Crater is a member of a distinctive cluster of craters. At one point, Conrad said that he felt like a running giraffe filmed in slow-motion. It is regrettable that the TV camera was damaged. When viewed from the approach trajectory, the cluster looks not unlike a Snowman, with Surveyor Crater forming the fat torso. This journal covers the flight of Apollo 11 from launch to splashdown. There were pictures to take, samples to collect, cores to drive into the ground, and even the occasional shallow trench to dig and, unfortunately, there never seemed to be enough time to suit Al Bean's sense of wonder. The LSM was a part of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages (ALSEP) for the Apollo 12, 15, and 16 missions. Shrinking audiences were probably inevitable after the drama of the first landing. They were doing well; they were having fun; and there was certainly no need to push themselves to the point where they might start making mistakes. Small impactors hit more frequently because there are many more of them, and there isn't a square centimeter of the Moon that hasn't been blasted repeatedly by sand-grain-sized objects. We'll be right with you," said CapCom Edward Gibson. The combination of the Rover and an expanded-capacity backpack would let the crews stay on the Moon long enough to conduct three 7-hour EVAs and, during each of them, venture as far as ten kilometers from the LM. As firm as the soil is on the inside of Surveyor Crater, it isn't as thick as it is out on the level plain, and the Block Crater impactor easily punched through to bedrock. 34kg (75 lbs) of material gathered.Two EVAs totaling 7 hours 50 minutes. It would have been nice to have a sip of water from time to time and a bite to eat; and, certainly, they could have gotten a bit more done if they'd had a hand cart - or better yet - a Rover on which to load tools, containers, and other gear. Of that total, they were actually on the move for about 30 minutes and the remaining time was split between seven major stops - plus a few pauses for irresistible rocks. The complete ALSEP weighed 250 pounds on Earth, but only about 40 pounds on the Moon, and Bean had no particular trouble hauling the load to the deployment site about one hundred fifty meters west of the LM. We called up Houston and said, 'Hey, we're awake.'" As Conrad and Bean approached the subtle rim, they found that, like the ground near the LM, the soil was well compacted. On their way out to Middle Crescent, Conrad and Bean finally had a chance to take a close look and they quickly decided that the mounds were probably big clods of compacted soil which had been thrown out by the Head Crater impact. About midway through the EVA, after a two-hundred-meter, three minutes run eastward from Sharp Crater, Conrad had to call for a stop. Both Conrad and Bean were fit and certainly were in no danger of wearing themselves out. Welcome to this 10 April 2020 release of the Apollo 12 Flight Journal, part of the Apollo Flight Journal series.. Like its companion, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo program, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity.This journal covers the flight of Apollo 12 from launch to splashdown. Could it really be a coating of dust? This journal forms a living document that covers the flight of Apollo 10 launch to splashdown. The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. Son-of-a-gun! A couple of years later, when the Apollo site selection committee was looking for a good place for the first precision landing, the Surveyor III site came easily to mind. And by then, we were wide awake. On the inner slopes, the soil was just as dark as on the surrounding plain; and, based on their observations from the first EVA, the astronauts expected that the footing would remain good as they descended into the crater. At the very least, it was thought, the design would give the astronauts a chance to relax their fingers from time to time. And it's pointing toward the Sun. Fortunately, the loss of the TV wasn't critical from a technical point of view. A view of the surface as Al moves the camera. "Outstanding! Lunar surface stay-time, 31.5 hours; in lunar orbit 89 hours, with 45 orbits. Although some of the paint flaked off when Bean wiped it, it was soon obvious that, although Conrad had landed about 200 meters away, a little bit of the dust he'd kicked up with the LM engine had made it all the way over to the Surveyor. But, still, I woke up four hours later...I remember, that's all I slept. Apollo 12 marked the first lunar deployment of an electric generator powered by the decay of a tiny plutonium source. Related: Apollo 12 Apollo 125cc Dirt Bike Apollo 12 Mission Apollo 12 Crew Apollo 125cc Rfz Apollo 12 Alan Bean Apollo 12 Command Module Apollo 125cc Db 007 . Whitaker had found the crater. Second, the astronauts would be able to collect rocks and soil samples from another of the great lunar plains and, most interestingly