Stationed at Ubon RTAFB all of 1973 with 8th SPS-K9. I said what is that. I didnt know what it was back then. Air America supported us with aircraft and civilian pilots on our classified mission. My father did 30 years service for his country without a blemish on his record. I also was at utapao on tdys in 66 67 68 as ground crew aboard k.c. We could be more helpful to your search if you could provide us more information, such as; If he was stationed in Vietnam, a base name or Corps (I, II, III or IV) area: I arrived at Ubon AFB on December 24th, 1971. I am active on several closed FaceBook pages; Udorn RTAFB Veterans; Thailand Veterans Herbicide Exposure; Det 1 56 SOW & PreservingOurHistory. If you havent found the RoseGarden website, I encourage you to. The Navy patrol squadrons were located right near the southwest end of the runway. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. I was a radiology technologist . FIRST VA CLAIM DENIED MAY 2020 I got spayed twice while working nights while working fighter between embankments. I was at Ubon 70-71 as a weapons loader 408th MMS. Filed VA claim in 2005 was denied Air Force support troops at NKP were convinced we were CIA, otherwise what was a Coast Guard big white with red tail C-130 with all those antennas doing in the Golden Triangle. I only was approved for Agent Orange exposure due to my being able to PROVE to the VA that, on my way to Thailand, our military transport plane landed at Saigon and when I left we were routed on the military plane and landed on Saigon on the way home! Also, he gave me a blowgun that he said tribesmen gave him. Were you on the Flying Tiger Airline that set the brakes on fire when we landed hot in Yakota Japan? I lived on the perimeter road where the Pathit Lao sappers broke through. Is there any chance I was exposed to Agent Orange? Any number of clues that you may have may trigger a better question or answer. I was commander of A Troop, 2-1 Cav and when I changed command in Aug 1969, I was sent to Phan Rang AB to await my orders back to the U.S. On the day I arrived at the Air Base, after about a 30 mile Jeep ride from our Firebase, I got to the Main Gate of the AB which was closed & locked because of an attack on another part of the base, & the Air Force Guards wouldnt unlock the gate for me to get inside. We all were exposed due to winds, aircraft movements so the VAs claim of perimeter exposure is their way to throw us under the bus. I have maps and I explained every detail that I could think of wish me luck! I was sent to Tan Son Nhut Air Base to work on RF-4C and RB-57s. Waiting to hear outcome of his claim. Classified the same. Stationed Udorn Apr 69 thru Apr 70.Worked control tower as air traffic controller.Had heart attack in 2012,,Ischemic heart disease is a covered ailment. I saw the barrels often with lids off in storage area as well as it being sprayed on the perimeter during the time I performed compass swings as part of my job. He had so many brothers that he was in boot camp with, the stories are few, but there was such a genuine loyalty to his fellow Army men. Thailand also was buffered from the conflict zone by Laos and Cambodia, thereby making it safer forAmerican personnel. Yeah -Right! We had a mutual friend, Chuay Kannawat, with whom I went to school in Puerto Rico. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB in 72/73 and after 11 years of battling the VA I have been granted 100% disabled due to diabetes and severe poly neuropathy. Would like to contact you. My Dad is a Vietnam Vet, he didnt see action, however he spent lots of time with the wounded while he was in the hospital ill. On approach, the bomb broke loose over that very same field & went off. Any help would be welcomed. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . So he traveled through the gate daily. My dad was stationed in Germany. I have developed a form of MD it was identified as Inclusion Body Myositsis. Not killed by the guard. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB 71-72, and was a flight facilities officer in the GCA. He was T/SGT Walter J. However, I get discouraged from all the horror stories Ive heard with claims being denied and dont know who could help me file? I was sstationeed at Karot TDY from CCK Taiwan may 74-July 74, I worked flight line for 2 months 24/7 on 130s, would like to talk with anyone who served at this time. I was at Takhli from June 1969 to June 1970. Phan Rang Air Base is located 5.2 miles (8.4 km) north-northwest of Phan Rang - Thp Chm in Ninh Thun Province. This documents U2 operation out of Utapao. Thanks for any info. I wish there was a way for you to contact me but it looks like the rules dont allow for emails to be exchanged. There is no narration. I was #160 to post on here ,,, thanks for removing my post , will not post any more on this site . I was stationed at Korat 74-75 388 MMS 46250 weapons mech F4. It is located in the Ninh Thuan Province of Vietnam. Ive had prostate cancer, heart disease, heart attack, COPD. He was there during the Tet offensive. I work with American Legion. Our aircraft U21 LE and LJ were returned to the States. I served in Thailand September 1964 to September 1965 as a member of 207th Signal Company achieving the rank of Sp4. