In a last ditch effort to placate Lincoln and as more and more decent young boys of the south were dying the rich manipulating liars added to their disgrace by passing some innocuous bogus bill one month before surrender. The last name, ‘Johnnies,’ is said to have originated in a quarrel between two pickets, which began by the Union man’s saying that the Confederates depended on England to get them out of their scrape…The Union man…said that a ‘Reb’ was no better than a Johnny Bull, anyhow…The name stuck, and in the last part of the war the Confederate soldiers were almost universally called ‘Johnnies.’”, Confederate soldiers were called rebels because, at the time, the American Civil War was known as the “War of the Rebellion.” Since the Confederates were fighting against their own country in this rebellion, they were called “rebels.”. Likewise, few average Confederate soldiers joined the army with the expectation that they were fighting to spread the institution of slavery or even maintain the institution of slavery. Florida: 15,000 | Certified Educator At the start of the Civil War, most Union soldiers were fighting to keep the United States together. Capstone Press, 2016. I see honor on both sides. Larned, Josephus Nelson. . These Confederate soldiers were from the 11 states that had seceded from the United States of America and joined the Confederate States of America. Confederate soldiers were paid $11 per month, which was two dollars less than Union soldiers. Apr 24, 2012 . At that time they were considered Traitors to the Union. At the start of the Civil War, most Union soldiers were fighting to keep the United States together. Log in. Civil War By The Numbers. I think them bully’s and fabricators of the first order. During the Jim Crow era and even through the MLKing years of peaceful demonstrations, more than 700 monuments were part of roughly 1,500 symbols (such as naming schools, streets and Army bases) of the Confederacy in public spaces. Myths both big and small persist about the bloodiest conflict in American history. Yanks Rebs. “It was an act of treason, at the time, against the Union, against the Stars and Stripes, against the U.S. Constitution. Very important, divided confederate soldier because it was basically giving into emancipation that they had been fighting against for the past four years. As of November 1864, Confederate soldiers were fighting for a government whose president and other leaders were openly advocating emancipating slaves who would serve in the Confederate army and emancipating their families as well. In 1865, Howell Cobb said everything you ever need to know on this subject. And, as of March 13, 1865, Confederate soldiers were fighting for a government that had officially begun the process of … so grateful for this information… I know my family fought with the Confederates during the Civil War and am just trying to find out about family history… and my country’s history… thanks from a curious mind! . Particularly interested to hear what kind of percentages … By clicking 'Submit' or otherwise submitting this form you agree to the, By entering this site you declare Secession is what was over slavery. Merrimack? Lincoln of course could see right through the fraud. What did the Confederate soldiers believe they were fighting for? Georgia … It is estimated that over 100,000 Confederate soldiers deserted during the war, more than 250,000 died of wounds or disease and 200,000 were wounded. "It has not seemed the whole truth to me that the Confederate soldier went into battle to vindicate a constitutional argument. … On the other hand, he stood up to the Radicals when they tried to imprison Robert E. Lee after Lee surrendered. That nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize a change in the relation which the said slaves shall bear toward their owners, except by consent of the owners and of the States in which they may reside, and in pursuance of the laws thereof.”. It made no sense to struggling Confederates to be fighting for a nation where some people profited off enemy currency when their own meager army diet forced them to spend what little money they had on “a litle some thing” to eat. “Military Pay.” American Battlefield Trust, Ask your question. Why Did The Confederate Soldier Fight? The March 1865 law - recruiting Black Confederate soldiers. Tennessee 12% Charles Dew’s Apostiles of Disunion ($5.00 to $29.00 on Amazon) is the best source to learn the answer to your question. South Carolina: 75,000 It was because they were defending their homes … The government of the North was seen by Southerners to be tyrannical. Did those understandings change over the course of … On the one hand, wealthy Southerners had incentives to free-ride on poorer Southerners and avoid fighting; on the other hand, wealthy Southerners were disproportionately slaveowners, and thus had more at stake in the outcome … He also should have been court-martialed