Part II: Assessment. The hearing profile of Nigerian school children. D. Kaimbo W.A. R.B. The multidiscipiinary team that initially staffed the unit consisted of two physiotherapists, an occupational therapist, two speech therapists, two rehabilitation technicians, a social worker, a nursing sister, a pediatrician, and a secretary. E.M. Connor, R.S. Recommendation 5-8. 99. UNICEF 2(4), 1999. World Health Organization (WHO). Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Zimbabwe Medical School; Harare, 2000. Following a concerted international initiative, paralytic poliomyelitis was eradicated from the Western Hemisphere, the Western Pacific region, and Eastern Europe. 106. Stein, M.W. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 73(1):115–121, 1995. Susser, G. Saenger, and F. Marolla. World Health Organization (WHO). Quality control to maintain high accuracy of screening and confirmatory test results is crucial. Milder cases of maternal iodine deficiency result in a range of intellectual, motor, and hearing deficits among children in iodine-deficient regions. 256. By contrast, some dominantly inherited neurocutaneous disorders, specifically neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis, appear to be especially common among black African children. A. Stein and M. W. Susser. Rao. C. Boudet, P. Bensaid, and M.S. Brabin. When elevated lead levels are detected, removal of the child from the source of exposure, developmental monitoring, and possibly chelation treatment to increase the excretion level are indicated. Childhood hearing loss in sub-Saharan Africa; A review and recommendations International Journal of Pediatrics and Otorhinolaryngology May 4;40(1):1–18, 1997. Aguirre-Roy. 193. Available:, 2000. 121. World Health Organization: Geneva, 1992. 260. Wu, Q. Lin, et al. Brain lesions of perinatal and late prenatal origin in a neuropediatric context. Dolin, H. Faal, G.J. In addition, even when valid methods have been employed, there may be questions about the cross-cultural appropriateness of standardized tests of intelligence and behavior used to diagnose disabilities in children of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. 113. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Nor are DALY estimates currently available for the broad categories of developmental disability listed in Table 5-1 or for developmental disability as a whole. P. Chabasse. For developmental disabilities, incidence data are not available because only a minority of cases survive long enough to be identified, while for those who do survive, the onset of recognizable disability is often insidious as development unfolds. Early Human Development 3:277–294, 1979. Rosen and J.C. Dickinson. Severity can range from mild to profound. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. Extension of such interventions to low-income countries will be vital to the long-term goal of reducing international inequalities in child health. The epidemiology of blindness in Nepal. P. Pitche, A.D. Agbere, A.J. S. Islam, M. S. Durkin, and S.S. Zaman. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C., 1998. 91. UNESCO: Paris, 1990. Belman. [273] Yet while this system provides good and expanding coverage, the program has not met the demand for places in special education. 196. McQueen, M.W. Prenatal, newborn, and childhood screening for potentially disabling conditions that are amenable to intervention, such as sickle cell disease, hypothyroidism, PKU, and vision and hearing impairments. Needleman and C.A.Gatsonis. Training programs should be established to develop expertise in low-income countries in areas vital to the prevention and treatment of developmental disabilities and to the provision of effective rehabilitation services as detailed in the above descriptions. [153,154] In low-income populations—which include the majority of HIV-infected women worldwide and in which prenatal screening, counseling, and treatment options are limited —the probability of vertical transmission from untreated infected mothers remains as high as 30 to 40 percent. [180,181 and 182] Rarely (about 1/1000 cases), measles infection causes encephalitis, which can result in long-term nervous system sequelae among survivors. Infection/Sepsis. [ 45,136], Congenital rubella can manifest with deafness, cataract and visual impairment, mental retardation, and failure to thrive. 252. Christiansen. Lacking proper diagnosis and treatment, millions of individual lives are lost to disability and death. World Health Organization. S.M. Early identification and special educational interventions to improve outcomes for children with cognitive disabilities, including specific learning and sensory disabilities. S. Hartley. The National Disability Foundation to support development activities for persons with disabilities has also been formed, as have the National Coordination Committee and the National Committee for Inclusive Education. Roa, A.H.Bittles. N. Cohen, H. Rahman, J. Sprague, M. Jahl, E. Laembujis. Journal of Otolaryngology Oct;26(5):335–344, 1997. [ 54,60,61 and 62], FIGURE 5-2 Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy, a subtype of motor deficits, in various countries Source: [63,64,65,66,67 and 68], FIGURE 5-3 Prevalence of Childhood blindness per 1000 births Source: [69,70,71,72 and 73], FIGURE 5-4 World Prevalence of Blindness Source: [74]. [article in Spanish] Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. A.O. American Journal of Epidemiology, (in press). 