U.S. News & World Report: Is Alcohol a Depressant? Instead, they should eat a healthy diet, exercise, and drink in moderation. The substance binds to receptors for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is a neurotransmitter responsible for producing feelings of calmness and sedation, as well as the depression of the central nervous system that causes suppression of breathing and heart rate. Is Alcohol a Depressant? Doctors tend to agree that no one should drink tequila for the health benefits they think they will get from it. If you believe tequila wakes you up and gives you energy, it’s more likely to be seen as true. Drinking too much may also lead to alcoholism, which can be devastating for you, your friends, and family. That’s why a drink sometimes makes you feel more confident and relaxed. Stress is one of the most common reasons for lower sexual frequency. If you choose to drink tequila, do so responsibly and in moderation. The main difference between tequila and mezcal is how the agave is processed. When you drink in smaller amounts, alcohol can have a euphoric effect. This means if abused, it can negatively affect one’s mental and physical health. At harvest, the plant’s leaves are removed, and the piña is quartered. However, the effects that you feel depend on the amount you consume as well as the situation you are in. Alcohol is a depressant because it acts on your central nervous system and slows down various processes, resulting in slower reaction times, problems with memory and cognition, and poor decision-making and judgment. So yes, tequila is a depressant. Antics like these have given tequila the reputation that it’s not like other spirits, that it’s an “upper.” The liquor seems to give people so much energy. So off all alcohols (excepting those that are artificially caffeinated, or … You may also find some vodkas that are made with rice, corn, fruit, or just straight sugar. Tequila is a unique type of liquor in that it can only be produced in specific parts of Mexico to be considered a true tequila. Tequilas usually have 38 to 40 percent alcohol content, which is 76 to 80 proof. But what does that mean, exactly? Furthermore, the euphoric feeling alcohol provides is a form of positive reinforcement, incentivizing (stimulating) a person to continue a specific behavior(s). This sedation (i.e. A depressant, or central depressant, is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels, which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulation, in various areas of the brain. Why is Tequila a Depressant? All Rights Reserved. They have a classic “tequila’s made me crazy” moment. Gold tequilas are also unaged but are mixed with caramel or other additives. Vodka is made by mixing the starch or grain with yeast for fermentation. From there it’s transported to all parts of your body including the brain. From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depressant A depressant, or central depressant, is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels, which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulation, in various areas of the brain. And before I forget, if you met them at a bar…they’re probably not the “one.” Cheers! When determining if a substance is a stimulant or a depressant, doctors look at how it impacts the central nervous system. Alcohol, according to conventional wisdom, is a depressant. The fifth, and most recent, type of tequila to hit the shelves is designated extra-añejo. The alcohol molecule is the same in all types of alcoholic drinks. Is alcohol a depressant? Alcohol, depending on the level consumed and a person’s individual reaction, can cause both sedating and stimulating effects. So you can imagine, if your brain has more chemicals that make you feel happy and less of what it needs to communicate with itself, it’s not going to work at 100%. It looks similar to an aloe vera plant but is much larger and it has sharp barbs on the tips. As the plant grows, it produces a bulb underground that looks like a white pineapple, called a piña (the Spanish word for pineapple). Añejo (old) tequilas are aged for 18 months to three years in oak barrels or used bourbon barrels. That means it blocks and inhibits receptors in the brain, causing a sedating effect. I mean you could either have a blast on the beach or impulse buy a life-like inflatable elephant costume on Amazon, accidentally call your current significant other by your ex’s name, and/or (and most terrifying) make a bundle of joy with a stranger. These chemical changes in the brain have a big impact on behavior and mood. Some of these changes are well-known like memory loss, loss of balance/physical coordination, poor decision-making (i.e. Clear tequilas, called blanco tequila, are unaged and the purest. Stimulants, also known as uppers, will speed up the processes of the central nervous system. Vodka is consumed more in the U.S. than tequila. So only drink a few, drink some water, call a Lyft, and live to fight another day. There are some major differences between tequila and vodka, though they are both distilled spirits: Drinking any alcohol excessively, including tequila, can lead to serious health problems. It’s one of the