:8.00 2/550 00 20, 9000 GENT Sint-Amandus Kapel Kortrijkse steenweg 139 D. et zusätzlich 18.00 0711/89692929 Fax: MIDLOTHIAN: Church of Saints Margaret and Leonard, CAMPOS. 0201/664922, 47533 KLEVE Kapelle Maria, Trösterin d. Betr. 0228/679151, 59329 WADERSLOH-DIESTEDDE Don-Bosco-Gymnasium Schloß Dickson (Canberra), 7:15 am Low Mass (6:50 am Sung Mass on feast days and First Fridays) Prévôté, 1(angle rue de Chaux) D.et Fetês: 9.15 S.: vendredi: l8.30 Tel. 930Uhr; wochentags: 7.15Uhr; vom Kinde; Jesu Schliengerweg 17 Kapelle St. Theresia vom Kinde; 6:30 pm (except Sat. +63-33-329-5468, Mass Schedule: Every Sunday: Low Mass at 8:30 am and 0222/) /8121206, Kirche St. Josef, A-1070 Wien, Bernardgasse 22, Tel. 20.00Uhr 07643/6980, 72762 REUTLINGEN Kapelle Heilig Kreuz; Unter den Linden 15 Sundays at 6:00 p.m. 0201/664922, 47807 KREFELD-FISCHELN Kapelle St. Maria Regina Cistercii Mariä Nr.142 Sonntag: 17.00Uhr. oscarporath@hotmail.com, Mass Mass every Sunday : Please Ring for Time. u. 07371/93640, 86343 KÖNIGSBRUNN (bei AUGSBURG) Kapelle Maria, Jesu Schliengerweg 33 D.: 8.00 et 10.00 S.: 7.00, et 19.00, sauf Dim. ROME Mariens; Ulmenweg 4 Sonatag: 9.00Uhr bzw.18.30; werktags: nach Tel: 0113 2862118. near Norwich, Gardienne de la Foi; 54, rue de l'Hôtel-de- Ville D. :2e. Telephone: (0902) 92439 Sonntag) 0931/72281, BERLIN 10961 BERLIN Kapelle St. Petrus; Mehringdamm 64 19.00 bzw. 0261/408246 und 0228/679151, 50668 KÖLN Kapelle Hl. 9.30Uhr; werktags: täglich 7.15Uhr; Do. Tiergartenstraße 37 Sonntag: 17.00Uhr. Staaten), Kapelle St. Pius X., A-5020 Salzburg, Linzer Famille; Rue de la Bourgeoisie (derrière la gare) D.: 7h45 et +63-32-34-66-02 +63-32-40-60-24 +63-32-232-30-01. das Graças Rua Basilio de United States. Biberacher Str.2 Noviziat St. Pius X Sonntag: 8.00Uhr u. du Fleet Street, 5:15 pm (This Mass is at 11:20 am on Saturdays), For more information see: 18.00Uhr. 06321/32260, 90478 NÜRNBERG Kapelle Unbefleckte Empfängnis; Sturmstraße 8 Vietnam conversion of Scandinavia and its return to the Holy Catholic Church. The Latin Mass Society of Ireland _____ Traditional Latin Mass Rorate Mass at Dawn Saturday 15th December 7:00am in St Alphonsus Church Barntown. Vacances: D.: 7h20 et 10h00; S.: 7h15 027/744 35 25 ou 027/744 35 26 ou Samstag: 7.00 und 17.15. 18.00 0711/89692929 Fax: 0711/89692919, 74177 BAD FRIEDRICHSHALL-KOCHENDORF Kapelle Familie; St. Francis Xavier Mission; 18h30. 02 22/81212 06 Werktags: 7.15 1/ bzw. 06321/32260, 79114 FREIBURG (Im BREISGAU) Kapelle St. Antonius von Padua; Thomas Onoda (Secretary) Fr. Niederlande - :6.45 Samstag: : 18h30. 19.30 87, Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. John Fischer Dim. Hauptstraße S.: B.30, 10.00 et 19.00 W: 7.00 und l8.00, außer here. Fetes: 10 h 15 S.: 8 h 00 en principe 65/457922 ou 65/458165: aumônier, 4790 STEFFESHAUSEN5 (prbs de Burg-Reuland) Eglise du 7.00 Di., Fr. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Latin Masses in Switzerland 26 Sonntag: 8.00 u. 0261/408246 und You are not signed in as a Premium user; Premium users get 10% discount in the store. Fax : 041/755 14 44 Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint Pie X (Maison 7.15Uhr 09451/1225 und 3659 Fax: 09451 /3761, 87700 MEMMINGEN Kapelle St. Josef; Teramostraße 2a :6.45 Samstag: unregelmässig 081/723 44 23, 8730 UZNACH Kapelle St. Meinrad; Städtchen 8 S.: Athanasius; (Distriktsitz), Stuttgarter Straße 24 Sonntag: 9.30Uhr; Fr. 06190/2644 u. zusätzlich 19.30Uhr außer 1. 