Personally, I think Mono-Green still has a ton of power. You could maybe shave 1 or 2 if you wanted, but I like having the security of practically drawing ramp every game that I play. STD 1 / 0 . ... Mono-Green Midrange Bo3 in M20 Standard. MTG Magic: The Gathering, all the newest videos, arena, decks, combos, tips, tricks, hints, news, pre-releases and basically everything about the game, updated daily, just for you. Elder Gargaroth. I still hope that my explanations might help you in the matchups that are not listed; If you still have trouble sideboarding against some decks, leave it in the comments and let me know, I’ll try and answer as quickly as possible. Feed the Trolls | Mono Green Food | Zendikar Rising Standard Deck Guide [MTG Arena] Skip to content. It’s not a creature so it doesn’t work well with Vivien and the Great Henge, so I don’t like that, but it’s also a permanent that you can sacrifice to your opponent’s Doom Foretold, which is pretty popular right now. Florahedron is a Modal-Double-Faced-Card, but it’s still bad in the late game. winrate. Scavenging Ooze: Bring this in against graveyard decks. Latest Set: Theros Beyond Death. Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate: To complete the playset for the grindy matchups. Mono G Elf Tribal by SparkleFingers. Gilded Goose. This midrange deck is trying to be a ramp a little bit as well; Wolfwillow Haven, Gilded Goose and Tangled Florahedron are your early starts to get your important spells out earlier. I hate that this dies to Bonecrusher Giant and everyone and their mother is playing that card right now – but it’s still a one mana threat that will at least leave a Food behind if they kill it. Mono Green Aggro decks. Suddenly, your 2-drops and 1-drops aren’t bad in the late game anymore and it works so well with Vivien, too (because you can keep chaining off the top of the library). Garruk's Harbinger. Kazandu Mammoth doesn’t block well, so I’ll just cut it too. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. You need some amount of removal, but I hate playing too many non-creatures or non-permanents with Trail of Crumbs, The Great Henge and Vivien, Monsters’ Advocate. MDN 0 / 0 . Mono Green — By Platinum-Mythic Rank Player Traditional Standard Ranked Decklists: … Mono-Green Ramp Elf Deck for GRN Standard by nolencompany. Hosted by Brian McCormick! Mono Green Stompy (also known as Mono Green Aggro) is a deck archetype that uses the largest and most efficient creatures to pressure your opponents. Mono Green Aggro decks. Play Standard 2020 by using cards from Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, War of the Spark, Core Set 2020, and Throne of Eldraine! Standard October 31, 2020 BO1 Mono Green Stompy by Rumti – The Arena Open – Day 1 – 7-2 Record Standard October 31, 2020 BO1 Mono Green Stompy – 55% Win Rate – Oct 23 – Oct 30 Core Set 2020 Standard Deck Guide (MTG ARENA)!! Aren’t you guys hungry for some guides, like I am? Standard / Mono-Green MTG Decks . Standard evolves fast, and you have to track the changes carefully to keep up. Mono Green — 879 decklists Esper Doom — 764 decklists Red Deck Wins — 721 decklists Rakdos Midrange — 706 decklists Dimir Control — 583 decklists Golgari Adventure — 351 decklists Get the decklists and a complete metagame overview in our Standard section ☝️ ©2009-2020. Their advantage is that they have cheap counters and removals; our advantage is that they pretty much need to counter every card that we have, because they can’t really ignore them, especially Wicked Wolf. Mono Green Deck Code: (Just copy it and use the Import deck feature in MTGA) 2 Kogla, the Titan Ape (IKO) 162 2 Thrashing Brontodon (M21) 209 3 Feasting Troll King (ELD) 152 4 Kazandu Mammoth (ZNR) 189 4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181 4 Tangled Florahedron (ZNR) 211 4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160 4 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165 2 Witch's Oven (ELD) 237 3 The Great Henge (ELD) 161 4 Trail of … Elvish synergy stomp by OoAlonso. It allows players to draw a new hand each time they take a mulligan, thus increasing the chances of finding the right cards. Wicked Wolf helps you get board control so you can protect your Vivien and Feasting Troll King is your hard-to-kill top end. Until now! It’s also an easy build, with some new synergies thanks to Zendikar Rising. The deck is at its best when its creature suite is resilient and provides some form of card advantage so it does not stumble in the face of controlling opponents. This is a good matchup for us. Long story: I’ve never seen Vivien be so good in a deck like in this one. M21: Mono Green; M21: Simic Ramp; Ikoria: Cycling; Theros: Mono Red Aggro; Theros: Rakdos Knights; Ehemalige Standard-Decks. Because of that, The Great Henge gets monumentally better! 