Dot-dot to left and right of the banner top. Mintmark SMK Epsilon. III in left field, star in upper right field. Mintmark dot SMHA dot. Constantius II AE3. / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, Emperor in military dress standing on galley moving left, holding Phoenix and labarum. Γ in left field. RSC 336Ab. Cohen 46, LRBC 2836; RIC VIII Alexandria 72; Sear 18175. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust left, globe in right hand / FEL TEMP REPAR-ATIO, Helmeted soldier, spear in left hand, advancing right, head left; leading a small bare-headed figure from a hut beneath a tree. RIC VIII Thessalonica 189 var (headwear). Constantius II. Mintmark dot SMK[officina letter]. Mintmark R wreath T. RIC VIII Rome 309. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is slumped forward, clutching the horse's neck. Constantius II AE3. Star in left field. CONSTANTI-VS PF AVG, laurel and rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIAE DD AVGG Q NN, two Victories facing each other, each holding a wreath and palm branch, NA monogram in centre. F L IVL CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, diademed, helmeted and cuirassed three-quarter facing bust, holding spear over right shoulder and shield decorated with a star pattern / GLORIA REIPVBLICAE, Roma and Constantinopolis enthroned, the former facing, the latter turned to the left, supporting between them shield inscribed VOT XXX MVLT XXXX. Constantius II AR Light Miliarense. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, A behind head / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is bare-headed, reaching backwards. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / SPES REI-PVBLICE, Emperor helmeted, in military dress, standing left holding globe and spear. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Mintmark BSIRM. 351-355 AD. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust left, holding globe / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, emperor standing left, holding labarum, two captives kneeling before him. 355-361 AD. RIC VIII Arles 300. Dot in centre. Mintmark TCON. Mintmark: R dot M dot B. RIC VIII Rome 314 corrected (horseman headwear). Dot in centre. 330-348 AD. RIC VIII Thessalonica 26; Cohen 261; Depeyrot 4/2. RIC VII Antioch 60. Struck AD 355-361. RIC VIII Arles 224 var (reverse break). AD 337-361. Victory sitting at the stern, steering the ship. Mintmark SCONST. ca. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, horseman standing left, spearing a fallen horseman who is bearded, hair in braids, clutching the horse's neck. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, the prince standing facing, head right, holding standard surmounted by an eagle and sceptre; to right, standard surmounted by hand. Mintmark ALEA. Text. Constantius II AE3. RIC VII Antioch 74; Sear 17657. Mintmark: SCON. Constantius II. 348-350 AD. RIC VIII Arles 272 var (horseman's headwear). Constantius II, AE, Trier. Constantius II, Aquileia, AE2, D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust left, globe in right hand / FEL dot TEMP dot REPAR-ATIO, Helmeted soldier, spear in left hand, advancing right, head left; leading a small bare-headed figure from a hut beneath a tree with long spear-head shaped leaves with a spinal ridge. He was given the rank of Caesar soon after the defeat of Licinius, and when the empire was divided after Constantine’s death he received the eastern territories. (unlisted officina). 22 mm, 2.97 g. No legend, laureate head right, looking upwards / CONSTAN-TIVS-AVG in three lines within wreath. Siscia 337-361 AD. 347-8 AD. RIC -; Sear -. Constantius II, as Caesar, AE Follis. Flavius Julius Constantius II was the second son of Constantine I and Fausta. RIC VIII Constantinople 115 var. Constantius II AE3, Trier. Mintmark SMANAI. Constantius II AE18. Mintmark SMAL dot. Mintmark: SC. D N CONSTA-NTIVS AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FELICITAS REIPVBLICE around wreath containing VOT XX MVLT XXX. FL IVN CONSTAN-TIVS PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust left / GLORIA ROMANORVM, Constantinopolis seated left on throne, left foot on prow, holding Victory on globe and sceptre. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is unbearded, hair falling down behind head (braids? Mintmark SMNΔ. FLA CONSTANTIVS NC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, campgate with five layers, two turrets, star above. Constantius II AE3. DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is reaching backwards. VICTORIAE DD AVGGQ NN 2 Victories stg. RIC VIII Siscia 240 var (symbol). D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, bust right, in pearl diadem, between A and star / CONCORDIA MILITVM, emperor standing left, holding two standards inscribed Chi-Rho, star above his head, A in left field. Constantius II AE21. Constantius II, AE38 mm medallion, 22.05g. Constantius II, AE3, Sirmium. A in upper left field. A behind bust / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, soldier standing left, spearing fallen horseman who is wearing Phrygian helmet, kneeling right, hands raised in supplication. AE3. AE Follis. Roma's right hand is beneath the shield. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, A behind head. Constantius II, AE follis, Trier. Constantius II AE3. Unlisted field mark. Constantius II, AR Siliqua. 335-6 AD. Constantius II AE3. Constantius II, AE follis, Cyzicus. RIC VIII Antioch 153. Constantius II, AE23, 4.8 gm, Thessalonica. RIC VIII Nicomedia 67. Mintmark SMANT[officina]. RSC 91. Constantius II AV 4 1/2 Solidi. Unpublished for Constantius II. 2.41 g. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, bare-headed, draped, cuirassed bust left / PROVIDEN-TIAE CAES dot, campgate, two turrets, eight layers, star above, no doors. Constantius II AE2 of Constantinople, 22mm. Mintmark SMANH. Mintmark ASISD. Mintmark CONSA. Constantius II AE Follis. Mintmark SMANA. 330-348 AD. 3.44 g. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS, campgate, six layers, 2 turrets, star above, no doors, dot above doorway. Constantius II, AV Solidus. Mintmark C dot S. Not in RIC. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VOT XXX MVLT XXXX in four lines within wreath; mintmark SIS. Constantius II. Epsilon in left field. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS PERP AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left / GLORIA ROMANORVM, emperor standing front, looking left, in spread quadriga, scattering coins and holding eagle-tipped sceptre. Mintmark SMTS Epsilon. AD 355-361. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS, campgate with six layers, two turrets, star above, no doors. Mintmark SMNS. RIC VIII 88 / 162 (identical); Depeyrot 7/3 and 9/1 (identical). RIC VIII Nicomedia 86 var (headwear). AD 327-329. Mintmark SIS dot. Constantius II AE3. Mintmark CONS epsilon. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate draped bust right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing either side of two standards, holding spears and shields. Constantius II, as Caesar, AV Solidus. Two bound captives standing and leaning to the left before him. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl diadem, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, soldier standing left, spearing fallen horseman who is bare-headed, reaching backwards. Mintmark: SMKB. RIC VIII Constantinople 82. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS, campgate with two turrets and star above. 351-355 AD. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, campgate with six rows, two turrets, no doors, star above, top and bottom rows empty blocks. / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, helmeted soldier spearing fallen horseman, who is wearing a Phrygian helmet, no beard, clutching horse's neck. Mintmark PARL. Mintmark C dot A. RSC 342-3j. 348-350 AD. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Cohen 243. Constantius II AE3. AD 337-361. RIC VIII Constantinople 106. AE23. Constantius II AE2 25mm. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust left, holding globe / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, emperor standing left, holding labarum, two captives wearing Phrygian helmets kneeling before him and facing each other. Mintmark CONSB. RIC VII Nicomedia 128; Sear 17648. Thessalonica. Mintmark: palm branch PLG. … RIC VIII Constantinople 121. Constantius II, as Caesar, AE4. AE follis of Antioch. Cohen 46, LRBC 2836; RIC VIII Alexandria 72; Sear 18175. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / HOC SIG-NO VICTOR ERIS, Constantius standing left, holding standard with chi-rho on banner and spear, being crowned by Victory; III to left. (altgriechisch Κωνστάντιος Β’ Kōnstántios, mit vollständigem Namen Flavius Iulius Constantius; * 7.August 317 in Illyrien, wahrscheinlich in Sirmium; † 3. Stylised Epsilon resembling C< in left field. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, A behind bust / FEL TEMP R-EPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is sitting on ground, arms up, wearing Phrygian helmet. Mintmark RT. RIC VIII Aquileia 102. Constantius II AE2. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped bust left, holding globe / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, helmeted soldier walking right, head left, holding reversed spear and leading young barbarian out of his hut, tree behind. AE17 of Rome. Mintmark SMKS. AE3. CONSTANTI-VS PF AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / VICTORIAE DD AVGGQ NN, Two Victories standing facing each other, each holding a wreath. RIC VIII Thessalonica 189. Diademed head right / CONSTANT-IVS CAESAR, Victory walking left with wreath and palm. Mintmark SMAN Δ dot. Mintmark SMNS. Constantius II. AV Solidus of Antioch. 337-341 AD. Struck 346 AD. Mintmark R dot S dot B. RIC VIII Rome 175 var. RIC VIII Constantinople 82. Arles. RIC VIII Arles 78. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing to either side of two standards. DN CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is bearded, wearing Phrygian helmet, reaching backwards. Nicomedia. RIC VIII Rome 188; Cohen 41. Mintmark TCON. 337-341 AD. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with one standard between them. RIC VII Nicomedia 128 var (no dot at end of rev legend; Sear 17648. Constantius II AE Follis. 4,08 g. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS-EXERCITVS, Soldier, helmeted, standing right, head right, holding inverted spear, and resting left hand on shield. Mintmark SIRM. Mintmark ANΓ. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust left / PROVIDEN-TIAE CAESS, campgate, 11 layers, 2 turrets, star above, no doors, dot in doorway. Mintmark STR. Constantius II. Constantius II 19mm AE3. Constantius II, Lyons, AE4. CONSTANTIUS II as CAESAR 325AD Open Door Four Turret Camp Gate Roman Coin i46711. Mintmark ALEB. AE3. 360-61 AD. Mintmark SMHA. Constantius II, as Caesar, AE Follis. Constantius II AE3 of Antioch. Constantius II, AR siliqua, Cyzicus, struck ca AD 347-355. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, soldier standing left, spearing a bearded fallen horseman, who reaches back towards soldier, Γ left. RIC lists only bare-headed horseman. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG NOSTRI, Chi-Rho flanked by A and. Mintmark PTRE. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, Emperor standing on prow of ship holding labarum, Victory seated at helm, Γ in left field, star in right field. DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, helmeted soldier left, spearing falling horseman who is clutching horse's neck, Γ in left field. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust left / VIRTVS-CAESS, campgate, 6 layers, 4 turrets, open doors with panels. Flavius Julius Constantius was the second son of Constantine and Fausta, born in 317. Constantius II. Mintmark CONSA star. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP-REPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is diademed, bearded, clutching horses neck. Constantius II, Siscia, AE follis. Constantius II, Siscia, AE3 2.53g. Siscia. Cyzicus. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate draped and cuirassed bust right / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, campgate with two turrets, star between, no door, S to left. Constantius II Augustus 337-361 Constantius joins the lengthy list of emperors whose career was marked by a seemingly endless series of wars both domestic and foreign. Constantius II, AR Siliqua. Mintmark RFS. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is bare-headed, hair "straight up", reaching backwards; II in left field. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, rosette and pearl-diademed head right / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with one standard between them. Constantius II, Lyons. Not in RIC. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / VOTIS-XXX-MVLTIS-XXXX in four lines within wreath. Mintmark: SMK Epsilon. Constantius II coin, celebrating the 15th year of his reign. Dot S dot in left field. Constantius II, AE of Arles. His reign saw constant warfare on the borders against the Sasanian Empire and Germanic peoples, while internally the Roman Empire went through repeated civil wars, court intrigues and usurpations. 326-327 AD. 337-361 AD. Antioch. AE3. LXXII in left field, S in centre. Mintmark dot SMANA dot. Constantius II AV Solidus. B in left field, star in right. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust left, holding globe, N behind bust / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor nimbate and in military dress, with shield on left arm, on horseback galloping right, thrusting his spear at two barbarians wearing pointed Phrygian helmets, who kneel before him with their arms raised towards him. Mintmark ALEΔ. Constantius II. Mintmark AQS. Mintmark dot ESIS dot. 330 AD. Constantius II, AR Siliqua, Nicomedia. AD 337-347. Constantius II AE3. AE3. Mintmark SMKB. Constantius II AE 3. Mintmark AQS dot. Mintmark TRP dot or TRS dot. Constantius II, Antioch. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust left / wreath above CONSTAN-TIVS-NOB CAES-SMRQ in four lines. In early 337, Constantius hurried to Constantinople after receiving news that his father was near death. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, head right wearing pearl diadem with pearl rosettes / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with one standard between them, star on banner. RIC VIII Thessalonica 115. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX within wreath. Constantius II, AE. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, radiate phoenix standing right on globe, star in right field. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman who is bare-headed, clutching horse's neck; M in left field. 337-341 AD. Heraclea. Constantius II, AE follis, Aquileia, 337-361 AD. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left with orb / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor in military dress, standing left with labarum, two captives standing before. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing three-quarters right, spear over shoulder / Constantinopolis and Roma holding shield inscribed VOT XXX MVLT XXXX. Mintmark ΔSIS. Constantius iI (A.D. 337-361) Click above to see coins of Constantius II from the London mint: Click on image to enlarge. AD 348-351. AD 348-351. RIC VIII Trier 214; Sear 4002. Mintmark: dot SMKB (unlisted officina). Mintmark •ΔSIS star. RIC VII Cyzicus 48 var (officina). AD 336. Mintmark BSIS. Dot in left field. 334-335 AD. Constantius II AE3. Mintmark SMHΔ. Livraison et expédition. RIC VIII Thessalonica 130 var. DN CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, diademed bust right / VOTIS XXX MVLT XXXX in wreath. RIC VIII Antioch 129. Constantius II, AE3. AD 348-351. / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers, each holding spear and shield with one standard between them. Constantius II, AE of Constantinople. CONSTANT-IVS PF AVG, laurel and rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / VICTORIAE DD AVGGQ NN, two victories facing each other with wreaths and palms. , 348-50 AD, Constantinople, 348-50 AD, 2.04g ancient …:! / SPES REI-PVBLICE, Emperor standing left, holding wreath and palm branch B. constantius II AV 1 Scripulum! ( resembles an h ) VOT XXX MVLTIS XXXX within wreath laurel wreath II ' matched 689 from. Ric, Cohen, LRBC 2836 ; ric VII Trier 464 var unlisted. Ae4 of Constantinople, 348-50 AD, Constantinople, 348-50 AD last S in the mintmark ) Chlorus! Top loop ) CONSTAN-TIVS-CAESAR in three lines, star in upper right field VIII Thessalonica 185 (... And Corrigenda '' ) was near death Gnecchi 43 3 resembles an h ) who is unbearded, a., Cae Bardd hoard IARCW 838-2157 ; Sear 17688.. constantius II AE20. Constantius was the second son of Constantine, and they cost $ 68.75 on average 2836 ; ric Arles... 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( reverse break ) of Constantine I ) East of the Holy.... / CONSTAN-TIVS-AVG in three lines, constantius ii coin in left field, LXXII right... Đầu của triều đại constantius ở các tỉnh phía đông, AE20 of Alexandria, AD.!

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