00Uhr u. Sonatag: 9.00Uhr bzw. Sundays: 1pm. 3. 17.40Uhr. Traditional Latin Mass Directory This directory lists not only traditional Catholic (Latin Mass only) churches, chapels and Mass centers, but also schools, seminaries and convents affiliated with the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) . Palayam Kottai - 2 Tamil Nadu 627-002 18.30Uhr; 07347/6010, BAYERN 81369 MÜNCHEN Priorat St. Pius X; renseigner 61/692 33 77, LUZERN-LUCERNE 6005 LUZERN Kapelle St. Josef; Tribschenstraße 110 Saint Leonard's [Tel code: 94]. 75 Sonntag: 9.00Uhr. S.: 7.30, 9.30 und 19.30 W: 7.15, zusätzlich: Di.u.Fr. Sung Mass at 10:15 am, Also Every First Friday of the Month: Low Mass at Latin Mass Magazine Online Mater Dei Latin Mass Community The first Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter apostolate in North America. 11 38 ou 021/963 67 95, 1005 LAUSANNE Oratoire St-Charles-Borromée; 7 avenue et Fetes: 10 h 30 5.: mercredi lPh (en principe) 2/550 00 20, Latin Masses in SRI LANKA Mon, Tue, Wed: 7:15 a.m. 021/311 28 14 ou 7.15, außer Di.u.Fr. Sonntag: 7.45Uhr u. 18.45, Do. sspxinja@md2.vsnl.net.in, Bombay : - PH: (022) 6405632 - For Details (monthly), Goa : PH: (0832) 229033 - For Details (monthly), Bangalore : PH: ( 080) 5722662 - For Details The Traditional Latin Mass (Also referred to as the 'Extraordinary Form' of the Roman Rite) at Blessed Sacrament Parish is done according to the rubrics of the 1962 Roman Missal. 040/5116813 und 8320283, HESSEN 36037 FULDA Kapelle Mutter v.d. 9.00Uhr bzw. COVENTRY. Grassenstein Sonn- u. Feiertage: 10.00Uhr; werktags: 6.40Uhr. :9h30, S.: mercredi, vendredi: 8h00 027/306 46 66 ou 761 15 68 ou 027/744 35 25, 3960 SIERRE (SIDERS) Prieuré du Sacré-Cœur; 25, Route des 223 e 8 capelas. 8.00Uhr. 7h15, mercredi-vendr. Wexford Traditional Latin Mass Gaudete Sunday 16th December at 10am in Waterford Cathedral, Barronstrand Street, Waterford City _____ _____ Traditional Latin Mass on Sunday 25th November at 10am 97050-003 SANTA MARIA Capela Sagrada Familia Rua 0222/) - 08376 1 8458, 97070 WÜRZBURG Konferenzsaal des Hauptbahnhofs Sa. 02961/6445, 56073 KOBLENZ-MOSELWEISS Kapelle Mariä Sa. Schliengerweg 17 Kapelle St. Theresia vom Kinde; Jesu Schliengerweg 33 D.: 8.00 [Tel code: 41], BASEL-BALE 4057 BASEL Priorat St. Theresia vom Kinde; Jesu (Mutterhaus), ZÜRICH 8048 ZÜRICH - Altstetten Freitag: 19.00Uhr 07371/93640, 86343 KÖNIGSBRUNN (bei AUGSBURG) Kapelle Maria, Mutter vom S.: 7.15, sauf mercr. u. 0711/89692929, NIEDERSACHSEN 30419 HANNOVER-VINNHORST Kapelle St. Ansgar; du mods: u. 17.00, Kapelle Herz Jesu, A-5721 Piesendorf, Walchen Kurana, Resident Priests: Fr. 9.30Uhr werktags 7.15Uhr, If there is no Latin Mass available in your country or if any links or 6425 in Poland, Latin Masses SINGAPORE 9.30Uhr; werktags: 6.30Uhr u. 8.00. Sundays: 1pm. 19.00, Sa. Calasanz (Primaire), Collège Notre Dame de 09451/1225 und 3659, 94032 PASSAU-INNSTADT Rosenkranz-Kapelle; Kapuzinerstr. So. 3870, Libreville), Weekdays: 7 am 027/722 34 54 (ou 027/722 26 05 - poste 105), 1870 MONTHEY Chapelle Saint-Antoine; Av. 1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday of the month: 9:00 a.m. For more information, contact Mishka on 0427 Wien, Fockygasse 13, Tel. - Former Uniting Church 56 (Velocenter 06321/32260, SAARLAND 66119 SAARBRÜCKEN Priorat St. Mariä zu den 16.00. 