If so, what lies before you is the greatest privilege any human could have. 40:8. 1. Agree on the place and time for the baptism. One by one I reached those goals, and I was ready for baptism about a year later.” A young brother named Patrick benefited in a similar way. Then send a baptismal interview request directly to the mission president. Baptism preparation. The bishop does not conduct a separate interview for this ordinance. The purpose for baptism is, according to scripture, profound and so much more than simply a symbolic act. Think about how you might feel if you were being interviewed. Sacramental preparation for the Baptism focusses on God’s grace and welcoming the child to life in the Spirit. After the confirmation, teach all five missionary lessons again. The bishop should invite missionary elders who helped teach the convert to participate in the confirmation. As much as possible, godparents should have received the sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, Penance and the Eucharist. 15 One of the most thought-provoking questions on the worksheet is this: “Would you serve Jehovah even if your parents and friends stopped doing so?” Remember, as a dedicated and baptized Christian, you will stand before Jehovah on your own. PREPARING FOR BAPTISM . First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve: Make sufficient changes in their lives to qualify as commanded in Doctrine and Covenants 20:37. The missionaries who taught the person being baptized coordinate with the ward mission leader to organize the service. 5:14) Can you think of specific occasions when you resisted temptation or peer pressure? Normally the district leader interviews baptismal candidates taught by missionaries in his district, including candidates taught by his zone leaders. Teach them and bear testimony about the sacredness of baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. How are you doing in that regard? Not at all! If the person being honored is an older person, a family member or missionary may want to express his feelings about the baptism. When it does occur, however, it behooves all involved to step back from the situation and to reassess more precisely what is, and what is not, required in sacramental preparation. One teenage sister said: “Before I decided to get baptized, I studied the Bible and saw that this is the true religion. What are “holy acts of conduct” and “deeds of godly devotion”? Explain why dedication should be a personal decision. Jehovah Guides His People in the Way of Life. How would you want the interviewer to respond if you expressed doubts or misunderstandings or if you confessed serious sins? The candidate isn’t sure whether she has received an answer to her prayers. 11. One godparent is necessary and not more than two will be recorded as witnesses. What does this mean to you? Ask the baptismal interview questions. What does it mean to you to repent? “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9. “To do your will, O my God, is my delight.”​—PS. People who have kept the commitments that you invited them to make will be well prepared for the interview and for … The baptismal interview is the way established by the Church to ensure that each candidate meets the Lord’s standards for baptism and is prepared to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Baptism itself has no power to cleanse or save from sin. After the confirmation, the bishop or ward clerk completes the confirmation information on the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert). A time of reverence while the people who participate in the baptism change into dry clothes. Handout. We are a visually oriented society today more than ever. Whether you are meeting for just one session or several times, there are some good ideas to make sure the baptism really is the start of a lifetime of exploring faith … He accepted it, not because his mother and grandmother told him to do so, but because he had reasoned on it for himself and had been persuaded.​—Read Romans 12:1. In baptismal interviews, candidates are asked whether they are willing to take upon themselves the name of Christ. Do you believe that God is our Eternal Father? They can help you plan how you would explain your Bible-based belief to others. 38, “Why Am I Afraid to Share My Faith at School?”​—chap. (See also the box “ To Help You Grow Spiritually.”). The baptismal service and subsequent confirmation should be spiritual highlights for new converts. The baptism is not prohibited by local laws and culture. Right Motive. Young Ones​—How Can You Prepare for Baptism? If you are faithful to the end, you will receive eternal life, with eternal glory and splendor, at the first resurrection when Jesus returns. What could the interviewer do or say to put you at ease? Young Ones​—Are You Ready to Get Baptized? The commitments that people make prepare them to make and keep the covenant of baptism, be confirmed a member of the Church, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, enter the temple with a limited-use recommend, and receive the Aaronic Priesthood (for males of the appropriate age). Accurately complete the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert). An opportunity for new converts to bear their testimonies, if desired. Study Moroni 6 and Doctrine and Covenants 20:68–69. Consider inviting other people you are teaching to attend. 