References an entry in interface/*.gfx folder (ex: GFX_evt_council). Note: not very nice for province_event, as it will show an empty character portrait in the notification. BUG (as of version 3.2.1): at the start of the new game, it does not fire for courtiers that are not defined in the history files. Fires for an offmap power's new governor when the power changes its governor. This has to be done for every file the namespace is used in. Warning: ROOT is the unit only when the event is fired via on_entering_port. Event IDs must be unique, as event collisions can result in bugs and CTDs. be used. Note: for ruler designed characters, fires twice (for the historical character and player ruler designed character). Some consequence must be defined in order for the portrait to show, and it must be defined directly inside the scope of that character, and not inside a subsequent scope. Préambule Soucieuse de toujours mieux répondre aux attentes de ses clients, la société 44 GALERIES LAFAYETTE The only requirement for an option is a name, but you'll typically want to define effects, as well as possibly a trigger which determines when the option shows up. Triggers when a wonder upgrade finishes construction. Like descriptions they can either be fixed event_pictures or a dynamic block. Then define the file inside of a gfx file inside of the interface folder like so; The name calls it and the texture file points to the needed file. A: Such is life in CK2, consider hiding in your keep if you're afraid of death. Fires for an offmap power's governor when the power changes its status. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 2.7. Checks whether the global flag has been set. These events should have is_triggered_only = yes and no mean_time_to_happen block. This includes renaming via the province view. This can also be done with static localisation keys. When writing an event (or event chain) the steps are usually the following: Once you've finished scripting, usually you'll need to: Event IDs must be unique, as event collisions can result in bugs and CTDs. Triggers when an upgrade is destroyed in a wonder. Decide if the event should trigger by itself or be triggered by something else (, a "mean time to happen"; or average time it takes for the event to fire, event IDs without a namespace must not go over, event IDs with a namespace must not go over, the default scope ([] in localization) is the character that gets notified, ROOT is the character or province for which the event originally fires. Excludes vassals and tributaries. ones that might be added later in the event chain), use the show_trait effect. Some restrictions apply when an event chain: For instance this would apply for an interactive duel by combat, a dice poker mini-game, etc. Short text that will appear above the picture for standard event, and before the description for narrative_event. This can be useful: Events have a maximum of 4 options at one time, but the 4th option of an event can call another event that has more options, allowing more than 4 options. You can make name anything you want, but usually it is best to set it to be the same as the file name for simplicity. If you want to show any portraits in options, you can do that by defining a scope in the option. Warning: when firing an event with no delay within immediate block, the new event actually uses the original event's scope (sort of like a sub-routine), rather than creating a copy of these scopes. For instance event
.3132 may be transformed into ID 1403132 (i.e. There is a single event chain that alternates between A and B in turns, until the chain reaches an exit condition (for instance a variable counting the number of turns). This can be refined via the. Fires for a character when they are put in command of a subunit. With. Warning: for events with major = yes, in major_trigger block, event description localization and option blocks, default scope and ROOT scope are different: trigger and immediate blocks are unchanged. Warning: some pre-triggers have a different name than the equivalent normal condition! Fires for the player (or a random character if in observe mode) just after the EU4 converter is done converting the game. A fixed localisation key is simply expressed in the form desc = key: A dynamic block is similar but includes a series of trigger conditions that determine whether a description will appear. Events called by on_actions must use weight_multiplier instead of mean_time_to_happen. To do so, make the picture a 450 x 150 .dds or .tga file inside of the gfx/event_pictures folder. Similar to character_event, but with a large ornamented first letter, fancy frame, and slightly larger window. This includes the "newborn" event. character), and are used as prefix in the form ..If an event file uses a namespace, it has to be declared … Fires when someone gets imprisoned for any reason. Finally, every event needs one or more (maximum 4 eligible) option section. See the example code below, when you want to re-use an event chain, but have it triggered from different sources (for instance: MTTH, decision and on_action). Fires when a Crusade begins preparation. The options listed in an event are arguably one of the most crucial parts of the event itself. The last option needs to cycle back to the 1st option. Effects that are executed before any events are fired. .Custom NPCs and breeding event mechanics .Reformable Elven religion .New circle government, tribal elves that seek to eliminate city civilizations .Powerful new temple buildings .Powerful new traits .Unlockable Elven Bloodline .Seasonal events, 6 festivals each year … Створена за розпорядженням міського голови Михайла Посітка комісія з’ясувала: рішення про демонтаж будівлі водолікарні, що розташована на території медичної установи, головний лікар прийняв одноосібно. Because of this: Below is an example of the use of the namespace "mymod": Note that neither the "EVTDESC" nor "EVTOPT" prefix are required—nor do the localisation keys even technically need to be related to your namespace at all—but it is best practice by far to choose a clear and clash-free naming convention based on your mod. Does not fire when the character is auto-pledged due to joining the war. Fires for an offmap power's governor once per year during a random monthly update. Event options will still be evaluated while hidden. This can lead to unexpected effects when used with event targets[3]. Option availability hint and border color, This is a lesser version of, Restricts the event for members of the religion/religion_group. Fires for an offmap power's governor once per month on a random day. Triggers when a character becomes the owner of a wonder. There are 3 lists: The events and effects fire for the ROOT of the on_action. What it means is: count-tier or above, or a patrician, and is not a landless rebel. Pre-triggers or fast triggers are special conditions at the root of events, that allow the engine to filter potentially eligible events for a character, without having to evaluate the trigger block.[1][2]. Other pre-triggers are simply checked at the start of event evaluation, which is slightly quicker than checking them in the trigger itself. Fires at ages 6 years plus six months, 8 years plus six months and 10 years plus six months, Fires at ages 12 years plus six months and 14 years plus six months, Yearly pulse (six months from on_yearly_pulse) intended for Focus events (only fires for characters with a Focus). Fires for the character refusing an absorb clan attempt and declaring war over it. In script, "playable" does not actually mean that the player can play the character. Some flags can be used to configure events: Those entries can be overridden by culture and/or religion by defining a gfx entry GFX_