1 Dec, 2020. I always see this card to be extremely underwhelming. Second, this allows us to play more creatures because we can swap these with lands. I am also hopeful that Shifting Ceratops can push Esper back a bit, especially if Green decks start main decking the Ceratops. The Latest Standard BO1 top performing deck lists. With the release of Core 20 we got 4 sweet cards for what I would say is the forgotten mono color in standard, mono green. Scavenging Ooze. When every card is a combo... Anax Archon Neoform Enigmatic Teysa Visitation Standard MTG Arena - Duration: 42:00. Mono green mutate by RatTail. Mono Green — 879 decklists Esper Doom — 764 decklists Red Deck Wins — 721 decklists Rakdos Midrange — 706 decklists Dimir Control — 583 decklists Golgari Adventure — 351 decklists Get the decklists and a complete metagame overview in our Standard section ☝️ Check out our Mono Green Stompy Deck Guide for an in-depth look, as well as a sideboard strategy! Format: Standard; Archetype: Mono Green Food; Type: Ranked; Event: Record: 1; Decklist. Popular Standard Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from tournament results. Mono-G infect is an okay budget deck. ... Standard BO1 Top metagame decks December 2020. 2 16 35 8. Standard evolves fast, and you have to track the changes carefully to keep up. Rumti’s Standard Mono-Green Deck Guide. Deck Highlight: Standard Mono Green Food By William "Huey" Jensen / October 23, 2020 October 23, 2020 Today’s Deck Highlight is a Mono Green Food deck from the Magic Online deck dump from a player named “Evange_”. Enjoy the MTG Arena deck guide and let me know any other decks you wanna see from Zendikar Rising Standard. It’s nice in some fringe matchups where you need to get through their board when they gum it up with tons of smaller creatures. Decklist Stats Sample Hand. Maindeck 60. Sort by: STD 1 / 0 . Channel Nikachu: The Return of Harbinger of the Tides in Modern Merfolk! Green Aggro-ish by jugglebutton The new Vivien costs 1 and three green for 4 loyalty and three sweet abilities. All Rights Reserved. Welcome back to MTG Anonymous, Today we are going to be doing another quick deck tech. Standard Deck Tech - Mono-Green Food. Bonders' Enclave. Since Food is important in this deck anyway, it also synergizes so well with our other cards. Yes by Death927. When Gilded Goose enters the battlefield, create a Food token. Tried to make it as competitive as possible while still being under $100. November 5, 2020. Channel Nikachu: Trusty Mono-Blue Merfolk Adding Smuggler’s Copter! You can learn more about our database at our Google Dataset. r/stompy: Subreddit for all those interested in playing Mono Green Stompy in Modern in MtG. It’s not super good in this deck otherwise because beating early is not really our game plan, but it’s awesome to have lands that work with The Great Henge. The legality engine ensures all the decklists are legal to use. Mono blue mill provides a deep level of play, with a fun and alternative win condition that provides an extremely satisfying gameplay experience when executed correctly. It only does that once though, so I don’t want too many. This is another good matchup, even though they can sometimes overrun you with quick Brushfire Elemental + Fabled Passage + Embercleave starts. First of all, I wanted additional ramp cards to get going. Journey with me as we smash our way through rank on MTG Arena. Export to: Creature (31) 2. If you use the -2 after casting a Troll King and getting Wicked Wolf and Elder Gargaroth into play you usually just win the game. Of course, this also helps against the few mono-green decks. 3. Recent Threads I’ll just make a summary here, because there are too many versions of Yorion. Author admin Posted on October 19, 2020 Categories MTG Tags magic the gathering arena, magic the gathering arena mac, magic the gathering cards, magic the gathering decks, magic the gathering game, magic the gathering ikoria, magic the gathering near me, magic the gathering online, magic the gathering rules, mtg arena, mtg arena codes, mtg banned and restricted, mtg ikoria, mtg … October 27, 2020. 