1998a. The epidemiology of health effects of disasters. We need the help of people with I/DD, their families, and allies of the cause. Rosso, C.E. MRC Vitamin Study Group. With special educational accommodations, these children may learn to overcome their limitations and demonstrate normal or even superior levels of achievement. There a doctor or nurse practitioner works alongside the community workers using basic assessment devices that have been standardized and validated in an international epidemiological study. Dhamrai Rural School. The various types of developmental disabilities have a range of symptoms and can be genetic, physical, or psychological in nature. American Journal of Public Health 85(3):319–323, 1995. 136. 220. D. Lou, J. AIDS and pediatric neurology. Gbadoe, A. Tatagan, and K. Tchangai-Walla. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C., pp. In low-income countries, children continue to be exposed to lead from gasoline and other sources. The present situation of the use of hearing aids in rural areas of Sri Lanka: Problems and future prospects. Two decades of research on learning disabilities in India. Levine, B. Schwartz, N. Pierce, and M. Kane. Valid generalizations about the frequency and causes of developmental disabilities are difficult to make for any population because of the lack of true incidence data. Zakzouk. Identification of childhood disability in Jamaica: The ten question screen. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 94:161–169, 1991. 137. Initial and recurrent funding for planned expansion of the outreach program and the establishment of a resource center for children with disabilities at the unit will have to come from external donor sources, at least until there is a sustained turnaround in the national economy. [137] The cost-effectiveness of programs to ensure that all women of childbearing age are vaccinated against rubella has been demonstrated in the United States (benefit-to-cost ratio of 11.1:1), but not specifically in low-income countries. 209. Swisher, and M. A. Stein. In establishing training courses, careful consideration should be given to the development of appropriate curricula. 276. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 6 of that setting and adopt a productive life whereby they were associated with non-disabled people. Yet the capacity for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation is insufficient. Y. Shiotsuki, T. Matsuishi, K. Yoshimura, F. Yamashita, K. Yano, H. Tokimasa, et al. Thalidomide, a well-documented and once-banned teratogen, has recently been reintroduced in developing countries for patients with leprosy and HIV infection. Education, Health and Behaviour. B. O'Toole and R. McConkey. One is through its effects on ocular tissue. International Journal of Pediatrics and Otorhinolaryngology Mar 1;57(3):229–234, 2001. M.W. The negative attitudes, prejudice, and stigma that often surround many of these disorders have contributed to this neglect. Reproductive behavior and health in consanguineous marriages. H.K. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78(3):285–297, 2000. T.D. A regional center for medical genetics is necessary to provide the laboratory infrastructure for newborn screening, confirmation of diagnoses, counselling, treatment, and follow-up of cases. Bangladesh is an active member of the South Asian CBR Network. 1989. Deficient metabolism of phenylalanine causes accumulation, which if untreated leads to hyperphenylalaninaemia, progressive damage to the developing brain during the neonatal and postnatal periods, and severe mental retardation in most cases. Development and Psychopathology Summer; 11 (3):439–456, 1999. Proven methods of preventing developmental disabilities and enhancing children's functioning should be implemented and expanded in low-income countries. Despite these drawbacks, CBR may be the most viable and cost-effective model for rehabilitative care in developing countries. In general, when the full direct and indirect costs to individuals and society of disabilities arising early in life are considered, cost-effectiveness should be relatively easy to achieve for interventions that are effective in preventing developmental disabilities and improving children's functioning and self-sufficiency. [ 40] These included the use of corporal punishment to discipline a child and restrictions placed on the movement of children outside the home, especially girls; withdrawal of food as another form of punishment; and limited use of praise, for it is believed to make the child conceited. [113,114] Evidence of direct, central nervous system effects of iron deficiency anemia during infancy was recently found in Chile. Roberts, A. Misore, et al. Nov;98(5):297–301, 1998. 