most popular spirits worldwide but is most commonly consumed in the United States and Mexico. With alcohol, depressant effects are dominant, so it is considered a depressant. The resulting liquid that’s produced is about 16 percent alcohol content, or 32 proof. Use of depressants is likely to be more dangerous when: taken in combination with alcohol or other drugs, particularly Alcohol is terrible for mental health, which is ironic because we tend to turn to it in our difficult moments. The active ingredient in Tequila (as in all spirits) is ethanol, which is a central nervous system depressant. That means any amount you drink can make you more likely to get the blues. Well, we’ve all been there. When you drink alcohol, a small amount is absorbed into the bloodstream right away by oral capillaries (very small blood vessels that carry blood to and from less accessible parts of the body – think fingertips, toes, or in this case, the walls of your mouth). Alcohol + benzodiazepines: decreased heart rate and breathing; overdose more likely. It’s still very popular in Mexico and around the world because of its unique and sophisticated taste. Despite the fact that you may have seen people drinking tequila get raucous and overly-energetic, it is a depressant. It’s the chemical that “lifts our spirits” after we enjoy a cocktail or two. The point being, tequila’s a great addition to any party when drank responsibly. Alcohol is a depressant, which means it can disrupt that balance, affecting our thoughts, feelings and actions – and sometimes our long-term mental health. So yes, tequila is a depressant. “It’s a popular rumor,” says Emily Han. But keep in mind, tequila’s a depressant that can have a big impact on your mind, body, and the way you act. However, the consequences of tequila drinking certainly aren’t as clear. The myth: Tequila can cure colds. As opposed to stimulating your brain, ethanol instead depresses it, causing lowers inhibitions and of course pleasure. depression) of brain function leads to some big chemical changes in the body, like the increased release of dopamine and serotonin (happy chemicals) and decreased glutamate activity. Who knew you could learn so much from alcohol? Neurons are the “worker bees” of the brain. When you drink alcohol, a small amount is absorbed into the bloodstream right away by oral capillaries (very small blood vessels that carry blood to and from less accessible parts of the body – think fingertips, … ¡Viva tequila! Required fields are marked *. Alcohol also causes the brain to produce more positive hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine. What many people don’t know is that alcohol is actually both a stimulant and a depressant. Alcohol impacts the brain in a variety of ways. Some say that tequila is effective for everything from weight loss to increased bone strength. Ethanol is the consumable alcohol in every alcoholic beverage we drink. Tequila is a distilled liquor that is made from the fermented juices of the Weber blue agave plant. You’re basically trying to get an adult to drink water while hiding their keys. Alcohol has an inhibitory effect on these neurons, meaning it blocks and inhibits their receptors causing a sedating effect. When people say tequila acts as a stimulant, they’re not exactly wrong, but they’re definitely not right either. I mean, you’re not the one watching yourself stumble down the hallway. However, how you drink these beverages can play a huge part in how you behave. Technically speaking, tequila is a type of mezcal, but the reverse isn’t always true – not all mezcals are tequila. high-risk activities), impulse control, increased aggression, etc. In small doses, it can increase your heart rate, aggression, and impulsiveness. Tequila is a type of mezcal, but mezcal is not always tequila. Also, placebo has a big influence on how people perceive intoxication. The alcohol molecule is the same in all types of alcoholic drinks. But based on experimentation, some medical researchers will always claim that alcohol is often in the depressant category of drug types. The rumors surrounding tequila being an exception to this rule are hard to trace and they might even come from Buzzfeed themselves. There are various ways that tequila is consumed, including in cocktails like the margarita, but drinking it in shots is what it’s most known for. Is Alcohol a Depressant Ready To Improve Your Mental Health. With mezcal, it’s traditional to bake the piñas in earthen pits. There have been studies done to try to determine this, both scientific and pseudoscientific. That moment when everything’s running smoothly, people are dancing, laughing, the Margaritas are flowing…then suddenly someone loses it. On an empty stomach, the entire process (from the first sip to the brain) can take less than 15 minutes. The biggest health risk being alcohol addiction which can cause all kinds of problems – physically, emotionally, mentally, and relationally. This is partly down to neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that help to transmit signals from one nerve (or neuron) in the brain to another. No, not in the traditional sense. Health and Safety. When tequila’s happy dose of alcohol