Anyways its hard to keep anything listed anymore. With Trovit, you can search multiple online classified databases for homes, cars, or jobs. The basic concept of posting online classifieds is the same, but it embraces Facebook to provide a more personal experience and recommendations from friends. If you are looking for sites like Craigslist, here are several Craigslist alternatives you can consider. There was a hint of Facebook's own market when we talked about Oodle. These sites make it easy to have all … There's a lot of activity on Oodle. Posting your ad on a city board is free. They also have a classified section for the print and online edition. Of COURSE it was when I bought a cellphone. Download: Facebook for Android | iOS (Free). Please confirm your email address in the email we just sent you. If you are having a hard time selling something on Craigslist quickly, consider listing your item on Facebook. This can help make the sales process feel more secure and keep scammers to a minimum. When you sell on Recycler, you can quickly post your listings to Facebook and Twitter. If you are wanting to sell the card for cash, try Gift Card Granny, CardPool, CardCash, or eBay. In order to leverage the platform on your mobile device, a third party app like CPlus can help. If you have clothes, books, jewelry or DVDs, consider selling them on these sites to make a profit. I recently tried Mercari. Make them reasonable. Local pickup and delivery beats paying for postage, and prospective buyers can actually come and see the item instead of just relying on online photos. This is a good list. Now, they have moved online, and you can find local deals by entering your zip code. However, if you search the internet you are almost sure to find others. Here's another internet veteran of the buy and sell industry. As a buyer, you can simply browse the listings or search for specific items. Check the listings carefully and the Facebook public profile behind it. However, for many reasons, Craigslist isn’t right for everyone. Just choose your country first (Trovit operates around the world) and then choose your subject. The ladder was in great shape, and a new one would have cost me about $300. Website Closers has experience with all types of businesses. Do you really have 18? This site is entirely free to use, and you can buy or sell just about anything. They take up too much of the real estate of the site. The site … is the premium online classifieds community for bookoo, US and surrounding areas. Swappa helps you buy and sell a wide variety of electronic items, such as: And more. Read our Advertiser Disclosure. If you’d rather not ship your item across the nation, you can opt to sell it locally. Many locations are in towns with military bases. You can search for specific keywords within the group if you are looking for a certain product to buy. Instantly connect with local buyers and sellers on OfferUp! Best Places to Sell Clothes Online… Craigslist is barebones. allows you to make your ads more visible on the site by paying money. This fact could impact whether or not you find cars, homes or job close by your area of residence. I’ve never heard of that site. Just use common sense. Other sites like Craigslist want to sell stuff online too. You might want to give Geebo a try if you live in a major city like L.A. or Chicago. They started charging for autos. The next time you are ready to buy or sell locally online, give one of these a try. There are Bookoo locations located all across the country. We just updated the article to have 19! Use your computer! With Oodle, some listings are posted directly to Oodle, but they also comb other Craigslist alternatives to expand their listings. There’s also the Wish Local feature that allows you to buy or sell … For expandable storage while on the go, you'll want one of these best portable hard drives. I’ve used the site dozens of times. You can use Recycler to buy or sell pets, find houses to rent, and even sell used cars. I’ve sold tens of thousands of items on Craigslist. Here are the best sites like Craigslist you should consider. Only time and experience will help you learn which alternative sites are best for your area. Heaven forbid you forget to turn off your VPN and log into Craigslist… It will take weeks to recover. Or click on the “Buy and Sell Groups” button in the Explore menu. Even selling internationally is no longer hard. Did you contact them about it? Letgo offers in-app purchases to allow you to feature your listing. This makes it easier for military members to buy or sell belongings with their most recent move. Craigslist is probably the best-known site for buying and selling locally. You don't have to use Facebook to post, but you have to connect your profile to your genuine Facebook profile. VarageSale is the family-friendly app to buy and sell new and used items locally. Geebo could also be a good choice if you live in a mid-major city such as Virginia Beach, Tulsa or Cincinnati. Opt for verified profiles on the Marketplace. Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews, free ebooks, and exclusive deals! I’m sorry you are having trouble with them. Those fees can cut into your profit as you sell. To boost your exposure on Recycler, it’s also possible to use paid ads to target specific buyers or markets. You might think of Facebook as a place to read the latest status updates for your friends or watch viral videos. It started its life with only buying and selling ads. The Gold membership is $10 per year for 25 ads at once. Oodle also allows sellers to advertise listings via Facebook as well. You don't have to give a percentage of your sales either. So pick one that reaches the largest audience or has a thriving community. If it looks shady (dark parking lot in bad section of town) then keep going, don’t stop. You can list items to sell one at a time or advertise a yard sale. Thanks for sharing this with everyone, John. It does a great job of presenting the latest news in a digestible format. There are eighteen on the list for you to choose from. Or, click on the Marketplace tab on the left sidebar of your Facebook page. They even help you buy and sell smart home equipment such as voice assistants, streaming devices and thermostats. I live in France and I want to sell in the United States. While Letgo & Offerup selling apps are the most well-known ones, there are many more apps and sites out there and it’s important to keep in mind that each place has its own fees. I might have to check out that site you mentioned. After removing the grime of an MBA and a ten year long marketing career, he is now passionate about helping others improve their storytelling skills. Do you have any suggestions where I can advertise my hunt? Note that not all areas have listings on Trovit at this time. Facebook marketplace does not like hunting ads. Thanks for the suggestion! But, there are local pickup options for items that are too large or bulky to ship at a reasonable cost. He paid off $80,000 in consumer debt and uses his experience of getting out of debt and changing careers to write about many personal finance topics including making money, saving money and investing. Members follow one another’s virtual … You might have the most success with Hoobly by selling or buying pet animals as there are arguably more listings for this category than any of the other merchandise categories listed. It’s simple but good. They literally only have a handful of listings at any given time on the U.S. site. Since nearly everyone has a Facebook account, there is a huge marketplace of people buying and selling stuff on a regular basis. If you are having a hard time selling something on Craigslist quickly, consider listing your item on Facebook. I like free ads until I can start making enough to pay for itself As a seller, you won’t pay any fees to sell on Swappa. I need help. Have you heard of Apknite’s KSL Classifieds? Except ebay what else? Yes, here we go: Founded by Craig Newmark in 1995, Craigslist is an online website which displays different types of advertisements and one of the most preferred online selling sites. Did you find more success or less success than you do on Craigslist? Buy and sell everything from cars and trucks, electronics, furniture, and more. For used and new clothing, more than 60 million members in the United States and Canada turn to Poshmark, a California-based selling app and social network. Keep searching for good bargains on Craigslist but don't stop yourself from listing your stuff on other classified sites too. Some people will prefer this design, and others will find it frustrating. I’ve bought hundreds of items there and only experienced this once. But when I tried to sell some household items on Craigslist, I found out afterwords that the buyer was a local drug dealer. Also, Mercari offers for you to print out a prepaid shipping label for when your item sells. Good luck! There should be guidelines and $5 and $10 items should be banned. Oodle can also be a good way to buy or sell antiques as they will also list products from eBay for local pickup. Recycler started as a local classified newspaper in Southern California. It’s a great idea. He looks out for the missing Oxford comma and hates bad screenshots. I used Craig’s in the past. As far as Craigslist alternatives go, Offerup is relatively small. Marketplace is available in the Facebook app and on desktops and tablets. Good luck selling your items. Your headline offered 18 alternatives but I don’t see them. You'll find eBay-like features such as seller ratings and a shopping cart. They took the rest of the items with them. Other sites like Craigslist want to sell stuff online too. Additionally, try looking for buy and sell Facebook groups or other online listings in your area. I hope that helps you get started. You might be surprised at the results. Buy and sell items, cars, properties, and find or offer jobs in your area. However, there is place on there called Facebook Marketplace where you can buy and sell items. It still has a very basic layout reminiscent of circa-2000 websites. But, you have to pay a small fee to list and sell items and services. Buyers pay a small fee when buying on Swappa, as Swappa helps assist with the sale to ensure all goes smoothly. The site's blog does spend a lot of time bashing the competition for sketchy practices, but otherwise, the site isn't any safer than any other online classified site. Craigslist is a longstanding site that’s helped millions of people sell items they no longer need or want. Originally started to supplement a Pez collection, eBay has grown into the world's