2 What if you are not sure that you are ready for baptism? Symbols used in Baptism. The person conducting the interview should use the baptismal interview questions with the guidance of the Spirit to determine whether the baptismal candidate meets the qualifications described in Doctrine and Covenants 20:37. If possible, the person should attend a baptismal service prior to his or her own baptism. 5, 6. Before you perform the baptism, check over the person’s clothes. What is the definition of a convert baptism? 7: How Can I Better Learn My Mission Language? “How Can I Improve in My Prayers?”​—November 2008, “How Can I Make Bible Reading Enjoyable?”​—April 2009, “How Can I Enjoy Studying the Bible?”​—February 2012, “Why Go to Christian Meetings?”​—April 2012, “How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable?”​—chap. A baptism ceremony is the perfect time to welcome the person to the faith and gather loved ones in celebration of it. You have discerned that there is clear evidence that the child understands the baptismal covenant and will make every effort to keep it through obeying the commandments, including faithfully attending Church meetings. If they are wearing anything loose, make sure it won’t float up and accidentally reveal something. After all the footprints have been placed on the floor, let the children, one at a time, cross the room to the baptism picture by stepping on the footprints. The deacon and priest are ordinary ministers of this sacrament, though in extreme cases even a non-baptized person can validly baptize. If the missionaries have properly taught the candidate before the baptismal interview, these issues, if they exist, should have been directed to the mission president. Starting from the child’s seventh birthday, many parents use family home evening lessons (like the ones linked to in this article) to teach simple principles that ac… Understandably, you should get baptized only when you are qualified to make that decision, you have a personal desire to do so, and you understand the meaning of dedication. 19 How different Jehovah is from Satan, whose interest in you is only selfish! As you help people prepare for their baptismal interview, talk to them about the purpose of the interview. Out-of-parish sponsors may attend baptismal preparation at their own parish or the parish . The missionaries send one copy to the mission office for the creation of a membership record. What people hear is often impactful, but what they hear and can then see demonstrated before their very eyes will impact all the more. Baptism is one of the most profound events that can take place in a person’s life. Explain that you want to make sure they understand the principles you have taught and the covenant they will make. Baptism a meaningful event. First intention : concerns the person being baptized. If one or both of the child’s parents are polygamists, you must contact the mission president for additional information. Work with the person being baptized and the ward mission leader to invite the person’s friends and relatives to attend. (Acts 17:11) We have been provided with a number of tools that can help you to do that. Review this schedule with the person in your next meeting. Do you believe that [current Church President] is a prophet of God? 8 You are already familiar with the Bible, so you might quickly respond to some of the questions presented on those study guides. May I teach and baptize a person who has been excommunicated? Have you ever committed a homosexual transgression? Should you be afraid to make such a commitment? He said, 1 Make sure candidates meet the requirements for baptism and confirmation. Baptisms of excommunicated persons are not convert baptisms, and missionaries do not interview such persons for baptism. THE WATCHTOWER—STUDY EDITION March 2016, The Watchtower—Study Edition  |  March 2016. The commitments that people make prepare them to make and keep the covenant of baptism, be confirmed a member of the Church, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, enter the temple with a limited-use recommend, and receive the Aaronic Priesthood (for males of the appropriate age). (a) Why should you not fear belonging to Jehovah? Manifest by their works that they have received the Spirit of Christ unto a remission of their sins. Think about the title of the lesson, the subheadings, the study questions, the “read” scriptures, the artwork, and any videos that may help explain the subject. When you are baptized, you covenant with God that you are willing to take upon yourself the name of Christ and keep His commandments throughout your life. Expresses desire to be baptized. How can he give you something that he does not possess? Think about those blessings: He promises those who meet the standards the help of the Holy Ghost. Water baptism is a ceremony of ones intent to reform their life. Helping families to get ready for