arrives at the brain it’s greeted with fanfare, at least by you. Tequila is made from the blue agave plant and vodka is made from a starch or sugar rich plant. Alcohol is classified as a Central Nervous System depressant. You may see it implied that there is something about tequila that makes people act differently that when they have a few beers or drink wine. Alcohol is a depressant: it alters the delicate balance of chemicals in your brain. Even overindulging occasionally can have negative effects. If you are having tequila in cocktails, it may also be the amount of sugar in the mixer that spikes your blood sugar levels which also alter your mood. Your email address will not be published. The baked agave pieces are then crushed, and the juices extracted, to which yeast is added for fermentation. Alcohol is a depressant. As alcohol’s further digested it moves into the small intestine where it’s rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. “Like all spirits, tequila is ethanol, which is a depressant.” “The differences really are all in your head: alcohol is alcohol is alcohol,” agrees nutritionist Ostrower. Alcohol is a unique depressant because it may first act like a stimulant in the brain. Some drinkers consume alcohol precisely because it is a depressant, meaning it relaxes their body by slowing down the brain’s neural activity. That isn’t high enough to be considered a spirit, so the liquid then goes through a distillation process to bring it up to 40 percent alcohol content, or 80 proof. Because alcohol slows down brain activity, users will find it difficult to make rational decisions and maintain sound judgment. Alcohol, just like other depressants, impair and slow your physical and psychological activity. Alcohol is technically categorized as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant, but the answer is a little bit more complicated than that. There are five different types of tequila that vary based on where the agave is grown and how they are finished. This is because once consumed excessively, alcohol will act like tranquilizers and sedatives, since it will slow down the activity in the users central nervous systems. Tequila, which is often associated with heavy binge drinking, has developed a reputation for making any occasion more rowdy and wild. Sadly, the science doesn’t support this myth, either. Ethanol depresses the central nervous system, which means that it has a calming or sleep-inducing effect. It can slow vital functions, leading to slurred speech, slowed reaction time and impaired memory. National Institutes of Health Publication: Alcohol and Neurotransmitter Interactions. Regardless, they’re definitely not acting like someone that’s slowing down anytime soon. You may have also heard about mezcal being related to tequila. It can increase feelings of depression or anxiety, making symptoms more difficult to treat. Acting on the Central Nervous System, alcohol … While some people may drink to relax, the effects of alcohol can actually include increased anxiety and stress. Drinking alcohol brings about a myriad of emotions for people. Alcohol is a depressant with some stimulant effects. But, some people ask themselves, after I drink alcohol I feel depressed. Ethanol is a depressant. The drug immediately begins to affect the neurons and their receptors in the brain. However, there isn’t any definitive proof that tequila is good for you, and there are health risks that, in fact, prove the opposite. Millions of people consume alcohol every year to help them be more social or to help cope with feelings of sadness and depression. Alcohol diminishes the central nervous system, so it is classified as a downer. A quick search online will show you that there is a common myth that the popular liquor tequila is a stimulant rather than a depressant. Tequila is a distilled spirit made from the blue agave plant. This converts the sugar into alcohol. Here are the various theories explaining alcohol as a stimulant and as a depressant: The stimulating effect tequila has on the body only amounts to a depression of self-control. For example, when someone drinks tequila it’s often in the form of shots, taken in a fairly short succession, but when someone has wine, it’s often sipped over time as means to relax. Although tequila is not the national drink of Mexico, Mezcal is. This is because it is a form of alcohol, or ethanol, which is the same intoxicating ingredient in wine, beer, and other liquors. It slows down your brain activity, and reduces your ability to make logical and rational decisions. The agave plant can be harvested after seven to ten years of growth. It can also impact your blood sugar and increase the risks of mouth, colon, and breast cancer. The confusion comes because many people believe that depressants make you emotionally depressed. Alcohol reduces the brain’s ability to critically think, exercise good judgment, and generally makes us feel uninhibited. 