2.4 Market analysis, rapid market appraisals and value chain analyses 14 3. 3.2 Analysing livelihood impact 19 3.3 Resource implications 28 4. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. For rural people, agriculture and other natural resource-based activities may play an important role, but rural households also diversify into other activities, some of which are linked to agriculture and the natural resources sector, others which are not. Several studies have used the sustainable livelihood framework (SLF) to analyse rural livelihoods [1, 8, 9]. It is defined in terms of the ability of a social unit to enhance its assets and capabilities in the face of shocks and stresses over time. October 28, 2015. Mr. Rao has strong knowledge and grassroots level experience in livelihood promotion, capacity building, networking, program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Planning Promotion Trust and Assitant Professor ( Livelihood and Microfinance Management) with HDF School of Management . Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. P o l i c y L e a r n i n g P r o g r a m m e. 2o f 22 ©F AO January 2008. promotion of livelihood activities that expose women to risks (for example, fetching firewood unaccompanied), or social discredit. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Livelihood Assets and the Vulnerability Context. The anticipatory analysis aims to provide a rapid overview of the impact of ongoing COVID-19 health emergency, and its inevitable impacts on and other sectors. Analysis, results and dissemination 39 5.1 Analysis of data 39 5.2 Quantification of results 42 5.3 Results and dissemination 44 Part C: Reflection and implications 6. Asecond key feature is that it is participatory. The present Livelihood Analysis, being a part of the project component, is an attempt to analyze the existing livelihood system in the context of various constraints, opportunities and relationship dynamics between different stakeholders. RURAL DIVERSIFICATION LIVELIHOOD INTERVENTIONS 22 5.1 General Livelihood Interventions 22 Livelihood Strategies. Data collection methods 30 4.1 A broad range of methods 30 4.2 The PALI tool 33 4.3 Methodological adaptation 36 5. The sustainable livelihood concept is the driving theoretical framework of this study. The following analysis tools were used: the coastal livelihood system analysis, the rating scale analysis, the business feasibility analysis and the analytic network process. range of livelihood resources (natural, economic, human and social capitals) which are combined in the pursuit of different livelihood strategies (agricultural intensification or extensification, livelihood diversification and migration). Household Livelihood Security Household Livelihood Security Assessment Key Informant interview Non-governmental Organization Participatory Rural Appraisal Rights Based Approach Rapid Rural Appraisal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats United States Agency for International Development Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Unit IMPORTANT CONCEPTS IN HIV/AIDS 19 4.1 The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Livelihood and Food Security 19 4.2 The Impact of Livelihood and Food Security on HIV/AIDS 20 5. 2001a, b; Ellis 1998, 2000, 2005; Carswell 2002).Many of these studies have focused on drivers and trends in income diversification among rural households, including a focus on constraints and incentives in rural Africa (Barrett et al. Don’t be afraid to brainstorm ideas, don’t be afraid to be creative. Findings from the experiences 19 3.1 Content: findings on livelihoods and their fit with NRM projects 19 3.2 Method: findings on methods for livelihoods analysis 21 3.3 Process: findings on relevance and development of livelihood approaches 23 4. LECTURE OUTLINES • Concepts and definition • Dimensions of vulnerable livelihoods • The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach • Sustainable livelihoods; poverty and vulnerability • Livelihood strategies • Livelihood strategies adaptation • Income diversification is an … A livelihood, as defi ned by Robert Chambers and Gordon Conway, “comprises the capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living.”3 The livelihood strategies that displaced households develop to secure a … Sayed Nurullah Azad RMMRU & Media-mix Enterprise Definition of Livelihood ‘A livelihood comprises people, their capabilities and their means of living, including food, income and assets. 3.1 The sustainable livelihoods framework. Whether people actually recognize an illness and seek treatment in drug shops or through other health care services depends to a large extent on their access to livelihood assets of the household, the community, and the wider society. Strategies may include subsistence production or production for the market, participation in labour marketsor l… 2.4 Assessment of economic and livelihood impacts of wildlife enterprises in Kenya 15 3. The process used for the cross-border analysis in the East African region could be replicated in other regions. Participatory approaches to rural development, Hand held Unit (HHU) a Pilot project of USAID, Customer Code: Creating a Company Customers Love, No public clipboards found for this slide. Livelihood strategy Livelihood strategy approach to community-based planning and assessment: a case study of Molas, Indonesia Jennifer Walker, Bruce Mitchell and Susan Wismer A livelihood strategy is an organized set of life-style choices, goals and values, and activities influenced by biophysical, political/legal, econo- Socio-Economic & Livelihood Analysis in Investment Planning. As studies done by different scholars indicate that the present status of street children is remarkably insightful, this invites us to systematically review the existing literature by using meta-analysis. 