8(3):571–602, 1992. [100,101,102 and 103]. and cognition in Bangladeshi children Journal of Nutrition, 129(5):908–907, 1999. D.P. Mother-to-child transmission of toxoplasmosis: Risk estimates for clinical counselling. Taylor. The CRU was intended to provide several key services, including coordination of multidisciplinary treatment for children with disabilities and their families; tertiary-level assessment, diagnostic, and treatment planning services for rehabilitation programs at the provincial and district levels, as well as for municipal clinics in urban Harare; training for medical students, therapists, rehabilitation technicians, and nurses in children's disability and rehabilitation; maintenance of a detailed computerized client register and database; and workshops intended to teach parents about their children's specific disorders and to create a sense of common purpose. World Health Organization. Wherever possible, the committee based its review and recommendations on evidence from a broad range of settings in the developing world; unfortunately, due to the limited available research on most brain disorders in developing countries, they were frequently forced to make qualified extrapolations based on data from the developed world. C. Cobra, R. Kusnandi, D.Rustama, S.S. Suwardi, D. Permaesih, S. Martuti, and R.D. Spinal muscular atrophy, East and West. In: International Committee of the Red Cross. 147. ...or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. K.M. 218. WHO (World Health Organization). Oregon Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS), partners and stakeholders have done extensive work to identify system core values, needed changes, and new direction, providing a foundation for the future of the I/DD system. A. el-Nawawy, A.T. Soliman, O. el Azzouni, el-S Amer, M.A. Bulletin de la Societe Belge D'Ophtalmologie 261:101–105, 1996. T. Fryers and R.I. Mackay. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift. Those systems must in turn be linked to and supported by secondary and tertiary medical services. Davidson, S. Huq, S. Munir, I. Rasul, and S. S. Zaman. Certificate and degree programs should be designed that are relevant to local needs and cultural contexts. World Health Organization: Geneva 76, Suppl. Klien, J.W. Indian Journal of Medical Research Jan;97:9–13, 1993. C.A. Incidence and outcome of injury in Ghana: A community-based survey Bulletin of the World Health Organization 77(12):955–964, 1999. The initiative has led to the establishment of a number of projects, based mainly on handicrafts, that provide mothers with a source of regular income. Such measures appear to be uncommon in low-income countries, though studies remain to be done in these countries on the incidence of various causes of neurotrauma, on. Birth asphyxia: A crucial issue in the prevention of developmental disabilities. Toxoplasmosis. Journal of Pediatrics 137(6):769–776, 2000. Gilbert, L. Dandona, A. Z. 179. MTHFR 677C → T mutation, folate intake, neural-tube-defects, and the risk of cardiovascular disease. The causes of developmental disabilities include damage to or anomalies in the developing nervous system. 255. Townsend, and A. Lechtig. Otto, and O. Frota-Pessoa. Prevalence of cerebral palsy in Slovenia: Birth years 1981 to 1990 Developmental Education and Child Neurology 40(7):459–463, 1998. J.A. 103. 294. Notable examples are seat belts, helmets designed for bicycling and certain sports, side-walks, road safety equipment, education regarding traffic and pedestrian safety, window guards to prevent falls, and playground renovation. Cerebral palsy. Birth defects monitoring in underdeveloped countries: An example from Uruguay. In areas where hookworm or malaria is prevalent, treatment and prevention of these diseases is a necessary component of programs to prevent iron deficiency. Susser. Influences of environmental demand on maternal behavior and infant development. K. Jamil, A. Bhuiya, K. Streatfield, and N. Chakrabarty. 4. 125. [ 191,192 and 193], Children may be exposed to toxins that predispose them to developmental disabilities through a variety of routes. 269. Schemann. International Ophthalmology 22;(5):259–263, 1998. Symposium on Antipersonnel Mines. Williams and Wilkins: Baltimore, 1970. [203] In addition, prematurity is an important risk factor for cerebral palsy and cognitive disabilities in childhood. T.A. To some extent, perinatal and neonatal interventions to promote survival are also effective in the prevention of developmental disabilities. To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. Inclusive educational policies at both the national and local levels should be implemented to ensure that all children, including those with disabilities, have access to appropriate schooling. Low vision in east African blind school students: Need for optical low vision services. Remington, J.S. S. Ramaa. Kaiser. 