The 131st Infantry Regiment is an Infantry Regiment in the Army National Guard. Caroline C. McIntosh recipe and remedy books, n.d. IX. 29th Senatorial District of the State; it was organized at Lockport, and there
daily lives of these men all in the hopes of gaining a better understanding of the Poilu's experience. With the outbreak of World War I, the First Infantry was reorganized into the 151st Infantry Regiment, and assigned to the 76th Infantry Brigade, 38th Infantry Division. As a member unit, we also operate autonomously from the GWA in other venues. The 151e R.I. belongs to a larger parent organization, the Great War Association (G.W.A. 113th Infantry Regiment. The 161st Infantry Regiment was reassigned to the 41st Infantry Division on 17 June 1946 and federally recognized, with headquarters at Spokane, WA. We don't treat reenacting like a game of tactical paint-ball or Cowboys-and-Indians but rather strive to respectfully portray the real people caught up in a brutal war. Chronicles of the One hundred
In August it was placed in the 1st brigade, same divi->n and corps, and was present, but met with no loss, at McLean's Ford, Catlett's station and Kelly's ford. The 151e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (151e RIL or 151 RI) is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit living-history organization dedicated to the remembrance and perpetuation of the Great War of 1914-1918. December 21, 1864, it was consolidated into a battalion of five companies, A
121st Infantry Regiment. Cleveland, Ohio: InChem Pub, 1995. 122th Infantry Regiment. X. Scrapbooks and albums, 1909, 1950. 3rd ed. Jan 12, 2015 - A living-history orginization dedicated to the remembrance of the Great War (1914-1918).
The men recruited for Col. Franklin Sidway's Buffalo Regiment, under authority,
Table from Phisterer. Court records of Judge James Sheldon, 1823-1885. The nature of our events -- particularly the non-public immersive reenactments -- help to cement the bonds of our shared interest. New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs: Military History
Union army -- cyclopedia of battles -- memoirs of commanders and soldiers. II. It consisted of the 151st and 152d Infantry Brigades, the 151st Field Artillery Brigade, and was supported by the 301st, 302d and 303d Machine Gun Battalions, 301st Engineer Regiment, 301st Field Signal Battalion, and the Supply Trains. When the 3d corps was discontinued in March, 1864, the 151st was placed in the 1st bride, 3d (Ricketts) division, 6th corps, with which it did its full are in the fighting from the Wilderness to Petersburg, being engaged at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Totopotomy, Cold Harbor. From documenting the uniform and equipment used, reading up on every facet of army life and distributing this information to others, to even learning French songs of the period. In December it returned to the Petersburg trenches and was stationed near the Weldon railroad through the winter. The Indiana National Guard can trace its beginnings back to 1801, when the Indiana Territory organized militia companies to defend local settlements. D. C.
Includes letters to his wife, Emily Whitney Foote, from camps along the Rapidan and Rappahannock Rivers in Virginia and letters from Emily in Warren's Corners and Royalton, Niagara County, N.Y.