4. Played by: Andrea Mengucci. Do not keep card in your hand in an attempt to dodge Bonecrusher Giant or something like that. Mono Green has changed quite a bit since Omnath, Locus of Creation got banned. It’s basically a mirror match where they tend to the better cards in White. Mono green was a staple in the previous Standard format. Standard / Mono-Green MTG Decks Visit Standard forum Card search Deck Search. July 8, 2019. This is actually a bad matchup, but it’s still close enough since our decks are similar but Yorion allows them to get even more value from their cards. Wicked Wolf is also pretty tough to beat for them, because it can survive Embercleave attacks, even some damage goes through. MONO BLACK MAGIC 38,123 views We saw Chainwhirler fever at the Pro Tour, then U/W Control, which was designed to beat on R/B Midrange. Mono Green: Decklist. It often utilizes mana acceleration that green also specializes in to bring out spells a turn ahead. Not only do they have Skyclave Apparition and Elspeth Conquers Death, they are also able to out-grind you with their own Trail of Crumbs much easier. As always, stay healthy, especially in times like these, and thank you for reading my article! They have a hard time beating Trail of Crumbs, and when they mill your Feasting Troll King and you get it back out of the graveyard it feels like you’ve already won the game. 4. Instant (4) 4. Mono Green Tron — 1.89% Vizier — 1.67% Rakdos Prowess — 1.53% UW Stoneforge — 1.40% UR Gifts Storm — 1.38% Death and Taxes — 1.36% TitanShift — 1.34% UW Control — 1.33% Bant Control — 1.15% Ad nauseam — 1.14% Izzet Spells — 1.13% Get the decklists in our Modern section ☝️ Animated Image. Benefits of Death by Brine57. I gave a normal mono green deck a sorta-funny name. All Rights Reserved. Published on Jul 7, 2020 In today's video, we are going to diving into mono-green stompy in standard. 4. Last Modified On: 3/11/2020 Market Median Low $256.69 $265.49 $204.33 Buy This Deck! Reset Filters. Visit Standard forum Card search Deck Search Recent Threads a tribal deck focusing on Elf creatures, usually with significant ramp, as from Elvish Archdruid . ... Budget Blanchwood | Rotation Proof Mono Green Standard Deck Guide [MTG Arena] Connagh Hawkins. 2 Thrashing Brontodon: I played two more Mammoth’s in this spot, but Bronto-Dad and Gemrazer is actually pretty good right now! Follow. Kenton ‘Rumti’ Stalder is a streamer and mainstay at the top of the MTG Arena rankings, reaching Mythic first in July, August and September. bolov0 (2nd Place) Standard Challenge #12206268 on 09/13/2020 . Recent Threads. Standard Mono Green Food Deep Dive By Luis Scott-Vargas / November 20, 2020 November 20, 2020 Time to dive into snack time with this Standard Mono Green Food Deck. I’ll explain a bit more about the Henge later. Most of the build decisions in this deck is because of that card, after all. STD 16 / 3 . 2 Ram Through: Two copies doesn’t seem like much but remember that we still have Wicked Wolf to control the board, and with the size of our creatures we force our opponents to react to our game plan anyway. ... Let’s not forget that War of the Spark Standard is a planeswalker-driven format, and finding yourself with an incidental 1/1 body to chip away at opposing loyalty or knock out a Teferi that went down to one loyalty can easily impact the outcome of games. This enables Wicked Wolf and Trail of Crumbs while ramping you, basically everything that you need in this deck. They just can’t keep up with all the value that we generate and aren’t fast enough to pressure us. Mono-Green Food by Zachary Okorn – Kaldheim Championship Qualifier Standard November 30, 2020 This midrange deck is trying to be a ramp a little bit as well; Wolfwillow Haven, Gilded Goose and Tangled Florahedron are your early starts to get your important spells out earlier. Deck: Player: Event: Level: Rank: Date: Mono Green Aggro: Satoshi Sugimoto: Japan Championship 2020 Winter Daily Trial: 1: 09/11/20 : Mono Green Aggro: Yuki Kometani: Japan Championship 2020 Winter Daily Trial: 3-4: 09/11/20: Mono Green Aggro: Kohei Totani: Japan Championship 2020 Winter Weekly Challenge: 5-8: 08/11/20: Mono Green Aggro: Zeke Spira: NRG … A standard deck inspired by the modern All-star list. 1. Thrashing Brontodon: Bring this in against, you know, important enchantments and artifacts. Land (23) 1. Basically the name of the game is to have as much of your grindy cards as possible. MTG Arena Zone © 2020. It’s just such massive value and so tough to beat when it hits the battlefield. All Traditional Standard decks from users and content creators. Mono Green hasn't seen much competitive play in the past couple years. It also has applications against the Doom Foretold + Elspeth