to the geologists, from a place covered with ejecta from the young, prominent crater Copernicus which lies some three hundred kilometers to the north. At 00:04:53 on April 20, 1967 GMT/UTC, the Surveyor landed on the inner slope of a fairly large crater, a fact which greatly reduced the immediate photographic return but which, ironically, made identification of the precise landing spot a relatively easy matter. In general, the J-missions promised a significant increase in productivity. In September 1969, the White House announced that lunar exploration would not continue beyond Apollo 20. Apollo 12 LMP Cuff Checklist . However, thanks to the checklists, they were able to get back on track after only a few minutes of wasted effort. Bean was ready for a rest, too, commenting that it was the first time during the mission that he'd really "worked up a heart rate". However, on the Moon, the cables hardly seemed to notice the weak gravity and retained loops and bends they had acquired during storage inside the LM - loops that stood up from the ground rather like sections of a frozen garden hose. PDF version ( 9.9 Mb) produced by Lennie Waugh and David Woods from a microfilm copy provided by Kent Carter of the U.S. National Archives. This journal covers the flight of Apollo 12 from launch to splashdown. For Apollo 12, the site selection committee picked an interesting spot on the Ocean of Storms (Oceanus Procellarum), about 1500 kilometers west of Tranquility Base. Successive impacts churned the rubble layer down to a depth of about five meters, breaking up the rock and making smaller and smaller fragments. Fittingly, it was Dick Gordon, traveling overhead in the Command Module Yankee Clipper, who nailed down the landing coordinates. It was he who proved to be the describer of the pair, the one eager to take a close look at just one more fascinating detail or pick up just one more rock. As the first pictures came in from Surveyor III, it was immediately apparent that the spacecraft had landed in a crater. The amount of time that the astronauts were able to stay on the surface increased with each mission. But this was only the second landing mission and, just as Apollo 12 represented a decided leap in operational complexity over Apollo 11, further leaps were in store. As a living document, it will continue to grow and evolve. Throughout its history, the Moon has been bombarded by debris left over from the formation of the Solar System, a bombardment that continues even today, albeit at a much reduced rate from what it once was. The amount of time that the astronauts were able to stay on the surface increased with each mission. Welcome to this 6 August 2019 release of the Apollo 11 Flight Journal, part of the Apollo Flight Journal series.. Like its companion, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo program, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity.. And it was like my shoulder was in a vise. They took pictures and collected a few samples and then moved on. Like the Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo flights to the Moon, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity. He angled north to fly around Surveyor Crater and then south to avoid another, far shallower feature. Then it was back to Intrepid for closeout. You guys ought to be spring-loaded! Background Material. Except for the loss of the TV right at the beginning, their's was about as flawless a performance as anyone could have wanted. But you weight was given each title in content that you Apollo 12 Lunar Surface Journal Crew Nasa links to your will link to. "I'm trying to cheat and look out there," he said. ", Then he really got excited. 140:45:08. "He's on the Surveyor Crater; he's about a fourth of a Surveyor Crater diameter to the northwest...I'll tell you, he's the only thing that casts a shadow down there. The crew deployed the instrument package. Bean discovered a clever, unintended use for a sturdy sample bag tied to Conrad's backpack. Related: Apollo 12 Apollo 125cc Dirt Bike Apollo 12 Mission Apollo 12 Crew Apollo 125cc Rfz Apollo 12 Alan Bean Apollo 12 Command Module Apollo 125cc Db 007 . Apollo 11 | Apollo 12 | Apollo 13 | Apollo 14 | Apollo 15 | Apollo 16 | Apollo 17 Resources. The last stop, at Block Crater, was rather brief. Within three hours of leaving the LM, the astronauts had finished deploying the scientific equipment. However, the tools themselves were sometimes awkward to use and, as Conrad commented, it all would have gone a lot quicker had they been able to reach down easily. Avoiding cables was a matter of watching one's feet or, from a more practical point of view, of watching the other guy's feet. As he picked up the Snowman, it wasn't long until he spotted the LM's fifty-meter shadow. Consequently, if they wanted to grip anything smaller than the opening, they had to close their hands against the internal pressure in the suit. Welcome to this 15 January 2018 release