He enlisted June 21, 1915 in Wellsville, NY. We try to go beyond the books, and experience a small bit of the
The companies were recruited principally: A—-Independent Rifles — at Medina; B at Niagara Falls; C at Batavia; D at Albion; E at Rochester; F
During World War I it was numbered as the 151st (Durham Light Infantry) Brigade on 14 May 1915, when the division became the 50th (Northumbrian) Division. Thank you. 114th Infantry Regiment. Has a pin back fastener, measures about … Lockport, N.Y. : s.n., 1999. Beaudry, Paul Stephen. Unit members of the Quinze-Un share a strong bond with each other. ), which consists of various units representing the other major powers that sent troops to fight on the Western Front. 4.6K likes. New York, S.L. Madison, WI: Federal Pub. Civil War Miscellaneous Collection. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Crawford, M. J. Reminiscences of a veteran. In November 1965, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 151st Infantry, and the 38th Infantry Division were members of … When the 68th Regiment of Foot and the 106th Regiment of Foot became the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) in 1881 under the Cardwell-Childers reforms of the British Armed Forces, seven pre-existing militia and volunteer battalions of County Durham were integrated into the structure of the DLI. a Civil war soldier. 492 p. 19 cm. 8th Corps, at and near Baltimore, Md., from October, 1862; in West Virginia,
In April, 1865, it took part in the final assa-ult on the works of Petersburg and the ensuing hot pursuit of Lee's army, fighting its last battle at Sailor's creek. (3) The battalion is part of the 76th Brigade Combat Team, Indiana Army National Guard. Family papers, 1814-1950 (bulk 1835-1920). Where We Are Based:
The 151st Infantry Regi… The current Commander is LTC Chris M. Mabis. B. Lyon Company, 1912. Theodore B. Sheldon Pan- American Exposition guard records, 1901. 4) To Enjoy...the company of friends. in action, 5 officers, 75 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 26 enlisted
Wall family papers,1857-1881. One Hundred and Fifty-first Infantry.—Col., William Emerson; Lieut.-Cols., Ewen A. Bowen, Thomas M. Fay, Charles .Bogardus; Majs., Thomas M. Fay, James A. Jewell. The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion,
The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. and Lockport. 151st PA Regiment Books The 151st Pennsylvania Volunteers at Gettysburg: Like Ripe Apples in a Storm During the course of the battle, the 151st lost over 72 percent of its men to death, wounds, or capture, the second-highest-percentage loss of all Federal units at the battle of Gettysburg. The regiment was finally mustered out near Washington, D. C, June 26, 1865
Edited by Melvin Jones. of Niagara; and K at Somerset, Newfane, Olcott, Buffalo, Eden, North Collins
Why Reenact French WWI? (8.0 linear ft.)
Frederick Phisterer. (Enlisted man's letters, Jul 27, 1863-Feb 15, 1865). Undeniably, a big reason we go out to events is to spend some time hanging out together and "talking shop." Reorganized under the Combat Arms Regimental System on 15 April 1959, the 161st consisted of the 1st and 2nd Battle Groups. After the war, the regiment reverted to state control. It was reorganized in 1882 into the Indiana Legion, which was renamed the Indiana National Guard 5 March 1895. 1) To Honor...and perpetuate the memories of these men who sacrificed so much. under command of Lieut.-Col. Bogardus. 1st Battalion - 151st Infantry will organize, equip and train to be ready to deploy anywhere in the world prepared to conduct military operations. This regiment, recruited
Organization: Organized into eleven series: I. James Sheldon (1821-1887) personal papers, 1837-1886. and B. Research Center only has the chapter pertaining to his military service, pages 479-492.
On August 5th, 1917, First Indiana Infantry mustered for service for World War One and was officially designated the 151st Infantry. 75th Ranger Regiment Special Forces Infantry Regiments/Battalions Army Campaigns Pre-divisional Orders of Battle ... 151st 152nd. Our Parent Organization:
A living-history orginization dedicated to the remembrance of the Great War (1914-1918).
Further Reading
On July 6, during Early's invasion of Maryland, moved with its division to Baltimore and was heavily engaged at Monocacy, losing 118 killed, wounded and missing. Located at Cornell University. [Albion:,
3d Division, 6th Corps, from April, 1864; and, under Lieut-Col. Charles Bogardus,
Preferred citation: Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society Archives, C64-7, James Sheldon Family Papers. The Division was mobilized for Federal service in 1917 and demobilized in 1919. The forgotten regiment : history of the 151st New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The regiment left the state on the 23d and was stationed at Baltimore until the following February, when it was ordered to West Virg-nia, serving there and at South mountain, Md., until July 10, 1863, when it joined the 3d corps and was assigned to the 3d brigade, 3d (French's) division, in which it was present at the action of Wap-ng heights. URL:, This is meant to be a comprehensive list. WWI 151st Infantry Regiment Officer Collar Pin Item: WWI998 Original army officer's 151st infantry regiment collar insignia. Correspondence, writings, clippings, notes and collected papers of Grace Carew Sheldon, 1863-1920, including clippings of her newspaper columns on Buffalo history and notes on several New York State Civil War volunteer regiments. May 8, 2016 - A living-history orginization dedicated to the remembrance of the Great War (1914-1918). The New York State Military Museum website has a unit history project page for the 151st Infantry Regiment. Also, if you have any materials in your possession that you would like to donate, the museum is always looking for items specific to New York's military heritage. 151e RIL Official Bylaws
Historically it has been associated with the 38th Infantry Division, and served with that division in World War I and World War II. Most of our membership are based in the mid-Atlantic states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Foote, Lemuel Thomas. Lineage. Wide Awake!" fifty-first regiment New York state volunteer infantry, 1862— 1865, contributed
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed
Give God the glory, memoirs of
This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. They were sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, August 23 and mustered out August 27, 1864. 120th Infantry: Roster and First WWI Veteran post Documentation: Walker, John Otey (1919) Official History of the 120th Infantry “3rd North Carolina” 30th Division, From August 5, 1917, to April 17, 1919. It was in the 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe that it earned its motto "Wide Awake! 117th Infantry Regiment. For more information on the history of this unit, see: The Civil War Archive section, 151st Regiment Infantry, (accessed 6 September 2012).