baptism is more than just rehearsing them for the day. Many of you, however, are professionals at this, and have attended Baptism prep-aration sessions in many different formats. Why is it reasonable to expect that a baptized Christian would have actions in line with his faith? Assure the candidate that you and others will do all you can to support him or her. And really, how could he? 7-9. Make sure that the candidate understands the purpose of the interview. Review the baptismal interview questions. This is in virtue of the sacrament and not the minister. As Mormon taught, “the first fruits of repentance is baptism” (Moroni 8:25). Have you ever participated in an abortion? What is Baptism? A 24-year-old brother who got baptized before he was a teenager says: “I may have had a deeper understanding if I had been older, but making the decision to dedicate myself to Jehovah protected me from worldly pursuits.”. Explain that the sacred nature of the ordinance requires high standards of worthiness. What lesson can young ones learn from the example of Timothy? When possible, attend baptismal services for new converts. Consider the following questions: What aspects of the interview might be strange to you? How does one prepare for Baptism? Jesus explains what it means to “count the cost” in the Gospel of Luke. He should also adapt the questions to the age and maturity of the candidate. He should explain that a membership record is created from the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert) and will contain important information about the new members and the ordinances they have received. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the world? After years of planting seeds of faith, it is an awesome privilege to participate in the harvest. We owe Jehovah God and Jesus Christ much more. THE WATCHTOWER—STUDY EDITION March 2016, Video download options Come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits. Share with your companion what you have learned from this chapter about preparing people for baptism and confirmation. The Spirit moves us to make wise and fair decisions, moves us to pray, and to connect with others and build community. Baptismal candidates who have been living with a person of the opposite gender out of wedlock must either marry or stop living together before they can be baptized. No two ways are the same because no two children are the same. Then follow through after the service to discuss their experience and invite them to learn why their friend chose to be baptized. 2: How Do I Study Effectively and Prepare to Teach? Get the main points clearly in mind. What do you learn from these verses about preparing people for baptism and confirmation? If the candidate is a minor, ensure that the parents or guardians have given permission, preferably in writing, for him or her to be baptized. Have family members who have been baptized tell about their feelings at the time of their baptisms. (a) Explain why baptism is a serious step. THE WATCHTOWER—STUDY EDITION March 2016, Share A member of the bishopric or the ward mission leader normally conducts the service. Read each of the following passages, and make a summary list of the scriptural qualifications for baptism and confirmation. 15. Introduction: How Can I Best Use Preach My Gospel? The ward clerk then returns two copies of the form to the missionaries. What does it mean to ‘prepare the way’? Consider how you would handle different situations, such as the following: The candidate didn’t tell you that he is on probation for a crime previously committed. It takes up the parent’s request for Baptism and offers them support in raising their child in the midst of the Church family. 16 A man well-versed in the Mosaic Law asked Jesus: “Which is the greatest commandment?” Jesus answered: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” (Matt. Work closely with the ward mission leader and ward leadership to help the new convert stay active, build trusted relationships with local members, receive a limited-use temple recommend, and be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood (for males of the appropriate age). Some faith groups believe baptism accomplishes the washing away of sin. However, if they do not say anything but you think they may have a problem, prepare them for the baptismal interview by asking them if they have been involved in any of these sins. Explain to the person being baptized what is planned and why. 10. The missionary who conducts the interview should bring the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert) to the baptismal service and give it to the person who is presiding. If you have access to it, why not make this series a part of your personal study program? 