3.5 Food First vs Sustainable Livelihood Approach 17 3.6 Intra-Household Issues with Livelihoods 17 4. 2005; Smith et al. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Sustainable livelihood approaches Concepts and their application in research on organic cotton farming in India" is the property of its rightful owner. Equal access to and benefits from livelihoods programmes for women, girls, boys and men Design programmes based on an assessment of men and women’s knowledge, skills, and livelihood needs. Central to the framework is the analysis of … Sustainable Livelihood Analysis (SLA) has since the 1990s become the dominant approach to the implementation of development interventions by a number of major international agencies. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Session 7: Socio-Economic and Livelihood Analysis. Livelihood and rural development 1. Central to the framework is the analysis of the range of formal and informal organisational and institutional factors that influence sustainable livelihood outcomes. F A O . Situational analysis, investment analysis, capacity needs assessment and communications needs assessment comprise the study of context and capacity. The Livelihood Assessment Tool-kit Analysing and responding to the impact of disasters on the livelihoods of people [First Edition] Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome and International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva April 2009. on training and livelihood issues for the poor in key industry segments (particularly construction and maintenance/ service industry). SLA first seeks A unique opportunity to contribute to this debate arose as part of a long-term study in Zimbabwe. A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (stores, resources, claims and access) and activities required for a means of living: a livelihood is sustainable which can cope with and recover from stress and shocks, maintain and enhance its capabilities and assets, and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for the LECTURE 3: LIVELIHOOD AND RURAL DIVERSIFICATION October 28, 2015 2. These studies were compiled mainly from three continents (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), which are often observed to be diversified economically, politically, socially, and environment… DESIGNING TARGETED PUSH AND PULL INTERVENTIONS 23 3.1 Strengthening supporting functions for refugees 26 3.2 Influencing rules and regulations 27 3.3 Value chain development … If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. In this paper 31 studies were reviewed by applying a predetermined set of inclusion and exclusion criteria as part of meta-analysis. Livelihood diversification and transition in rural Africa have been extensively studied in recent times (Barrett et al. macro levels, however, micro level analysis is critical as households play a vital role in natural resource use, and understanding this linkage is important for appropriate policy interventions. analysis, but this requires a highly flexible planning situation which rarely exists. LECTURE 3: LIVELIHOOD AND FAO Policy Learning Programme. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. A Study on the Contribution of Collaborative and Community Forest Management to Livelihoods of Rural People in Bara District of Tarai Nepal, Good Practices - Animation Paper_25July_07.pdf, Community forestry for reducing poverty in nepal, INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS OF WATERSHEDS “WITH” AND “WITHOUT” EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE IN THE HILLS OF NEPAL, Kangchenjunga Landscape Nepal: from conservation and development perspectives. 2001). Consensus on a common livelihoods approach to ensure technical rigour and compatibility with existing livelihood analysis in country 2. In conclusion, the paper briefly considers some of the practical, methodological and operational implications of a … The livelihood strategies and activities of poor people are often complex and diverse. The sustainable livelihoods framework in 3.1.1 is an effort to conceptualise livelihoods in a holistic way, capturing the many complexities of livelihoods, and the constraints and opportunities that they are subjected to. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. A framework for livelihood Analysis (Frank Ellis) Objective: Offering a policy framework to analyse diversified rural livelihoods in terms of sustainability, livelihood strategies and their implications for rural poverty. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Akey feature of livelihoods analysis is that it includes an analysis of household assets, strategies, priorities and goals at micro-level, and the policies, institutions and processes that affect livelihoods at national and international level (macro-level). Module 3: Investment and Resource Mobilization. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. turn is allied to a long tradition of holistic approaches to livelihood analysis, encompassing diverse methodological traditions (Murray, 2002). The best hope is to ensure that already identified/decided sector development initiatives fit with people’s livelihood strategies and make them better at responding to the constraints and opportunities affecting the poor. The main general lessons to be taken to replicate this process in any region are: 1. 1. SKILLS GAP ANALYSIS FOR IMPROVED LIVELIHOOD SUSTAINABILITY IN LEBANON The long-term objectives of the project are as follows: - To facilitate the access of vulnerable groups, especially women and youth, to sustainable livelihoods opportunities; - To help improve the economic environment within communities that host refugees, which
livelihood analysis ppt
livelihood analysis ppt 2021