To those wishing to pursue the subject further, the following books among others may be suggested: - Sabin, Cement and Concrete (New York); Taylor and Thompson, Concrete, Plain and Reinforced (London); Sutcliffe, Concrete, Nature and Uses (London); Marsh and Dunn, Reinforced Concrete (London); Twelvetrees, Concrete Steel (London); Paul Christophe, Le Beton arme (Paris); Buel and Hill, Reinforced Concrete Construction (London). 'That' and 'those' is generally used with 'there' to indicate that the object (s) is not close to the speaker. "I'm a plant at a front company we know one of Czerno's most trusted lieutenants uses to launder money," Jake said. The two layers thus " woven " - Pliny uses the word texere in describing this part of the process - formed a sheet (plagula or net), which was then soaked in water of the Nile. If a sentence doesn’t have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence “Went to bed,” we don’t know who went to bed). In all its uses, however, the common meaning is combination. Here are some examples. 10. The Cobb uses 4 - 9 standard barbecue briquettes which will provide enough heat to cook on for about 3 hours. Scientists soon realized that the water strider's hydrophobic legs and undersides, coupled withits … They were applied to other P Y PP uses less justifiable or defensible; they served to execute the will of the despotic master upon all who set themselves in opposition to his authority, or were decreed, more or less wisely but still arbitrarily, by a government in the best interests of society, organized for the general good. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is the sense in which Kant often uses the term, and the usage is adopted by others - for example, in the following definition from Ueberweg's History of Philosophy: " The principle of scepticism is universal doubt, or at least doubt with regard to the validity of all judgments respecting that which lies beyond the range of experience.". It`was held by Gregory of Nyssa, Ambrose, who uses the phrase pia fracas, Augustine, Leo I., and Gregory I., who expresses it in its worst form. Dominic uses a computer for all writing activities - apart from examinations when he has an amanuensis. You do not use “not” after the additional verb. The first "detectives" appointed numbered only a dozen, three inspectors and nine sergeants, to whom, however, six constables were shortly added as "auxiliaries," but the number was gradually enlarged as the manifest uses of the system became more and more obvious. The firm uses electronic filters to prevent workers from accessing the Internet. It has been modified by Herreshoff, who uses a large hollow revolving central shaft cooled by a current of air. She is a medical practitioner and she told me that she still uses small accumulators with her patients to assist the healing of wounds. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It is not easy to determine what gifts are to be regarded as gifts to superstitious uses. In the US, the data is sent after the first ring tone and uses the 1200 baud Bell 202 tone modulation. MEAN, an homonymous word, the chief uses of which may be divided thus. Every player uses four lignum vitae bowls in single-handed games and (as a rule) in friendly games, but only two in matches. Another word for uses. 13. In the latter, which is his greatest work, Dositheiu uses not only Greek texts, but also Slavonic legends and other MS. material; and he includes a goodly number of the apocryphal legends of saints. Callias And Hipponicus The exports from Callao are guano, sugar, cotton, wool, hides, silver, copper, gold and forest products, and the imports include timber and other building materials, cotton and other textiles, general merchandise for personal, household and industrial uses, railway material, coal, kerosene, wheat, flour and other food stuffs. 9. The uses to which the textiles were put were for clothing, furniture for the house, utensils for a thousand industries, fine arts, social functions and worship. The Japanes kinzoku-shi (metal sculptor) uses thirty-six principal classes 0, chisel, each with its distinctive name, and as most of thes classes comprise from five to ten sub-varieties, his cuttinl and graving tools aggregate about two hundred and fifty. During this process the wood shrinks considerably, and unless much care and attention are given to the drying wood it will warp and shake sufficiently to unfit it for practical uses. Aristotle was primarily a metaphysician, a philosopher of things, who uses the objective method of proceeding from being to thinking. 3. Sentence Examples. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In the Reformatio Angliae which he brought out in 1556, based on his Legatine Constitutions of 1555, he ordered that every cathedral church should have its seminary, and the very words he uses on this subject seem to have been copied by the Council of Trent in the twenty-third session (1563). Who cares what happens afterward? In any case that is one of the uses to which it is put at present. It is not only the conditions of growth, but the uses to which the different crops are put, that have to be considered in the case of rotation. It is impossible to get behind the Christian uses, in which from the earliest times it was employed as the equivalent of the Latin sacer and sanctus. Papias uses the term "the Elders," or Fathers of the Christian community, to describe the original witnesses to Christ's teaching, i.e. He is a most difficult writer; different readers understand him differently; and he uses in the earlier parts of his Critique of Pure Reason much of the language of intuitionalism. is a definite attack upon the heathen Sibyl - the Jews and Christians did not attempt to pass off their "forgeries" as genuine - as the mouthpiece of Apollo by a Jew who speaks for the Great God and yet uses a Greek review (49114) of ancient history from the Assyrian empire. 193,625 A brief account of the different qualities of the pelts, with some general remarks as to their customary uses, follows. A Klages (Ber., 1902, 35, pp. The number of people who die in traffic accidents is surprising. She uses her car mostly for driving to work. The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society. The Bible interpreted by man's unaided intelligence is as valueless as other writings, but it has a sacramental value when the Holy Spirit accompanies its teaching, and the power of God uses it and makes the soul capable of holiness. To-day, by reason of other uses to which electricity is applied, electrically deposited copper of high conductivity is in everincreasing demand, and commands a higher price than copper refined by fusion. The clinical uses of physostigmine are based upon the facts of its pharmacology, as above detailed. It should be noticed that the doctrine of superstitious uses is not confined to the Roman Catholic religion, though the question has generally arisen in the case of gifts made by persons of that religion. But the influence of the court of Rome has gradually gone much beyond this, and has superseded almost all the local "uses.". The manner in which the eye uses such a lens was first effectively taken into account by M. The first method uses the objective screw micrometer. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? equivalent clauses that can otherwise stand on their own or using a fullstop/period; E.g. There is no doubt that Mrs. Ramotswe is a novice; but, she uses her feminine guile to get to the heart of the matter. Every observer should not only record the resolving power of the instrument he uses, but also the purity-factor as defined above. The court may compel discovery of a secret trust for superstitious uses. Here’s a surprise: both “a unicorn” and “an umbrella” are correct. 20 examples of simple sentences “USES” . Justin Martyr (163-167) certainly uses the Gospel; but his conception of Jesus' life is so strictly Synoptic that he can hardly have accepted it as from an apostolic eyewitness. (b) He contends that, when matter ascends to the evolution of organic life, the unconscious has a power, over and above its atomic volitions, of introducing a new element, and that in consequence the facts of variation, selection and inheritance, pointed out by Darwin, are merely means which the unconscious uses for its own ends in morphological development. The document uses the British spelling for caesium. But because he uses the language of the Greek mysteries, Philo never imitated the thing itself; and he is ever ready to denounce it in the bitterest terms. The uses of aluminium are too numerous to mention. The ZPrinter System uses a binder colored with standard food dyes. Note that the plural form of 'that' as a determiner is 'those.' Richard Hooker, again with traces of Aquinas, uses the conception as a weapon against Puritanism, with its aggressive positivism of scriptural precept. He was the son of Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl (1749-1831), who is remembered as a most ingenious, but also most unfortunate, scientific speculator and inventor, who was before his time in suggesting and attempting new processes of alkali manufacture, and various other uses of applied science. A much better deterrent than flogging would be an efficient police service, coupled withthe speedy administration of justice. The external uses of the drug are mainly analgesic. Thus the work was composed before 190, and, since it most probably uses the martyrdom of Polycarp, after 155. It is this leakage line that the waterworks engineer uses to ascertain the truth as to the leakage and to assist him in its suppression. It may be in this wide charismatic sense that Paul uses the term in 1 Cor. Diderot himself, who in such matters is almost absolutely trustworthy, does not claim the suggestion, but uses words which imply that it was at least partly his. Sidney has a public library, and a monumental building, a memorial, erected in 1875, to the soldiers in the American Civil War, and now devoted to various public uses. Holland, in Europe, comes next to England, and uses principally the product of her dependency Java. The adducing of a witness for which he uses the verb is not an idea that covers all the uses. (Cocos australis), mbocaya (Cocos sclerocarpa) and the yatai (Cocos yatai), but the predominating species north of the Bermejo is the caranday or Brazilian wax-palm (Copernicia cerifera), which has varied uses. Instead, we use “would like.” This is just one of many uses for the modal “would” in everyday speech. The uses of the term being so various, its special signification in any case must be determined by the character of the passage in which it occurs; and an examination of the contents of Proverbs shows that the thought of the book differs widely from that of the literature prior to the 5th century B.C. In the Tableau Elementaire, published in 1795, Cuvier adopts Linnaeus's term in its earlier sense, but uses the French word "Reptiles," already brought into use by Brisson, as the equivalent of Amphibia. ~Vhen the pattern is lightly traced, he uses his knife delicately; when the lines are strong and the shadows heavy, he makes the point pierce deeply. It also uses the burrow as a safe retreat during moulting and guards its cocoon and young in its depths. This is probably the first notice of the application of the camera to cartography and the reproduction of drawings, which is one of its principal uses at the present time. - Rolling uses very much less power than drawing, because the friction against the fixed die in the latter process is very great. I used to work in a SuperMarket 11. If a woman administers to herself any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means to procure her own miscarriage, she is guilty of felony. If the information is essential, use that. My Mother is a painter and musician, i.e., she’s very creative. In regard to the ancients' knowledge of lead compounds, we may state that the substance described by Dioscorides as, uoXv,3Saiva was undoubtedly litharge, that Pliny uses the word minium in its present sense of red lead, ana that white lead was well known to Geber in the 8th century. True, there are still words that you don’t know. The Manchester Lectures (July 1857) treated the moral and social uses of art, now embodied in A Joy for Ever. Four of the medieval historians from whom he quotes most frequently are Sigebert of Gembloux, Hugh of Fleury, Helinand of Froidmont, and William of Malmesbury, whom he uses for Continental as well as for English history. All day long in their play-time and work-time Miss Sullivan kept spelling into her pupil's hand, and by that Helen Keller absorbed words, just as the child in the cradle absorbs words by hearing thousands of them before he uses one and by associating the words with the occasion of their utterance. Just as modern poetical Italian uses many older grammatical forms peculiar to itself, so the language of poetry, even in Homeric times, had formed a deposit (so to speak) of archaic grammar. The outcome has been that in the Church of England, and in many of her daughter Churches, there exists a bewildering variety of "uses," varying from that of Sarum and that of Rome down to the closest possible approximation to the Geneva model. The gods in general were called 'elonim, 'elim; Plautus uses alonium valonuth for " gods and goddesses " (Poen. Sacrificial anode tied to the second cervical vertebra, and luxurious uses show infinite! 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