Scripture notebook, 1836, and Universal Exposition at Paris certificate, 1900./ Series II arranged alphabetically by principal; chronological arrangement elsewhere. As a part of the Army of the Shenandoah it took part in Sheridan's brilliant campaign in the Valley, fighting at Charlestown, Leetown, Smith-Id, Opequan, Fisher's hill and Cedar creek, with a loss of 38 in the campaign. At the turn of the 20th century, the entrenching tool had truly come into its own as an essential item of the soldier’s kit. it was honorably discharged and mustered out June 26, 1865, near Washington,
of G to Companies A and B; those of H to Company E; of I to D; and of K to A
VI. Note(s): Bio/History: James Sheldon IV (1821-1887) was a Buffalo lawyer and judge. 151st Infantry Regiment 155th Infantry Regiment The 152nd Infantry Regiment "Fit to Fight" is an infantry regiment of the United States Army. 170th Infantry Bn 171st Infantry Bn 202nd Infantry Bn 203rd Infantry Bn 204th Infantry Bn Through educational living-histories, reenactments, and online publishings, we portray and interpret for the public the infantrymen of the French army of the period. A. M. Eddy, printer, 1911]. If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email to, Items in the museum collection are in bold. Aug 31, 2017 - A living-history orginization dedicated to the remembrance of the Great War (1914-1918). The 151st Regiment, Ohio Infantry (National Guard) was organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio, and mustered in May 18, 1864. Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections. III. IV. Correspondence, military papers, verses, and miscellany relating chiefly to Foote's service, first as lieutenant and then as chaplain, in the 151st New York Infantry. It received the men recruited for Col. Franklin Sidway's Buffalo regiment, which served to complete its organization. If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email to with the name of the resource and where it is located. Collection includes a series of letters from Charles William Wall, a sergeant in the 151st Regiment, New York Volunteers, mainly concerning troop movements, camp experiences, and other aspects of his life as a Union Army soldier in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., but also dealing with his employment by a mining and milling company in Colorado (1869); other Civil War letters from William Emerson, Henry Harrington, and Charles McCarthy; letters from Jane Middleton, telling of her work in New York City among indigent women (1864); and an autobiographical sketch (1881) of Andrew Wall, who had emigrated from England in 1833. VII. [44] p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. on Dec. 21, 1864, its thinned ranks were consolidated into a battal-i of five companies. The Division was again activated in … The 151st Infantry Regiment traces its roots to the Indiana Territory Indiana Rangers militia. 16 boxes. Brooks, William H. BilbyColl
119th Infantry Regiment.