5 What about you? When a person has set a firm baptismal date, schedule when you will complete all the events that lead to baptism and confirmation as listed in your daily planner. The bishop is responsible for seeing that confirmation occurs as soon as reasonable after baptism. Understands the Gospel 3. What convinces me that the Bible is God’s inspired Word? If a parent in a family is not ready for baptism, should I baptize the family or wait until the parent is ready? Baptism Preparation Class for Parents, Godparents, and Sponsors. Pin It Testimony. Courtesy Mill Pond Press and Dr. Gerry Hooper. As they keep the baptismal covenant, they will receive a remission of sins. And the more the world drifts from them and mocks them, the bolder we must be in doing that” (“Standards of Worthiness,” First Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 2003, 10–11). 9 By strengthening your convictions, you take an important step toward baptism. Have you ever committed a serious crime? President Henry B. Eyring explained why high standards are important. Discuss this counsel with your companion and evaluate how you feel about boldly helping people meet these standards. Do you believe that the Church and gospel of Jesus Christ have been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Teach district leaders, zone leaders, and sister training leaders how to prepare people for the baptismal interview. Grant me assurance and grace to live the new life that I have publicly embraced and expressed in baptism. 10: How Can I Improve My Teaching Skills? You can begin by reading the material and looking up the scriptures. The bishop ensures that a Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert) is filled out for each candidate according to instructions on the form. Lesson 1: The Message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For whatever reason, baptism does not always point to the presence of a vibrant and active faith. Why is it important to complete baptismal and confirmation records? The district leader or zone leader who conducts the interview should: Hold the interview in a comfortable, private place, conducive to feeling the Spirit of the Lord. One of the best ways that you can grow in your love for Jehovah is to meditate on the greatest gift Jehovah has provided​—the ransom sacrifice of his Son. As appropriate, continue throughout your life to communicate with those whom you have taught and to encourage and support them. Would you simply go home, dry yourself off, and forget about what was done for you? 14 Many young ones contemplating baptism have found this worksheet to be a valuable tool. Review the last baptismal service you attended. Thus, as we saw above, one of the effects of baptism is total forgiveness of sin. Discuss proper dress, including how the person will be given white clothing to wear for the baptism. What do I do when people want to be baptized but are living together without being married? In … (“Statement on Missionary Work,” First Presidency letter, Dec. 11, 2002). You would certainly feel indebted to the person who rescued you. Baptism does not “save” you; only your faith in Christ does that. Are you willing to obey them? He promises the chance to receive holy ordinances in His house. Each study guide in this series is designed to help you strengthen your conviction about a Bible topic. Missionaries should avoid all circumstances that could be misunderstood (see “Preventing and Responding to Abuse,” First Presidency letter, March 26, 2018). Conversations with the priest/deacon are a good op-portunity to deepen one’s own faith. 10. Or what if you want to get baptized but your parents feel that you should wait, perhaps until you gain more experience in Christian living? The missionary should ask the candidate to verify the information on the form during the interview. What provision can help you to perform “deeds of godly devotion,” and how have some young ones benefited from this provision? The child’s primary residence is not with parents who are polygamists. Baptisms of family members should not be delayed so that the father can receive the priesthood and perform the baptisms himself. (Read 2 Corinthians 5:14, 15; 1 John 4:9, 19.) If the person has challenges with testimony or worthiness, explain that it would be best to postpone the baptism until he or she is better prepared. Under the direction of the bishop, missionaries should continue to fellowship new members. Make sure white clothing is thick enough that it won’t become see through. Take some time to talk with the new converts and learn their conversion experiences. ARE you a young person who is considering baptism? Those questions are not designed to create doubts in your mind. Emphasize that baptism by water is incomplete without baptism by fire through the gift of the Holy Ghost. Explain the expression “holy acts of conduct.”. Before the Baptism of a child it is important to meet the priest or deacon two or three times. Young Ones​—How Can You Prepare for Baptism? Then forward a baptismal interview request directly to the mission president. This packet has been prepared to help parents explain God’s plan of salvation to their school-age children who have expressed an interest in baptism. Your service to him should not depend on others​—not even your parents. Remind the person that immediately after baptism and confirmation, he or she is worthy and eligible to receive a limited-use recommend to enter the temple to perform baptisms for deceased ancestors, and males of the appropriate age may also be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. If so, do not hold back. Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service. Also explain that the interview is an opportunity for them to witness before the Lord’s representative that they are ready for these sacred ordinances. No. 11: How Do I Help People Make and Keep Commitments? 4 Consider a Bible example. This one right here is where many Christians miss getting it the first time around. Why is it important for you to learn to use the “power of reason” early in life? 2:17) If you have strong conviction, it is reasonable to expect that you will show it by your actions. 1, 2. Are you ready to make this covenant and strive to be faithful to it? Bible studies. Why do I feel that living by God’s moral standards is better than adopting the lifestyle of the world? Following are essential items to plan and organize. The Church’s concern with respect to children is their current and future well-being and the harmony of their home environment. As the preceding article pointed out, however, baptism is a serious step. If you feel that someone you are teaching needs additional preparation, do not schedule a baptismal interview until he or she is keeping the commitments and meets the standards.  |  (a) What should motivate a person to become a Christian? What if a person has a scheduled baptismal date but is not keeping all of the commitments? Assure the candidate that he or she can succeed, and explain that some transgressions require more time for thorough repentance. How have you demonstrated that your “powers of discernment” have been trained to distinguish right from wrong? At least one member of the bishopric participates in the confirmation. In preparation for baptism, you must “count the cost”—understanding that such a commitment to God is for life. 10 The Bible says: “Faith by itself, without works, is dead.” (Jas. But why are you sure of your answers? Discuss how you will make sure that the services you plan will be spiritual and uplifting. Jesus made it clear that He commands those who believe in Him as Lord and Savior to be baptized by immersion. (b) What should a person be sure of before getting baptized, and why? Rather, he will reflect the attitude of King David, who said: “To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is deep within me.”​—Ps. Shorts are better to … “The Lord sets His standards so that He can bless us. Water baptism is just such a picture. 17 Your response to the ransom might be illustrated this way: Imagine that someone rescued you from drowning. This worksheet invites you to write your responses to such questions as “How specific are your prayers, and what do they reveal about your love for Jehovah?” “What do you include in your personal study?” “Do you engage in the ministry even if your parents do not?” The worksheet also provides space for you to write down any goals you would like to set regarding your prayers, personal study, and ministry. The father must be confirmed in a sacrament meeting and, after an interview with the bishop, be sustained to receive the Aaronic Priesthood. One by one I reached those goals, and I was ready for baptism about a year later.” A young brother named Patrick benefited in a similar way. This will help set the person on the path toward making temple covenants that open the door to eternal life. How can you ensure that the information you provide is correct and complete? Describe how the online series of study guides, “What Does the Bible Really Teach?,” can help you strengthen your conviction. Is it a good idea to ordain a father to the Aaronic Priesthood immediately after baptism so that he can baptize other family members? Have a determination to serve Christ to the end. What kind of actions? 20. “12: How Do I Prepare People for Baptism and Confirmation?” Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (2018), 205–14, “12 Baptism and Confirmation,” Preach My Gospel, 205–14. District or zone leaders do not interview baptismal candidates outside their own district or zone unless the mission president assigns them to do so. These services should strengthen the new converts in their commitment to remain active. How do these passages relate to your responsibility for keeping accurate records of baptisms and confirmations? Always provide hope in Christ’s Atonement. “I already knew what my goals were,” he noted, “but writing them down made me work harder to reach them.”, Would you continue to serve Jehovah even if your parents did not? How do I conduct an effective baptismal interview? A young sister named Tilda said: “I used the worksheet to set goals. Share the questions the interviewer will ask about their belief in important gospel doctrine, their repentance of past sins, and their willingness to covenant to obey Jesus Christ throughout their lives. You may also want to tell how you feel about your child’s baptism, and explain the responsibility you have to prepare him for baptism (see D&C 68:25–28). A young sister named Tilda said: “I used the worksheet to set goals. Share what you learn with your companion and with other missionaries. 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