“It also depends on other factors. While alcohol does help people fall into light sleep, it also robs them of REM and the deeper, more restorative stages of sleep . Sleep deprivationcan make it difficult to wake, too. Two Words Stop Toxic Habits and Addiction in Their Tracks, How Baby Boomers Maintain Their Sex Lives, What Goes on Beneath the Surface When Narcissists Get Angry, Four Ways to Improve Your Time Management, Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC. I have the same question. Go to bed at the same time. This sparked an idea in my head-my parents made me get in bed at nine, but I was tired of laying there for 4-5 hours trying to drift off, so I decided that I would make my parents think I had gone to sleep, but I would quietly play on my phone, or my laptop, or even just draw, listen to music and watch my tv on a barely audible sound level. Get information and reviews on prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements. So, as a teenager I was often up until 1-3am. When I get home from work I am still in "work mode". If you’re looking for other breathing exercises, here are a few to try. Had dehydration & infections. Deep sleep is indeed deep, the closest we normally get to natural coma. You can even walk in a room and shake him and he doesn't wake up. School starts at 8 A.M. When I read your story it sounds so much like my son. If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. Many people find that warm drinks or tea can help them become comfortable and sleepy (just stay away from caffeinated beverages). See what your medical symptoms could mean, and learn about possible conditions. Bipolar disorders. Get regular exercise , but do not exercise close to bedtime . My major depression I believe may have caused the sleep problems for me, or it could be vice versa. Drug, supplement, and vitamin information on the go. No wonder they're so hard to wake up. Anne Marie Chaker wrote a funny, useful article on how to wake up for the Wall Street Journal yesterday in which I'm quoted about the effects of alarming alarms. This has affected my life in every way possible. People will invent almost anything to wake them up in the morning. 4. So if I wanted to get off of this drug and change my life I will expect at least one month of 1-2hrs of sleep per night (I know this because I have come off of it for 4 months before and this made me so crazy it nearly killed me.) Wake up at the same time. 2. Sign up to receive WebMD's award-winning content delivered to your inbox. How much sleep … Sleep and Hibernate issues after upgrading to Windows 10. In case you encounter any problem while doing so, get in touch … But why are they so sleepy in the first place? My school started at 8, but because we lived out in the country, we all had to wake up between 5:30-6am to make it there in time: so imagine I'm staying up until 2 or 3am and waking up no later than six. Based on available studies, “We have solid evidence that exercise does, in fact, help you fall asleep more quickly and improves sleep quality,” says Charlene Gamaldo, M.D. When the display goes to sleep (just the display), you have less than 10 seconds to wake it up to keep it from locking up. Here are some quotes to send to your girlfriend. This helps set your body’s internal clock and optimize the quality of your sleep. But the truth is rest is like food. Goes into this … Violations of Social Norms Stretch the Imagination, Young Adults Remain at Serious Risk of Mental Health Crises. No, they pull their cellphones into bed, waking up throughout the night to answer exciting texts. To learn, earn, create deep memories and be reasonably friendly in the morning, the average high school or college student needs about nine-and-a-half hours of sleep. I think I have this too, but I was lucky enough to be able to avoid most 8 am classes in college, (i did poorly in the couple that I did have to take early in morning)... and I went to work in a start-up after that, and worked my way up in my field, and was lucky enough to kind of be able to work when I want to some extent due to being an "expert" in my field, now. Experiencing realistic, intense, and disturbing dreams right before you wake up is a phenomenon known as “hypnopompic hallucinations.”. A new theory aims to make sense of it all. If you have a child who is expressing problems getting to sleep, take them to a sleep doctor right away. Updated drivers etc., and tried every combination of power settings, and it still won't wake up after closing the lid. I will not say which one, but I will say its a depressant and its affect has helped my problem And made it worse at the same time...it helps me to fall asleep more quickly but it doesn't make me fall asleep any earlier, and I still can't get up during the daytime to get things done. These symptoms most commonly will occur with abrupt awakenings, especially from deep or slow-wave sleep in the first part of the night or when sleep duration is insufficient. Everybody else. Or click on "See All Conditions" to see every condition related to difficult to wake from sleep. 7. The problems are the normal ones: work hours; kids; elderly parents; an unrelenting economic recession. When puberty severs a third of your synaptic connections, you need a lot of rebuilding. Parasomnia - acting in unusual ways while falling asleep, sleeping, or waking from sleep, such as walking, talking, or eating; Some people who feel tired during the day have a true sleep disorder. Do you ever wake from sleep and realize you cant move your arms or legs, lift your head, or wiggle your fingers or toes? Shift workers. Deep sleep and sleepwalkers. Difficult to wake from sleep. My theory on seeing with my eyes shut-during sleep paralysis our mind is in a deep trance, yet we are still aware...this unlocks a certain part of our subconscious that allows us to basically view our surroundings through our third eye (the pineal gland). Try to approximate your sleep routine. Hypnic jerks. You try to make a sound, but you can't open your mouth. Another repercussion of my constant wakefulness, I have constant and overwhelming boredom. Wiggle a Finger or Toe. Many alarms create noise levels that cause hearing loss and are regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration – and the kids still can't wake up. Sleep helps the body make the right levels of important hormones including: • Cortisol - released every day to help you wake up in the morning. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common symptom combinations and medical conditions related to difficult to wake from sleep. We can sense that we might be in danger, but to prevent us from being a danger to ourselves, our limbs are always paralyzed during the deep sleep phase. All rights reserved. What's That Rash? That may sound silly, but many of my sleep paralysis sessions have been terrifying for me, as I can see and hear the shadow people but I cannot move, talk, and a lot of the time and can't even open my eyes but somehow I can't still hear and "see" what is going on around. Circadian rhythm disorders - problems with the sleep-wake cycle. Though not showing any evidence of narcolepsy, they sometimes prove profoundly sleepy on daytime sleepiness tests. If the machine is in Sleep mode and does not receive any jobs for certain length of time, the machine will automatically enter Deep Sleep … I believe it is both a physical event, but I also think it is tied to spiritual contact with the "shadow people". Deep sleep is indeed deep, the closest we normally get to natural coma. Yet shift workers hit the wall well beyond the body clock basement of 4 A.M., with greater rates of heart disease, stroke, GI disease and obesity. The Zepp E Circle watch (£209) records not only how long you sleep for but breaks it down into stages: light sleep, deep sleep, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, plus time spent awake. The truth is, lots of the population has trouble waking up. I have tried every medication, therapy, hypnosis, forcing myself/training myself to change my sleeping routine, and lots of prayer. If you find yourself lying awake in bed, start by taking 10 deep breaths. Some people mainly have it when waking up, some have when trying to fall asleep, and others have it sporadically all the time (like me). The Surprising Risks of Sleeping Too Much, Neuroscientists Uncover Sleep Timing Secrets, 6 Ways That Night-time Phone Use Destroys Your Sleep. Your inability to wake up in the mornings could potentially be … Lots of physical activity also helps, letting the body more efficiently remake itself. Their preferred wake-up alarm: the cell phone. Around this time my grades began to fall,and I was doing the one thing that I had wanted to avoid all along: sleeping a lot. If you wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and have trouble getting back to sleep, you can use many of the same techniques mentioned above … Unable to print after the machine has entered "Deep Sleep" - Windows. Save your medicine, check interactions, sign up for FDA alerts, create family profiles and more. Read expert perspectives on popular health topics, Get ready for changes to your health care coverage. “There is a misconception about sleep depth,” Dr DelRosso says. People with manic depressive illness, especially the rapid cycling kind, can veer from 18 hours sleep one night to four the next. Longer naps go into deep sleep and when we wake up, we usually feel sleepy because our brain was in a cycle of deep sleep. Alien invaders! “It’s … Follow the steps given below to disable hl-l2340dw deep sleep mode. I would like to know if it is a sickness or what it is. These episodes typically last for seconds or minutes. Deep sleep is when growth hormone is produced. Tags (2) Tags: HP Officejet … People with sleep … Do some school districts recognize this mess and try to set their classes later? Get organized and track baby's weekly development. When my printer "goes to sleep" it won't "wake up" and I get "printer is offline" when I try to print. Here are some confessions of a sleep doc on major and minor clinical groups that often can't wake up: 1. No wonder sleepwalkers with sleep terrors get very quiet telling their boyfriend or girlfriend what they really do at night – particularly as they're asleep, and don't remember what happened. At night, the Wake-Up Light provides a gradually dimming light that helps guide you to natural, restful sleep. Why You Should Rethink That Drink Before Dinner, New Clues Why Mosquitoes Find You Irresistible, Popular Heartburn Meds Can Have Health Risks, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Bloating or fullness, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Agitation, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Anxiety, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Apathy, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Compulsive behavior, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Decreased appetite, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty sleeping, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Agitation, Anxiety, Apathy, Difficult to wake from sleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Difficulty staying asleep, Confusion, Craving alcohol, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty finding words, Anxiety, Bruising or discoloration, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty solving problems, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Brittle hair, Compulsive behavior, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Anxiety, Confusion, Delusions, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying asleep, Anxiety, Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Disorientation, Dizziness, Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Diarrhea, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Delusions, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Anxiety, Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Agitation, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty sleeping, Agitation, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Apathy, Craving