Conquers Death decks as well. 2 Kazandu Mammoth: We can replace these with basics, so this will make it less likely to flood as well as screwing. Elder Gargaroth is not great against great removal, so I’ll generally cut it. Stonecoil Serpent. Here is the last installment of the Mono-Coloured decks for Standard with Mono-Green Food! 3. Some of the new cards in the deck are: Kazandu Mammoth; Lotus Cobra; Swarm Shambler ; Blue-Red Spells. The Great Henge. Forest. Latest decks. I would play all four copies if it wasn’t for the Tangled Florahedron’s and I don’t want to have too many more tapped lands. When it enters the battlefield and survives you’re pretty much winning and it’s a huge wall against aggressive decks. By Rumti / October 17, 2020 October 17, 2020. That’s basically it: it’s a super efficient threat that helps you control the board, which is the most important thing in that matchup. Format: Standard 2021; Archetype: Mono ... 5 Cards That Might Need a Ban in Standard. This pressures your opponent insanely while it protects itself pretty well and creatures massive value. Phil_Ivey (10th Place) Standard Challenge #12177003 on 07/05/2020 . Decklist Stats Sample Hand. Some of the new cards in the deck are: Kazandu Mammoth; Lotus Cobra; Swarm Shambler; Blue-Red Spells 4 Castle Garenbrig: I’ve never seen Castle Garenbrig be that essential to a deck like in this one. The matchup where it should be good, it’s usually not. Blue-Red Spells: Decklist. Updated November 11, 2020. There’s also the fact that you can have it in your hand and do nothing because it needs to die first. Because we play so many creatures, this sort of works as a pseudo Experimental Frenzy in our deck, too. This deck is built specifically to beat the common aggro builds we see in Arena BO1 such as Mono-Red Aggro. SentiensLair Oakhame Adversary: This is amazing against Gruul even though it can’t block Brushfire Elemental because it helps you get on board without spending too much mana. Well fret not, dear people, Papa Sorq has got something delicious for you that fits the theme: Mono-Green Food! It’s just not easy to get some early hits in, so I’d rather not play that card. Overall, I am very impressed with Core Set 2020. This is a good matchup for us. Green Deck Standard Elder Gargaroth by ThePaladinDan. 18. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Published on Jan 20, 2020 Mono Green Has some amazing new toys to play with such as Klothys's Design and Hydra's Growth and that makes for some amazing turbo mono green big … Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. 3. (It's an … This card is integral to the deck, so I would highly recommend you to play all 4. Short story: “Whenever I see Vivien being cast, it just completely rolls over the opponent” – Martin Juza, November 1, 2020, after seeing Vivien being cast and completely rolling over the opponent. Mono Red Cavalcade – Standard 2020. Golos, Tireless Pilgrim, Risen Reef, Omnath, Locus of the Roil and the Temple lands are my favorite cards out of Core Set 2020. Feasting Troll King. Mono-Green aggro is the name of the game for this video. Short version: This is one of the best two-drops that was ever printed in Magic, period, and it’s well positioned in the metagame against Dimir Rogues and Rakdos Kroxa. Garruk’s Harbinger: This guy just doesn’t do enough. I’m cutting one Henge because it’s tough to get out against them before dying. MTG JEFF. There are not a lot of those, but quite honestly we have too many sideboard slots. ... Mono Green: 174 matches: 2 13 39 6 $136 : 0.16% of Meta 60% avg. The other real aggro deck in the format as always is Mono Red but i feel our bigger creatures in Mono Green can handle that, well most of the time haha!! I mean, think of it: It’s “free” ramp, because your opponent can’t kill it. Dimir Yorion Updated Standard Deck Guide – Welcome to Standard’s Newest Tier 1 Deck – December 2020. This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied. It’s just so important to slam your Feasting Troll King a turn earlier and I’ve won most of the games because of this. ... Mono Green Stompy – Standard 2020. Because of that, I am only playing two in the main. The reason why this is amazing is the fact that it is an enchantment + artifact hate card that you can draw off Trail of Crumbs or Vivien; and it cantrips you with the Henge out. I’m having huge problems with Temur Ramp, any side boarding idea? Green was a staple in the deck are: Kazandu Mammoth ; Lotus Cobra ; Swarm Shambler ; Spells! 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