of the Apollo 10 Flight Journal, part of the Apollo Flight Journal series.. Like its companion, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo program, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity.. As Bean said in technical debriefings with the engineers once he got home, the root cause was the fact that he hadn't been able to train with an actual flight camera. Point it here a minute. The geologists wanted to know if there were indications that the Sharp impact had reached to the base of the soil layer. he said as he made the plunge. On this second EVA, with tools and other gear to carry, Conrad and Bean had their hands closed almost constantly. The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. During the second EVA, they used about 30 percent less than the predicted amount. Although, as Don Wilhelms details in To a Rocky Moon, the Apollo 12 site wasn't the first choice of the geologic community, it did have several things going for it. The Journal is edited by Eric M. Jones and Ken Glover and is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what happened during the missions and why. Both the color and the footing were direct results of the violence of the impact. As he said at the time, he could easily have spent the whole EVA at just one of the stations. "Intrepid, You're Go for EVA. But the hurried pace didn't really matter. Once all the status boards had been checked a final time, Gibson radioed permission. However, details in the Surveyor photographs could be compared with details in the Lunar Orbiter pictures so that, in principle, the landing sites could be pinpointed. Also see the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, a complete and thoroughly annotated transcript of astronaut activities on the Moon. "Stand by?! The astronauts walked around the spacecraft, trying to see if Sun angle made any difference in the apparent color. Like its companion, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo program, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity. A decrease was, of course, inevitable because, during the peak years, NASA had to undertake a number of expensive projects simultaneously. From time to time, the impact of a fair-sized pebble turned a small patch of the surface over, burying some of the powder and exposing fresh fragments to the sandblasting. The crew returned safely to Earth on November 24, 1969 after a flight of 10 days and 4 hours. In 1968, NASA added three other mission types to the list: "H" missions (Apollo 12, 13, and 14) would be subsequent flights to other landing sites using the basic equipment; "I" missions (none flown) would be lunar orbit-only science flights; and "J" missions would be the longer visits that LM design changes would make possible. For about forty minutes Conrad and Bean examined the robot spacecraft and the marks it had made when it landed. Were these volcanic features? Recent paleomagnetic studies of lunar rocks have suggested that the magnetic field of Moon reached peak intensities on the order of ≈ 77 μT between 3.85 billion and 3.56 billion years ago (Ga) and subsequently declined to surface intensities of ≈ 4 μT by 3.19 Ga. There it is! It was a strenuous level of effort but not debilitating and, indeed, they were out on the traverse for more than an hour before they had to take a real rest - and then only because Bean thought, for a moment, that something had happened to his suit. Once, during the second EVA, they pushed themselves a bit harder than the flight surgeon liked and were in need of a short rest. 115:58:41 Here is the TV. But, with their heart rates reaching 160 beats per minute, they were getting winded and needed a moment's rest. But could the paint have changed color so quickly? "It would have scared me to death," he said; but he thought he could have done it. As entertainment, it could be pretty deadly at times. This was a real puzzle. Conscious of the timeline, they moved quickly from one site to the next and, once they arrived, were in constant motion as they turned to take photographic panoramas, manipulated tools and the sample bags, and did their best to grab rocks without having to bother with the tongs. Twenty minutes didn't give them much time for careful consideration or comment; it was very much a matter of jog, stop, take a minute to marvel, take a few pictures, grab a sample, and jog again. Page-by-page version originally scanned by Mick Hyde. The Journal is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what ( purposefully ) impacted on Moon ( after surface crew returns to )... After a flight of Apollo 11 from launch to splashdown had dug with its,! A brief stop for rest and some sampling the flight of Apollo 10 s... It was Dick Gordon, traveling overhead in the EVA was the loss of the impact could paint... Hours after calling Houston, they were out on the surface been modified to carry Conrad. 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