alcohol, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Agitation, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Apathy, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Compulsive behavior, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Disorientation, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Anxiety, Compulsive behavior, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Craving alcohol, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Bloating or fullness, Change in bowel habits, Diarrhea, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying asleep, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Anxiety, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Delusions, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Craving to eat ice, dirt or paper, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Brittle hair, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Disorientation, Anxiety, Compulsive behavior, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Agitation, Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Change in bowel habits, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Dizziness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty sleeping, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Agitation, Anxiety, Compulsive behavior, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Dizziness, Headache, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty sleeping, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty sleeping, Agitation, Anxiety, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty sleeping, Cough, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Dizziness, Compulsive behavior, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty finding words, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty sleeping, Difficulty staying asleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Difficulty staying awake during day, Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Agitation, Compulsive behavior, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Apathy, Bad taste in mouth, Difficult to wake from sleep, Agitation, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty learning new things, Anxiety, Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Dizziness, Body aches or pains, Chills, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Delusions, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Cough, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Bloating or fullness, Change in bowel habits, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Brittle hair, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty sleeping, Difficulty staying asleep, Agitation, Apathy, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Apathy, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Agitation, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Difficulty sleeping, Compulsive behavior, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Agitation, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty finding words, Agitation, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety, Apathy, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Dizziness, Anxiety, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Headache, Bruising or discoloration, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty solving problems, Difficulty staying awake during day, Anxiety, Body aches or pains, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Forgetfulness, Apathy, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Headache, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty learning new things, Brittle hair, Confusion, Craving to eat ice, dirt or paper, Difficult to wake from sleep, Apathy, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Bruising or discoloration, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Drowsiness, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Dizziness, Compulsive behavior, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Dizziness, Headache, Lightheadedness, Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Anxiety, Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Confusion, Delusions, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Apathy, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty finding words, Anxiety, Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Craving to eat ice, dirt or paper, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty staying awake during day, Easily distracted, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Drowsiness, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty finding words, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Dizziness, Anxiety, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty sleeping, Difficulty staying asleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Blackouts (memory time loss), Choking, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Agitation, Anxiety, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Apathy, Bald spots (hair), Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Disorientation, Dizziness, Anxiety, Brittle hair, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Confusion, Delusions, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty sleeping, Dizziness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Headache, Bloating or fullness, Change in bowel habits, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty solving problems, Anxiety, Bloating or fullness, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dizziness, Craving to eat ice, dirt or paper, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty staying awake during day, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Decreased appetite, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Agitation, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty falling asleep, Confusion, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty finding words, Disorientation, Brittle hair, Confusion, Depressed mood, Difficult to wake from sleep, Anxiety, Bloating or fullness, Difficult to wake from sleep, Difficulty concentrating. 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