for shelling residential neighborhoods at Vicksburg. Let’s read it: “SEC 5. It is just another word for using force, at the point of a bayonnet, to make the southern states continue to pay an unfair … Federals fought to preserve the union. . As result, if you want to learn more about the Civil War, it may be hard to know where to start. Ms. Sue. The average Confederate was fighting to defend his state, his home and his family. Period! Robert E. Lee and other Confederate leaders had also advocated emancipating the families of slaves who served in the army. On January 11, 1865, he wrote advising the enlistment of slaves as soldiers and the granting of “immediate freedom to all who enlist, and freedom at the end of the war to the families of those who discharge their duties faithfully. I have read some of Dr Dew’s narrative and yes excellent. Honoring the heroes & heroines that fought that struggle is no disgrace. . Why Did Confederate Soldiers Fight in the Civil War? I would still like to know who formed the Confederate States of America. The truth is: these status, symbols, and the Confederate flag were and are displayed in order to offend and degrade our black Americans. What did the Confederate soldiers believe they were fighting for? Was Slavery the Primary Cause of the Civil War. Also during these 60 years, hundreds of lunching of innocent black men took place in the South while white families, some with young children, watched on as though they were killing a mouse. Arkansas 3% Still, the people of the pro-Union County of Winston saw no reason to fight alongside the rest of Alabama and came close to seceding from the Confederacy. Opponents of the bill also argued that enlisting slaves as soldiers was unnecessary. What did the union soldiers call the confederate soldiers? The Numerical Strength of the Confederate Army. Opponents of the bill warned that it would lead to the end of slavery, yet it passed anyway. How did personal wealth and slaveownership affect the likelihood Southerners fought for the Confederate Army in the American Civil War? Join now . .” This fact, together with other indications, suggests that, even if the Confederacy had survived the war, there was a strong possibility that slavery would be voluntarily abandoned in the South.” (The Civil War and Reconstruction, p. 522). There was no mistaking the meaning of this action. In The Confederate war by Gary W Gallagher he quotes multiple soldiers letters home as saying the reason they were fighting was because of what they saw as northern tyranny, oppression and northern invasion. ), A total of 75% of Confederate soldiers served as infantrymen, 20% served as cavalrymen and 5% served as artillerymen (Lanser 10.). Confederate nationalism prepared men to fight for "the Cause". Oxford University Press, 1997. In fact, according to the  Library of Congress Civil War Desk Reference, over 70,000 books have been published on various aspects of the Civil War and more are being published every day. This information is written for both kids and adults. And, as of March 13, 1865, Confederate soldiers were fighting for a government that had officially begun the process of emancipation.There is an amazing amount of myth and disinformation about the Confederate emancipation bill. The types of uniforms Confederate soldiers wore consisted of a double-breasted gray frock coat, a pair of light “french blue” trousers, white cotton shirts, a forage cap and leather brogan shoes. These advantages included, but we're not limited to, the majority of free males, fire arm construction, … The fundamental social concept of slavery was slipping; an opening wedge for emancipation had been inserted. And of course the bill amounted to nothing. McPherson’s argument generalized the Confederate soldier to those who own slaves and those who do not. Florida 2% For example, the Confederate soldiers would fight for the South, while the North soldiers fought for the Union. Yet he fought to defend the Confederacy, as he felt his patriotic duty to his nation outweighed all other factors. . Confederate soldier Julius Howell talking about his capture and imprisonment at the Union prison camp at Point Lookout, Md. Confederates were fighting an aggressive invading army, intent on subjegation and destruction. Here was the land which gave him birth; here was his childhood's home' … Your email address will not be published. According to Civil War historian James M. McPherson, in his book For Cause and Comrades, most Confederate volunteers stated they were fighting for liberty as well as slavery while many of the Union soldiers stated they fought to end slavery and preserve the union. I have a great-great step-grandfather who was a doctor in the 1st LA Cavalry during the War of Northern Aggression. Apr 24, 2012 . He should have been court-martialed for leaving his wounded to die on the battlefield at Cold Harbor just because he was too proud to admit he had