2) Alcohol can help us focus on the present. Due to alcohol’s inhibitory effect, it is considered a central nervous depressant. The information they send controls almost every process in your body. It can worsen a medication's side effects. Well if you want answers, you’ve come to the right place. However, it is simply that – a myth. Mezcal and tequila are often confused for one another, as they’re both Mexican spirits made from similar ingredients. Myth #3: Tequila is a stimulant. Depending on your specific situation, you may not readily be able to tell if alcohol is a stimulant or a depressant. The effects of alcohol on the body range from stimulant to sedative, and long-term use could potentially alter a person’s brain chemistry. Alcohol is inflammatory, which means it can cause digestive problems and nervous system issues. Consuming large amounts of alcohol leads to larger amounts of serotonin, which communicates to the … This is much like how scotch and bourbon are both types of whiskey. Explanation: Tequila, like all alcoholic drinks (by definition), contains ethanol as its effective ingredient, which is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. Scientifically, alcohol is a depressant, but it is more complicated than that. This is similar to other types of liquor, such as vodka and whiskey. Alcohol and Neurotransmitter Interactions. National Library of Medicine: Communication Networks in the Brain, Your email address will not be published. No, it is not true because tequila contains alcohol which is a depressant. Stimulants influence chemicals like dopamine or norepinephrine. Vodka is a clear, distilled liquor that originated in Russia and Poland, but has become the top-selling liquor in the U.S. for many years. It’s a distilled spirit that is also made from the agave plant. When it arrives in the stomach it immediately begins to be metabolized. Glutamate is a very important chemical that nerve cells use to talk to each other, sorta speak, and the brain needs to function properly. Reposado (rested, in Spanish) tequilas are aged for at least two months, often three to nine months, in wood casks. The short answer is yes and more beyond that. These drugs include barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cannabis, opiates, and by FAR the most popular: ethanol. So once you start “feeling good,” you’re more likely to want to keep drinking. Though you may have anecdotal evidence that says otherwise (like a friend’s or your behavior after a few shots), tequila is alcohol and alcohol is a depressant. This tequila is aged for over three years in oak barrels, making it extra old. Is Alcohol a Depressant? The answer is yes. They’re responsible for sending information and signals throughout your brain. Despite the fact that you may have seen people drinking tequila get raucous and overly-energetic, it is a depressant. Vodka is made traditionally with potatoes, though it’s now common for it to be made from grains like wheat or rye. © 2020 My Time Recovery | All Right Reserved. This just isn’t true, the alcohol in beer, wine, and tequila all affect the brain in the same way. Benzodiazepines + opiates (such as heroin): breathing difficulties; an increased risk of overdose and death. They’re either standing on a table crying about polar bears, undressing in public, convincing themselves they’re fully capable of teaching someone a lesson that’s twice their size, or face slapping a friend in a cathedral (personal experience). Tequila is distilled into five different types, while vodka only has one form. The pieces are slowly baked until the starches within are converted to sugar. Add a header to begin generating the table of contents. Yet, that doesn't fully explain alcohol's effects. Tequila's active ingredient is ethanol and ethanol is a known central nervous system depressant. Whether tequila is good for you or not depends on who you ask. Alcohol is a legal, recreational drug that people often drink to feel better or to cope with their feelings. All alcohol is a depressant, but tequila is known to have some stimulative properties due to the base ingredient the Blue Agave. Furthermore, many people will argue that Tequila, a mix of alcohol and stimulants, has an overall effect which is not a depressant. As a result, and lucky for us, it’s used in some of the most popular cocktails in the world including the Classic Margarita, the Tequila Sunrise, and the Paloma. Moderation is considered to be one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. But even though drinking ethanol can make you feel upbeat at first, it’s actually a central nervous system depressant. Tequila has varied taste and vodka doesn’t. An adult to drink water while hiding their keys popular: ethanol My. Breast cancer increased bone strength rumor, ” says Emily Han brain and lead to is tequila a depressant how! 2 ) alcohol can actually include increased anxiety and stress suddenly someone loses it may not readily able. It out anytime soon I drink alcohol I feel depressed of Medicine: Communication Networks the. Sleep-Inducing effect region of Mexico, mezcal is not a depressant tequila ( as in all types tequila! It to be metabolized the fact that you feel more confident and relaxed others struggle anxiety... However, how you drink these beverages can play a huge part how! Unique depressant because it may first act like a stimulant or a depressant, poor (... 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