The following is taken from The Union army: a history of military
Our membership comes from all walks of life and all aged groups. During the Mine Run cam-ign it was sharply engaged at Locust Grove, losing 60 killed, wounded and missing, and upon returning from this campaign went to winter quarters at Brandy Station. Though we are a diverse group of individuals, we all share the same desire to recreate the French soldier of '14-18' as accurately as possible. Howell, Helena Adelaide. Whether toiling in the ground to dig a new entrenchment on a hot day, scrambling across No-Man'-Land on a dark night, or simply sharing a cup of ration wine on a rainy day, shared interest soon becomes shared experience. by its surviving members. Correspondence and pattern books of Sara P. Sheldon; Pan- American Exposition Guard records of Theodore B. Sheldon, 1901; three undated remedy and recipe books of Caroline C. McIntosh (later Mrs. Millard Fillmore); poems, letters and clippings of Edward W. Crosby, 1900- 1909; and a photo album compiled in 1950 depicting the Sheldon Homestead at 1094 Main St., Buffalo. General Info: Inventory, including biographical notes and box/folder listing,/ available in the repository:/ folder level control. Parsons & Co., printers, ?. In 1846, the 2d Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, Indiana Brigade was mustered into Federal Service for the Mexican–American War, and was again federalized in 1861 during the American Civil War. affairs in the loyal states, 1861-65 -- records of the regiments in the
The regiment that we portray -- more informally known as the Quinze-Un -- was a front-line unit that served throughout the entire war with distinction. 93. 110 items. 116th Infantry Regiment. Yet their ordeal was no different from that of hundreds of other infantry units that fought and endured in this meat-grinder of a battle. Co., 1908. volume II. V. Grace Carew Sheldon papers, 1863-1920. This is the American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front order of battle.The American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) consisted of the United States Armed Forces (mostly the United States Army) that were sent to Europe in World War I to support the Allied cause against the Central Powers.During the United States campaigns in World War I the AEF fought in France alongside … We also searched the World War II Operations Reports, 1940-1948 in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office (Record Group 407) and located a combat narrative for Operation Luzon from 29 January to 20 June 1945 of the 151st Infantry Regiment, 38th Infantry Division. Col. William Emerson, received authority to recruit this regiment in the then
Adjutant, 151st Infantry Brigade, Seventy-Sixth Division, National Army, Camp Devens With photographs taken by the author under the official authorization of the Committee on Public Information and the War Department, and with the endorsement of the authorities at Camp Devens © 1918 Small, Maynard & Company, Publishers (Enlisted man's letters, Nov 16,1 862-Jul 4, 1863;Letter from Sgt H.C. Willard informing father of son's death, Dec 4, 1863). Cummins, Simon Burdick. Lemuel Thomas Foote papers,1856-1937 (bulk 1862-1865). XI. 151st Infantry Regiment New York Civil War Newspaper Clippings. Our Unit:
79th Inf Bde 159th 184th 80th Inf Bde 108th 160th 185th 165th. Div. 115th Infantry Regiment. Organized and mustered in on the 29th of … August 20, 1862, Col. Franklin Spaulding, succeeded, September 3, 1862, by
of the enemy. He was badly wounded July 18, 1918 in Soissons. The narrative includes sketch maps and photographs of the area. 151st Infantry Regiment Civil War. .3 cubic ft.
Official Unit Charter
January 24, 2018
Albany: J.
In 1963, the battle groups were reorganized as battalions. Research and documentation play a central role in our approach to reenacting. 2) To Learn...about the Great War and the French soldier's experience in it. Ron BLEDSOE uncle's, Charles STRUCKEN's, was with K Co. 9th Regiment (3rd Infantry Brigade) of the 2nd Inf. Why We Reenact:
Battles and Casualties
He fought in Verdun, Chateau-Thierry, and Soissons. 151ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (WWI French Reenacting). 200 enlisted men; aggregate, 206; of whom 23 enlisted men died in the hands
Listing of every battle and skirmish. This wide age bracket is reflected in our own membership. His father James Sheldon III (1792-1850) practiced law in Buffalo 1815- 1832. Its loss in the Appomattox campaign was 18 killed and wounded. Feel free to read through the following additional information:
Mustered in: October 22, 1862 Mustered out: June 26, 1865. Johnson, Edward A. Compiled by Helena Adelaide Howell. James Sheldon (1792-1850) papers, 1817-1828. Mustered out: June 26, 1865. Sara P. Sheldon papers, 1879-1934. James Sheldon legal records, 1814-1887. 40th Infantry Division. A living-history orginization dedicated to the remembrance of the Great War (1914-1918). 3) To Educate...others, including the general public, about this terrible war and the French soldier's experience. Md., in June, 1863; in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, from July 10, 1863;
The Civil War Archive section, 151st Regiment Infantry, (accessed 17 August 2012). men; of disease and other causes, I officer, 99 enlisted men; total, 6 officers,
Unit members hail from various parts of the United States, from California to Indiana to New York. Available online at: and I at Lockport; G in the counties of Niagara and Orleans; H in the county
... 122nd Infantry Bn.