lost the battle and call for a truce, as the losing commander, to tend to the wounded. A … While the US was fighting the Civil War, what other fighting was occurring ... Should The American Government honor the fallen soldiers on ... Why the Confederate Army Couldn't Win a Battle. Confederate nationalist sentiments, as depicted by McPherson, did arise in Hoyle’s letters but they proved to be secondary motivations for Hoyle’s continued efforts for the Confederate army. Maryland 2% North Carolina 15% Florida (January 10) 4. What is the value of a cast iron Confederate Grave yard marker. Was shot during the Battle of Chancellorsville Neon. Rebels? Blacks, both free and slave, fought for the Confederacy. Those officers turned their back on their oath.” A lack of money also served to keep down desertion, as soldiers simply could not afford to run away. describe the reception of the emancipation proclamation among union soldiers. If you read the entire section, it’s clear that it said that a slave’s relationship to his owner could be changed as long as the owner and the state agreed–this clearly opened the door to emancipation, and everyone knew it. James McPherson broke down the geographical distribution of Confederate soldiers even further in his book For Cause and Comrades: State / Estimated % of all Confederate Soldiers: Virginia 14% Louisiana 6% most literate in all history in all history to that time more than 80% of confederate soldiers and 90% of Union Soldiers. What Were the Major Strategies of the Civil War? . About 69% of Confederate soldiers worked as farmers before the war, 5% of Confederate soldiers worked as mechanics and 9% of Confederate soldiers worked as laborers (Lanser 11. After they passed articles of secession, several Confederate states published detailed statements explaining why the legelatures acted as they did. Both soldiers both sides believed that they must fight for their rights of their side (Confederate or Union). Any non-Virginian who wanted to … Mosby despised slavery and believed the South had seceded to protect it. The Confederacy acted as a separate government until defeated in the spring of 1865. answered What did the Union soldiers believe they were fighting for? Most Confederate soldiers did not personally own slaves. as the . What did the Union soldiers believe they were fighting for? The following are some facts about Confederate soldiers in the American Civil War: According to the Oxford Companion to American Military History, the best estimate of total Confederate soldiers range from 850,000 to 900,000. At that point, few people thought the war would be over in a matter of weeks. “The Confederacy, the American Civil War, was fought, and it was an act of rebellion,” he said. Is there a way to find out, or am I asking the wrong questions. types of uniforms Confederate soldiers wore. Confederate Battle Flag Carried By The 13th North Carolina Infantry. 1. The city was soon filled with some 1,000 government members, 7,000 civil servants, and scores of rowdy Confederate soldiers itching for battle. So... what do you think? That’s why debate over the bill was so fierce and bitter. According to Civil War historian James M. McPherson, in his book For Cause and Comrades, most Confederate volunteers stated they were fighting for liberty as well as slavery while many of the Union soldiers stated they fought to end slavery and preserve the union. Log in. I will give you this, Lincoln most of the time was no better yet I give him a pass because ultimately he did emancipate. It is also misleading because it obscures how deeply slavery—and soldiers’ larger view of race relations—was embedded into most aspects of Southern life and the Confederate military. Suddenly, the soldier who was no “freedom shrieker” embraced the war “for freedom, [and] for equal rights.” On Election Day in November … What did the Confederate soldiers believe they were fighting for? Read More. Did those understandings … irrespective of color . Nichols Publishing Co, 1922. But they usually only quote the first half of Section 5. Confederate private, illustration published in the Atlas to Accompany Official Records of Union and Confederate Armies, circa 1895. Vol 2, C.A. McPherson, James M. For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. Alabama (January 11) 5. As of November 1864, Confederate soldiers were fighting for a government whose president and other leaders were openly advocating emancipating slaves who would serve in the Confederate army and emancipating their families as well. When push came to shove, a majority of Confederate leaders, and apparently a sizable majority of Southern citizens, were willing to end slavery to preserve the South’s independence. 