46. WHO, WHA, Prevention of hearing impairment: Resolution of the 8th World Health Assembly, 48.9, 1995. In public health institutions, where personnel are often temporary, this is not possible. To this end, 11 outreach groups were established in the impoverished suburbs of Harare. The administrative prevalence of mental retardation in 10-year-old children in metropolitan Atlanta, 1985 through 1987. Disabled Village Children. Oxford University Press: New York, Oxford, 1997. J.M. Khan, and S. Islam, eds. [48,49 and 50] Studies in India have estimated that 80 million individuals suffer from some level of disabling hearing impairment. Surveillance of developmental disabilities will allow countries to identify locally relevant priorities for prevention, consistent with the risk factor and prevalence patterns of specific populations. J. Promotion of this approach began internationally following agreements such as the UNESCO Declaration of Education for All, which stipulates that all countries have a responsibility to provide equal access to education to children with disabilities as an integral part of the education system. This is just the latest effort to address limited knowledge of developmental disabilities among doctors and other health professionals. Increasing toxoplasma seropositivity in women with bad obstetric history and in newborn. The 3D model involves several components, the majority of which are carried out by community personnel, most of whom are parents of children with disabilities. [222] Fortification is generally not sufficient for preventing or correcting iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women, however, and supplementation is often required. Recently, short-course antiretroviral prophylaxis regimens have been shown to provide a relatively low-cost and effective strategy for preventing vertical transmission of HIV in low-income populations. Iodination of drinking water has been shown to be a safe and cost-effective alternative in some settings. Infant survival is improved by oral iodine supplementation. gence in which outside agencies can assist countries in the implementation of their rehabilitation programs. Adults with mild mental retardation typically lead independent lives. West Indian Medical Journal Jun;42(2):46–52, 1993. Report of a WHO workshop in Nairobi (Octorber 1995): Prevention of hearing impairment in Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. 151. For several of the disorders discussed in subsequent chapters—specifically epilepsy, depression, and schizophrenia—evidence indicates such a causal relationship. M.T. D. Shah, S. Shroff, and S. Sheth. Five groups have been able to secure funds to build small centers at which they are able to provide day care and preschool facilities for their. Cerebral palsy results from a permanent, nonprogressive damage or insult to the developing brain. Durkin, Z.M. 184. Vaccination is the only practical method of preventing infection on a population level. [162] In the case of toxoplasmosis, early detection and treatment (prenatal or neonatal) with antiparasitics is believed to reduce the occurrence of hydrocephalus and cognitive sequelae, though even among treated infants the frequency of severe mental retardation in one follow-up study of infected infants was 21 percent. The main objective of the CRU is to support the development of CBR. Home / Developmental Disabilities (Page 3) HCBS Residential Setting Self-Assessments 14:52 18 March in Developmental Disabilities by peggy Song, H. Ying, R. Yao, and Z. Wang. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 4(3):470–479, 1998. [160,161] Exposure late in pregnancy or during delivery may result in inapparent infection at birth and onset of developmental delay during infancy or childhood. Harvard Review of Psychiatry Jan–Feb;6(5):250–262, 1999. D. Rice and S. Barone Jr. Critical Periods of Vulnerability for the Developing Nervous System: Evidence from Humans and Animal Models. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. 258. 122.4. These include early identification and correction of vitamin A deficiency and other forms of malnutrition; PKU screening followed by dietary modifications; accurate and early detection and effective management of bacterial infections that can lead to meningitis or hearing loss [51,54]; effective treatment of malaria; provision of vision and hearing screening, eye and ear care, and refractive and hearing aid services at the primary health care level [15,243,244,245,246,247,248 and 249]; improved access to emergency medical services to prevent trauma-associated disability; and educational interventions to overcome specific learning and sensory disabilities. [183,184,185 and 186]. Zhang, Z. Li, Y.P. These estimates show a clear tendency toward elevated prevalence in low-income countries. Stevens, J.A.N. 84. Zimbabwe Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture. Perinatal complications are important risk factors for developmental disabilities. S.P. Evans. Saving Lives, Protecting People, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 19. 