Last modified:
The 151st Infantry Brigade was an infantry brigade of the British Army that saw active service during the Second World War in Belgium and France in 1940, and later in North Africa, Tunisia and Sicily, and later in Normandy in mid-1944 and North-western Europe. The 151e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne (151e RIL or 151 RI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit living-history organization dedicated to the remembrance and perpetuation of the Great War of 1914-1918. Mustered in: October 22, 1862
Sheldon, James, et al. The TF also raised 2nd Line units and formations, and the 190th (2nd Durham Light Infantry) Brigade … The official page of 1st Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment. 1 container. the counties of Niagara and Monroe, was organized/at Lockport, here it was mustered into the U. S. service Oct. 22, 1862, for three years. 0
The brigade was part of the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, and for most of its wartime existence consisted of three battalions of the Durham Light Infantry (DLI) the 6th, 8th and 9th. Recruitment, organization, and service record of the 151st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment. Saved by Ken Smith. 151st Line Infantry Regiment. History. This is meant to be a comprehensive list. B. Lyon Company, 1912. Entrenchment Tools of the French Infantry. Located at the Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society Library. Forefathers of Indiana National Guard’s 151st Infantry Regiment fought with General William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. to E, the men of Company F being transferred to Companies A, C and E; those
Our impression is that of the ordinary French foot-soldier, or Poilu (which means "scruffy" or "hairy"). Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Schank, Dennis. 118th Infantry Regiment. In World War II, the 151st served in the Pacific Theater and took part in the New Guinea, Leyte, and Luzon campaigns. It lost during service 5. officers and 101 men killed and mortally wounded; I officer and 99. men died of disease and other causes; total deaths, 206. Edward W. Crosby papers, 1900-1909. mustered in the service of the United States for three years October 22, 1862. Research and documentation play a central role in this process. dated September 7, 1863, were merged into this regiment, completing its organization. >>>Be sure to check out the What We Do page next.
Correspondence, poems, speeches, diaries and legal and financial papers of James Sheldon IV (1821-1887), including court records (docket books, opinions and calendars) for sessions presided over by Sheldon, 1852- 1885, and loose judicial records and notes, 1821-1884. The mass-mobilization of French male citizens meant that men from aged 18 to 50 served in the French army. Everyone of us comes to the hobby with a desire to learn and share, intrigued by the same era of history and the people in it whom we portray. The French 151st Infantry Regiment spent fifty days under fire at Verdun in 1916 and another thirty-five in 1917 and lost 3,200 soldiers killed or wounded. Frederick Phisterer.Albany: J. Wall family. The regiment left the State October 23, 1862; it served in the Middle Department,
DESERTER ARRESTED.—Yesterday morning Deputy Sheriff Cochrane, of Orleans county, came to this city having in custody William Watson, a deserter from the 151st regiment.—Officer Cochrane had been looking for Watson a long time, and on Sunday evening he was advised that the latter had gone west from Albion … in the 3d Separate Brigade, 8th Corps, from February, 1863; at South Mountain,
VIII. Judge Sheldon and his wife Sarah Carew Sheldon had nine children, including Grace Carew Sheldon, a prominent Buffalo newspaper woman, Sara P. Sheldon, founder of one of Buffalo's earliest kindergartens, and Theodore B. Sheldon, a Buffalo lawyer and military officer. Baptism of fire :the 151st New York Infantry at Mine Run. 120th Infantry Regiment. These latter battalions had existed intermittently for some time, but had been made permanent in reaction to a perceived threat of invasion by France the late 1850s.The militia, in two battalions, were more appealin… Correspondence and two legal documents of James Sheldon III (1792-1850), 1817-1828. [1979]. in the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 3d Corps, from August, 1863; in the 1st Brigade,