126 times it says help the less fortunate and I am sure it means even more so when you have compromised their education and freedom as was done for our black bothers and sisters for 250 years before the civil war so others could benefit financially…horrible greed at it’s best. Question about Confederate Soldiers feelings. After the government prohibited the company from printing Confederate curre... How often did rape occur (specifically, Union soldiers again... Confederate Guerrilla Marcellus Jerome Clarke: Alias "Sue Mundy". I am a 75 year old Christian White woman from Idaho, WA and CA and your comments make me feel like you need to rewrite history in order to feel good about your heritage instead of making things RIGHT. Mississippi (January 9, 1861) 3. Beside the building where the Confederate Congress had labored for nearly four years … Missouri 3%. may determine’. Historians James G. Randall and David Donald, two of the deans of Civil War scholarship, after noting the Confederacy’s move toward officially using slaves as soldiers and the support of key Confederate leaders for granting freedom to slaves and their families for faithful military service, acknowledged that the Confederacy may very well have abolished slavery even if the South had achieved independence: “On November 7, 1864, President Davis went so far as to approve the employment of slave-soldiers as preferable to subjugation, and on February 11, 1865, the Confederate House of Representatives voted that if the President should not be able to raise sufficient troops otherwise, he was authorized to call for additional levies ‘from such classes . Lee’s opinion agreed with that of the President and Congress. I have great respect for Union generals and leaders like George Thomas, George Meade, George McClellan, Montgomery Blair, Winfield Scott, Fitz-John Porter, Marsena Patrick, Gideon Welles, and even–to a certain extent–William Seward. Dr Dew allows the secessionists to speak in their own voice. South Carolina 6% Some of these soldiers were drafted into the Confederate Army while others joined willingly. . . Your email address will not be published. Everybody knew that this bill would free slaves who served as soldiers and would eventually lead to general emancipation, the end of slavery. It was well known that there were several Southern governors who had already publicly endorsed emancipation for slaves who would serve in the Confederate army. Putting muskets in the hands of enslaved African Americans presented more than simply a concrete threat—embracing the notion that blacks could serve as soldiers in the same fashion as whites threatened deeply-held Southern ideas of race-based honor and masculinity. Many Winston residents hid and fled north to avoid conscription into the Confederate army. Mississippi 7% The modern myth of black Confederate soldiers is akin to a conspiracy theory—shoddy analysis has been presented, repeated, amplified, and twisted to such an extent that utterly baseless claims of as many as 80,000 black soldiers fighting for the Confederacy (which would roughly equal the size of Lee’s army at Gettysburg) have even made their way into classroom … I think attention should be drawn to the last section of the order that implemented the Confederate emancipation bill. Confederate soldiers had a variety of nicknames, such as Reb, Johnny Reb, Greyback, Rebels, Secesh, Butternuts and Johnnies, according to Josephus Nelson Larned in his book The New Larned History for Ready Reference, Reading and Research: “During the first year of the war [of the rebellion – in the United States] the Union soldiers commonly called their opponents, ‘Rebs’ and ‘Secesh’; in 1862, ‘Confeds’; in 1863 ‘Graybacks’ and ‘Butternuts” and in 1864, ‘Johnnies.’ The nickname ‘Butternuts’ was given the Confederates on account of their homespun clothes, dyed reddish-brown with a dye made of butternut bark. . For more information about soldiers in the war, check out the following article on Civil War soldiers. He went to war because he loved his people, because his country was invaded, because his heart was throbbing for his hearthstone. You will often see pro-Northern writers claim that the bill did not authorize emancipation, and they cite Section 5 as their evidence. McKim, Randolph A. Confederate soldiers sometimes fought because they feared Union victory would result in a society where black people were placed on an even footing with whites. hanpar7088 01/31/2020 History High School +10 pts. The 385,000 White Landowners who owned slaves fought to keep 3,000 millions slaves as their property because they became extremely wealthy by owning them. The Southern states had seceded, thus splitting the United States apart, and war was now the only way to prevent secession from … I’m finding it really hard to imagine that even a small fraction of Union soldiers went to battle confident that they fought the good fight to free the negro slaves. Some accounts say that Jackson was shot accidentally by a Confederate picket. Georgia: 120,000 What Were Confederate Soldiers Fighting For? Tennessee: 115,000. 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