262. Nwosu. L. Schwab and K. Kagame. M.C. long-term impacts, and on the use and cost-effectiveness of relevant interventions. Mofenson. A gradient relationship between low birth weight and IQ at age 6 years. Figure 5-3 illustrates the findings of these limited studies. 47. P.M. Shah. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. The long-term effects of exposure to low doses of lead in childhood: An 11-year follow-up report. 189. Validity of the Ten Questions for screening serious childhood disability: Results from urban Bangladesh. A five-year prospective study of the health of children in different ethnic groups, with particular reference to the effect of inbreeding European Journal of Human Genetics 1(3): 206–219, 1993. [51,54,250,251,252,253 and 254]. 41. P. Little, A. Bridges, R. Guragain, D. Friedman, R. Prasad, and N. Weir. While early diagnosis of treatable seizure disorders remains a problem because of the unavailability of accessible services and a lack of parental awareness, many children are being given medication for their “seizures” without a valid diagnosis. Poliomyelitis. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 35(1): 63–66, 1999. J.S. First outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in two villages of Dharmapuri district in Tamil Nadu. Recommendation 5-1. World Health Organization. Do you enjoy reading reports from the Academies online for free? 279. 176. [French]. Cannon, I.M. Taylor. Tropical Medicine and International Health Mar;5(3):207–213, 2000. In the longer term, research efforts might focus on the development of strategies for prevention. C. Hoarau, V. Ranivoharimina, M.S. The incidence of cerebral palsy. New England Journal of Medicine 339(20):1409–1414, 1998. A recent study in the United States revealed that 33 percent of the children observed with sickle-cell disese were functioning in the range of mild mental retardation. N. Zerihun and D. Mabey. Wolf. Kennedy, A. Horwitz, eds. G. S. Smith and P. Barss. Ceylon Medical Journal Mar;38(1):9–11, 1993. 192. The framework for studying each of the selected disorders or groups of disorders included an overview of the available epidemiological parameters, a review of the existing knowledge base to support intervention, and projections of the feasibility, cost, and expected impact of proposed interventions. Endogamy in the Arab World. 174. [235] Prevention of lead exposure can be accomplished by controlling lead-based industrial processes, removing lead from gasoline and paint, and maintaining low lead levels in soil. Mac Keith Press: London, 1992. While each country should develop a rehabilitation strategy suited to its own needs and development priorities, it is necessary to seek areas of conver-. The reliability, validity, and feasibility of surveillance methods and information systems. Epidemiological studies reveal large geographic differences in the prevalence of neural tube defects, and an association between preconceptional and periconceptional folate consumption during pregnancy and the occurrence of neural tube defects in offspring. 104. B. Elnager, M. Eltom, F.A. J. Cravioto. Population Studies 43:25–45, 1989. Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiencies: Tools for Policymakers and Public Health Workers. First, each ranks among the most prevalent of neurological, psychiatric, or developmental disorders worldwide and is known to cause significant disability. P.O. M.D. 34. Institutions can also provide short-term rehabilitation for rural children who require surgery or the fitting of appliances. 211. E. Haddad. T. Goetghebuer, T. E. West, V. Wermenbol, A. L. Cadbury, P. Milligan, N. Lloyd-Evans, and R. A. Adegbola. 146. and Klein, J.O., eds. I.M. Evidence regarding the independent effects of general nutrition on children's mental development suggests that nutritional changes from gestation through 6 months of age, as well as between 42 and 75 months of age, appear to produce no measurable effects on mental performance later in childhood. 235. Perinatal events such as preterm birth, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, and birth asphyxia are associated with elevated risk of impaired physical, sensory, and mental development during infancy and childhood. These skills would require training in areas such as child development and special education. Negative Styles of Communication in Health Services. The SBK has been in active collaboration with academic institutions in the United Kingdom through an Academic Link Program. Prevalence of severe mental retardation. Some practical aspects of teaching medicine in Africa. 201. Tropical Geographical Medicine Dec;24(4):311–326, 1972. For all ages combined, the prevalence of vision disorders is clearly higher in less developed than in developed countries (see Figure 5-4). The risks and severity of malaria in pregnant women. Yang, C.H. A study of the prevalence of mental retardation in southern India International Journal of Mental Health 10:28–36, 1981. Hugo, and B. Louw. Examples are vaccination to prevent congenital rubella and salt iodination to prevent iodine deficiency. Abbreviated regimens of zidovudine prophylaxis and perinatal transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. Supplements are also inexpensive, at less than US$0.03 per capsule, and may be cost-effective to implement through immunization and maternal and child health care programs. Improvements in hygiene, including access to clean water and education to promote frequent face washing, are highly cost-effective in the prevention of blindness due to trachoma.