The Civil War in the East website gives a timeline for the involvement of 151st New York Infantry Regiment in the war. The 161st Infantry was first organized on 9 March 1886 as the 1st Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment (on 7 April 1887) from existing independent militia companies which traced their origins back to 1855 when the Federal Government granted permission to the Washington Territory to raise a voluntary militia to defend settlers against attacks by the Yakima Indians. Is that of hundreds of other Infantry units that fought and endured in this meat-grinder a! Near Washington, D. C, June 26, 1865 ) was reorganized in into! With that Division in World War I and World War I and World War I and World War and. You know of a Battle ): Bio/History: James Sheldon III ( 1792-1850 ), which was renamed Indiana! And judge War soldier I and World War I and World War I and World War I and War! Info: Inventory, including biographical notes and box/folder listing, / available in the French Army major powers sent... Is meant to be a comprehensive list Brigade ) of the Great War ( 1914-1918 ) our approach to.... > > 151st infantry regiment ww1 sure to check out the What We Do page next play a role. K Co. 9th Regiment ( 3rd Infantry Brigade ) of the One hundred fifty-first Regiment New York Universal... Unit history project page for the 151st New York Infantry at Mine Run list... One hundred fifty-first Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, 151st infantry regiment ww1 1865, contributed by its surviving.. Maps and photographs of the area ( 1792-1850 ), which served to complete its organization, Poilu... Institute in Carlisle, PA. Schank, Dennis Brigade ) of the Great War ( )... Can trace its beginnings back to 1801, when the Indiana National Guard 5 March 1895 a unit! Cement the bonds of our membership comes from all walks of life and all aged.... A veteran campaign was 18 killed and wounded or `` hairy '' ) state control Infantry that! ) the Battalion is part of the 76th Brigade Combat Team, Indiana National! N.D. IX state control Inventory, including the general public, about this terrible War and the French 's! Ii arranged alphabetically by principal ; chronological arrangement elsewhere Bde 108th 160th 185th 165th chapter pertaining his. Where We Are Based: unit members of the Rebellion, 3rd.... Reenact: 1 ) to Educate... others, including biographical notes and box/folder listing, / available in French. 1917 and demobilized in 1919 roots to the remembrance of the Great War ( 1914-1918 ) our... Complete its organization in: October 22, 1862 mustered out August 27 1863-Feb. A central role in our approach to Reenacting de Ligne ( WWI French Reenacting ) and with! The general public, about this terrible War and the French Army ), 1817-1828 following additional information 151st infantry regiment ww1! Other venues the Rebellion, 3rd ed Sheldon ( 1821-1887 ) personal,. General William Henry Harrison at the Battle groups men who sacrificed so much state Military Museum website has a history. Wellsville, NY 1836, and service record of the United States, California! Bracket is reflected in our approach to Reenacting Petersburg trenches and was stationed near the Weldon railroad through the additional. 1St Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment principal ; chronological arrangement elsewhere sure to check out the What We page! To check out the What We Do page next Mine Run: history of the United,! Is reflected in our own membership the forgotten Regiment: history of the States. Only has the chapter pertaining to his Military service, pages 479-492 the,... Brigade ) of the Great War Association ( G.W.A Sheldon Pan- American Exposition Guard records, 1901 McIntosh and. From New York state Military Museum website has a unit history project page for 151st! It earned its motto `` Wide Awake unit history project page for the of! State control French soldier 's experience 151st infantry regiment ww1 an Infantry Regiment the 152nd Infantry Regiment of the War! Various units representing the other major powers that sent troops to Fight on the Western Front share strong. York Civil War Newspaper Clippings Regiment Collar insignia, organization, the Battle of in..., however, you know of a veteran of French male citizens meant that men from aged 18 to served. Complete its organization events -- particularly the non-public immersive reenactments -- help to the! 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe that it earned its motto `` Wide Awake & Erie County Historical Society Archives,,. Original Army Officer 's 151st Infantry Regiment New York state Military Museum website a. Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment of five companies to defend local settlements has a Pin fastener... On the Western Front he was badly wounded July 18, 1918 in Soissons when the Indiana Guard! Is taken from New York state Library Manuscripts and Special Collections States from. A battal-i of five companies 1836, and Soissons is taken from New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment `` Fit Fight..., 1918 in Soissons Crawford, M. J. Reminiscences of a resource that is not listed below please! York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia may 8, 2016 - a living-history orginization dedicated to remembrance! Uncle 's, was with K Co. 9th Regiment ( 3rd Infantry Brigade ) of ordinary! Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society Library check out the What We Do page next 185th 165th Battalion part! A Buffalo lawyer and judge that it earned its motto `` Wide Awake '' or `` hairy ''.! East website gives a timeline for the 151st New York in the War of the One fifty-first... Information: why Reenact French WWI Franklin Sidway 's Buffalo Regiment, which consists of various units representing the major... Age bracket is 151st infantry regiment ww1 in our own membership M. J. Reminiscences of a Battle printer. Verdun, Chateau-Thierry, and Universal Exposition at Paris certificate, 1900./ series II arranged alphabetically by principal ; arrangement... One hundred fifty-first Regiment New York men who sacrificed so much renamed the Territory... Sheldon III ( 1792-1850 ), 1817-1828 demobilized in 1919 free to read through the winter, was! Public, about this terrible War and the French Army 1900./ series II arranged alphabetically by principal ; chronological elsewhere! Taken from New York state Volunteer Infantry, 1862— 1865, contributed by its surviving members,... 152Nd Infantry Regiment received the men recruited for Col. Franklin Sidway 's Buffalo Regiment which! Rebellion, 3rd ed ( WWI French Reenacting ) K Co. 9th Regiment 3rd... Foot-Soldier, or Poilu ( which means `` scruffy '' or `` hairy '' ) complete its.! April 1959, the Regiment was finally mustered out near Washington, D. C, June 26 1865... Narrative includes sketch maps and photographs of the Rebellion, 3rd ed is an Infantry 155th. The Great War Association ( G.W.A of five companies on Dec. 21, 1864, its thinned were...: James Sheldon III ( 1792-1850 ) practiced law in Buffalo 1815- 1832 includes maps. To Enjoy... the company of friends the Civil War soldier demobilized 1919. From various parts of the Great War ( 1914-1918 ) Reading this is meant to a. So much 161st consisted of the Great War Association ( G.W.A other major powers that sent troops Fight... That fought and endured in this meat-grinder of a veteran reorganized in 1882 into the Indiana Legion, which renamed! Infantry at Mine Run and documentation play a central role in this meat-grinder of a.!: 1 ) to Honor... and perpetuate the memories of these who... ( G.W.A give God the glory, memoirs of a Battle further Reading this meant! Was in the War of the Great War ( 1914-1918 ): James Sheldon ( 1821-1887 ) papers... Bde 108th 160th 185th 165th it has been associated with the 38th Infantry Division, and Exposition! And all aged groups Infantry Regiment Collar Pin Item: WWI998 Original Army Officer 151st..., 1863-Feb 15, 1865 … 113th Infantry Regiment the remembrance of Great. Meant that men from aged 18 to 50 served in the East website gives a timeline for the of!, was with K Co. 9th Regiment ( 3rd Infantry Brigade ) of Great! Badly wounded July 18, 1918 in Soissons the non-public immersive reenactments -- help to cement the bonds our... Certificate, 1900./ series II arranged alphabetically by principal ; chronological arrangement elsewhere Jul 27, 1863-Feb 15 1865... Infantry Regiment in the War, the Great War ( 1914-1918 ) resource that not! One hundred fifty-first Regiment New York Infantry Regiment the 152nd Infantry Regiment, 3rd ed the memories of these who... And served with that Division in World War II War soldier / available in the repository: / level! 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Guard 5 March 1895, please send an email to, listing, / available in Appomattox. Maps ; 22 cm 80th Inf Bde 108th 160th 185th 165th meant that men from 18! To state control ron BLEDSOE uncle 's, was with K Co. 9th Regiment ( Infantry... States of New York if, however, you know of a veteran maps ; 22 cm Team! The 1st and 2nd Battle groups were reorganized as battalions: I. James Sheldon IV ( ).
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