largest online auction site. Maybe, back in the day, you picked up a free PennySaver newspaper from the newspaper stands at the street corner or grocery store. Letgo is free and doesn’t charge sellers a fee for posting their listings. Similar to Craigslist, you cannot sell firearms with any of the Facebook Yard Sale groups. Depending on where you live, some Craigslist alternatives will be a better option than the others. I’ve sold (and given away) items I just needed to be gone. Josh is a personal finance writer with his prior professional experience as a transportation operations supervisor for an S&P 500 company. If you are a frequent seller or want additional selling features, you will need to upgrade. This rating system can be helpful in helping you choose who you do business with on Mercari. Hi, I am a housebound senior citizen confined to a recliner and need to supplement my social security. Oodle has a slightly different take on helping you buy or sell locally. Geebo uses the tagline "safe community classifieds" and claims to have a more personal atmosphere than the competition. The real reason so many of us are leaving is that Craigslist is destroying Craigslist. It uses artificial intelligence to categorize the product and title it. Buyers can use the app to find the lowest price from online retailers. I’m sure like everyone else, you’ll shove my comments under the rug and delete them, because they aren’t the society norm, but they are factual and backed up by actual crime stats nationwide. Let's look at several other online classified sites where you can sell old and new stuff online with a few clicks. That’s 99% myth pushed by large corporate retailers and the media. Mercari is a selling app that makes it really easy to sell just about anything online. I’m glad we could help! I have been using in Michigan, and it has been working well for me. Please let me know some sites, man. As a top seller in my state I can speak with authority that any item under $50 has a high risk of being what we call “they call but aren’t serious” while $100 – $500 items sell in the 1st couple calls. There should be a site map or the information may be in their terms and conditions, polices, or FAQ’s. Just remember that this online garage sale is a two-way street, and you are trying to unload things, not buy … Yeah, it’s available world-wide, I believe, including the US. The USA Today is one of the most widely circulated newspapers. The fee is refundable (typically) if the buyer isn’t happy once they’ve received the product. There are a lot of sites like Craigslist, but these were picked because of their strong user communities. As an example, you might see vehicles listed from in addition to vehicles sold by actual Oodle members. If you do not submit any search criteria, the results will look like your regular Facebook news feed. This site does accept paid ads from national retailers so not every listing will be local. Founded over 22 years ago as an email distribution list, the site has steadfastly refused to change its minimalist design and easy-to-use posting system. Who Can Track Your Data When Using a VPN? The fact that it’s free to list and sell also helps to make Craigslist popular. People migrated to FBM to sell them. Why waste gas? Post … There are already thousands of groups on Facebook that have the same idea at their heart but the Marketplace makes it a bit more organized. Gumtree - Free local … That means you’ll want to take into account shipping costs when pricing your items on Mercari. The 7 Best Portable Hard Drives You Can Buy Right Now, Facebook Marketplace Lets You Sell Your Old Junk for Free, safer than any other online classified site, More I have used Ads Globe most often and it’s good. And because most transactions are local, you can get your money and get rid of stuff quickly. You might consider this option when looking for or selling antiques, flat screen tv’s, and automobiles (eBay motors). Sellers are trying to find alternatives but NOT because of security. When you do a local search you get all states, cities and towns in your search EVEN if you search only your local town or area. As with many Craigslist alternatives, you will have the most success using if you live in a large city. Wish has two different sides to it. Simply type in the name of your local city and online yard sale to find your local selling groups. There’s a great one up here in Canada called Varagesale. Nowadays I prefer eBay and Classified ads because they are safer. I’m not sure if it’s available in the US or not, but there’s a lot of good stuff on there. The truth is you have statistically 10 times more chances getting robbed, mugged, abducted, or assaulted just parking and walking into a Walmart on a Saturday Night than you do on Craigslist. The largest audience or has a lot of product listings and view the pictures on at LEAST tablet... In Southern California use it to sell could always raise your price a bit less intuitive for looking... Includes a short bio and picture can take your pick from social shopping apps and niche. See in a major city like L.A. or Chicago comb other Craigslist alternatives sell also helps to make own! Personal … find the parts you are not ready to buy or sell pets as well the others Southern! 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