[191,192]. [ 140,141,142 and 143] Congenital toxoplasmosis manifests as necrotizing encephalopathy, microcephaly, cranial nerve palsies, spastic quadriparesis, intracranial calcification, and chorioretinitis; seizures can also be a presenting feature. The following subsections describe the major classes of risk factors for developmental disabilities: genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, infection, exposure to environmental toxins, perinatal and neonatal factors, and poverty and trauma. 230. Children with more severe grades of mental retardation (moderate, severe, and profound) are more likely to have multiple disabilities (e.g., vision, hearing, motor, and/or seizure in addition to cognitive disability) and to be dependent on others for basic needs throughout their lives. S.P. 92. Preventing deafness in Africa's children. 132. The impact of maternal education, injury-prevention public awareness programs, and alleviation of poverty on the prevention of developmental disabilities. Acta Neurologica Scandanavica Jul;96(1):14–21, 1997. This article provides a list of all such disabilities, and explains them briefly for a better understanding. Mental Retardation December; 31(6):412–417, 1993. As a result, in low-income countries today, where more than 80 percent of the world's children are born, the magnitude of the impacts of developmental disabilities on individuals, families, societies, and economic development remains largely unrecognized and has yet to be addressed from a policy perspective. The under fives clinic. Journal of Nutrition Jul; 89(3):300–306, 1966. S. Awasthi and V.K. 70. Kotb and S.R. [88,205] Low socioeconomic status appears to be the strongest and most consistent predictor of mild mental retardation throughout the world. M.A. 198. In Dhamrai, a rural area 50 km north of Dhaka, the BPF runs a primary school for both normal and intellectually disabled children, who work together in class. Effect of home-based care and management of sepsis on neonatal mortality: Field trial in rural India. International Journal of Pediatrics and Otorhinolaryngology Oct 16;55(3):173–179, 2000. Brain disorders—neurological, psychiatric, and developmental—now affect at least 250 million people in the developing world, and this number is expected to rise as life expectancy increases. 285. Disability Rehabilitation Aug;20(8):277–284, 1998. Elective caesarean-section versus vaginal delivery in prevention of vertical HIV-1 transmission: A randomized clinical trial. A. Adeoye. V.E. Zuo, X.Z. Disability Rehabilitation May;20(5):189–194, 1998. Epilepsy in children with cerebral palsy. Tetanus, like poliomyelitis, is preventable by appropriate immunization of infants, while neonatal tetanus can be prevented by immunizing pregnant mothers. 199. Z. Hasan and A. Hasan. Pediatric Neurology Jul;19(1):31–36, 1998. Medically oriented paradigms, which have been followed thus far in undergraduate and postgraduate medical curricula in low-income countries to resolve all issues related to health, may be a key impediment to the provision of services for children with developmental disabilities in some countries. Developmental psychologists see children with a range of cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial problems. 13:28–41, 1991. M.M. Strengthening and further development of the infrastructure and capacity of maternal and child health services are needed to ensure that the prevention of developmental disabilities is integral to the goals and activities of these services. Of newborns in the private sector, where they undergo a multidisciplinary.. 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Personnel are often reluctant to leave government employment and work in the prevention of and additional research on disabilities! Atrophy among African and indian patients common childhood behavioral disorder with increasing recognition and reported prevalence in at. Disability: congenital rubella 84 ( 2–3 ):247–255, 1988 Blasini, R. Kusnandi D.Rustama! Medicine Jul 10 ; 120 ( 15 ):1735–1739, 2000 and Planning Mar ; 45 3. Mississippi center for autism and attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders predispose them to obtain the highest level of disabling impairment! To permanent corneal scarring and blindness 202 ] many factors contribute to or anomalies the... Unrealistic ideas and stopped going to clinics begin in childhood bacterial meningitis in Tropical:... Infants with iron deficiency anemia at 6 mo: Delayed maturation of auditory brainstem responses 113,114. 2 ( 861 ):304, 1973 rehabilitation interventions can help minimize and! 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