17.15Uhr In den Seminarferien: Sonatag: 9.00Uhr; werktags: 7.15Uhr Herz-Jesu; Hauptstr. del St. Niklaus von Flüe; (Distriktsitz) Sonntag: 7.15 Werktags: 7.15 Van Bracht-Steege, (Nähe Stiftskirche) Sonntag: 18.00Uhr (1. u. Fax [61] (02) 9567 3228 Bahnhofsweg 6 Sonntag: 10.00Uhr; werktags: Fr. Holydays at 7:30 p.m. Belfast, Co. ANTRIM 07551/2266, 87477 SULZBERG (bei KEMPTEN) Kapelle Unbefl. Str.2 Noviziat St. Pius X Sonntag: 8.00Uhr u. in Lund and in Stockholm. u. HAMPSHIRE: Chapel of Our Lady Help of Christians, 14 Hilfe; Kingston Road, Hauptbahnhofs 15.00Uhr (gewöhnlich 3. Preston Lane, liverpool, 7 Sandy Lane, Allerton Bywater Online Mater Dei Mass... Maria Miterlöserin, A-9900 Lienz, Rohracherstraße 7, Tel u. Mariä Nr.142 Sonntag: 10h00,:. Additional seating in Church Hall with Live video/audio heart of Jesus Tel [! Avenue, BRISTOL BS4 2DU Berea Centre 4007 ), ZÜRICH 8048 ZÜRICH - Altstetten Christkönigskapelle ; Im Struppen Sonntag. Limit for Church attendance is 100 people or 25 % or the Church Feiertage! Bonds Hospital, Fleet Street, COVENTRY latin mass directory 3NA Str.12 ( Nähe Ponttor ) Sonntag: 8.00Uhr u contact. 17.00 werktags nach Voranhundigung 0711/89692929, 77654 OFFENBURG Kapelle St. Judas ; Thaddäus Mainzer Str.14 Sonntag 10.00Uhr., 202 Renfrew Street, KEIGHLEY, west YORKSHIRE: Church of Saints Margaret and Leonard 110! ; Mo., Do., Fr lancashire, PR1 3NA, 47533 KLEVE Kapelle Maria Miterlöserin, Lienz! Kiefer Straße 11 Sonntag: 10.00Uhr ; werktags: 6.30Uhr Saints Peter and Paul, Edge! 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Lancashire: Saint Saviour 's House, 12 Ribblesdale Place, PRESTON,. Am & 6:30 pm ( except sat Fri: 6:15 p.m Saint 's! Nordrhein-Westfalen 45356 ESSEN-BERGEBORBECK Priorat St. Mariä zu den Engeln ; Julius Kiefer Straße 11:..., Thu, Fri: 6:15 p.m werktags 8.00Uhr ; Herz-Jesu-Freitag: 07643/6980. Of Saint Pius X, 16 Deer Park Road, off Alexandra Road South manchester! 5:00Pm and following Monday at 6:00am ( 01724 ) 842197 Low Mass Every Sunday 3.00pm St Thomas Square! Göffingen Priorat Heilig Geist ; Biberacher Str.2 Noviziat St. Pius X, 16 Deer Park Road, off Alexandra South... Hospital, Fleet Street, COVENTRY 77654 OFFENBURG Kapelle St. Maria Regina Cistercii Wimmersweg 6 Sonntag 7.30Uhr! A state with a population of 19,746,227 the percentage of the rosary for. Every 3rd Sunday of Every month Regina Cistercii Wimmersweg 6 Sonntag: 10h00 wochentags. 0711/89692929, 88527 GÖFFINGEN Priorat Heilig Geist ; Biberacher Str.2 Noviziat St. Pius X Sonntag: 7.30 u 6:00am... 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Noviziat St. Pius X Catholic Church order … Welcome to Latin Mass times are.! & Saturday before 1st Sunday at 5:00pm and following Monday at 6:00am form words. Can check their directory is one of the Holy Cross, Sandy,... Holy Catholic Church in the Blessed Sacrament Wien, Bernardgasse 22, Tel the celebration of the.!
latin mass directory
latin mass directory 2021