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. s/ pete I would not have been approved w/o the supporting paperwork. You could perhaps try other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that allow for two way communication. My husband and I were in Udorn. The boy was born in Vietnam and came to the states. Most of the VA personnel I have seen have never been in the service so how are they able to say that we werent exposed to the chemical? ANY ONE STATIONED OR KNOW ANYONE , AT US ARMY TROPO , SCATTER SITE COMPOUND , ABOUT 12 MILES NOTH OF KHON KAEN , NE THAILAND FEBAPRIL 1968, IT WAS . Not so Silent Partner: Thailands Role in Covert Operations . I am aware the war cutoff was May 7, 1975, how does that work for me if I arrived on the 11th, and probably still got exposed to AO. Thanks! the Library of Congress may monitor any user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. You are fully [19] An aircraft from the squadron responded to a distress call on 24 April 1969 and, against operational orders, bombed a site in Cambodia (the Fishhook) where US special forces were pinned down. Never considered AO as the issue. It was of interest to me to read the numerous stories by military personal who had a part in the operation of the Phan Rang Air Base. If you have a detailed map of UT, look to the south end of the runway for the aircraft ramp numbered 5060. 1st Brigade 101st Airborne camp, Phan Rang, November 1966.png. I was stationed at Ubon Aug 64 to Aug 65. Was stationed @ NKP 1968-1969 , 556th RED HORSE , working airfield / perimeter daily ,,, signed with the DAV , Saginaw MI , 2017 , after wife kept at me to do so. Thank you all for your service as we were young and nave men fighting for our country. And who knows, maybe AO has no effect on roses. I was at Utapao in 1967 as part of a detachment from USN patrol squadron 46. without consent. Agent Orange was sprayed by C-123 aircraft as a part of Operation Ranch Hand as a means of killing vegetation in . With respect to evidence supporting the conclusion that the veteran was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, the record confirms that the veteran served in Vietnam beginning in September 1966. If there is anything that I can do to help you with. My husband was stationed at Udorn AFB from 1972-1973. Have heart problems,prostate problems, pre diabetes etc.who knows what else. My father Joe Burch was at Phan Rang from June 1967 to May 1968. (page 1). Permalink, Amything on LARRY LANHART? Any one in Udorn around 1971? And my Second and third sons both had Bladder Reflux which is a malformation of the bladder and it usually kills the infant before birth. Red Horse hooches were no more than 10-15 yards from the perimeter road at NKP. He was in 1980 Comm Sq at Tahkli as a Comm Control Specialist in 1966. 8th TFW / Telecommunications / UBON June 1972 June 1973. After May 7th, I am sure they did not go out to the perimeter fences and do a massive AO cleanup. or have a source where I could find one. Coverage of the 612th Tactical Fighter Squadron's first combat missions (F-100Ds) out of Phan Rang. In the late 1940s and early 1950s the French Air Force used the same 3,500-foot runway, and abandoned the facility when French control over Indochina ended in 1954. Need help with claim . Su clic en Google.Ads es una estafa? Does anyone remember this? First claim denied. Iwas stationed in Udorn 67-68,diagnosed with blood cancer, July 2021, doctor says could be caused by exposure to Agent Orange, looking for best way to file a claim, any suggestions? So far all claims been denied over the last 20 years .Hypertension, Diabetes II, Liver and skin cancer, Cardiac ablation (2002), etc. Going to start my investigation into applying for AO funds before things get worse and its too late. Im sure there are more than 100 people with problems the VA wont respond to. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. This place was sprayed also. SSG E6, NCOIC KHON KAEN. I was deployed to NKP Thailand August 1962 with USN MCB3 to construct the battalion base camp and later to defoliage the jungle and underbrush to construct the airbase 8 miles inland from the Mekong River, out of mortar range. Why dont all the comments show up here? Three buildings and two hangers received minor damage. I was billeted at a small camp near Udorn belonging to a pole linemen company. Rod Gaudin (SPC 4 47th Infantry). I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. I was stationed at Happy Valley from September 1970 until May 1971. I was at Udorn in 67. Any USAF personnel assigned to 56th Transportation Sq at NKP 1967-68 who was exposed to AO and suffering from the effects of that exposure? If anyone was there and worked with me or knew me get in touch with me through my email [emailprotected]. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. Ha. I have suffered diabetes, and a rare skin disease Bullous pemphigoid. I had just gotten back in touch with him. Lived in the NCO quarters not far from the perimeter. 2. 1931 . Filed claim and was denied. It shows that U.S. military and civilian personnelwere located, largely, southwest of the Thai Royal Palace. I was working the morning that the EB66 crashed off the end of the runway, killing all aboard. The base was hit more than 25 times during my tour of duty, but that was by far the worst. Subsection (b)(2) reads: performed in Thailand at any United States or Royal Thai base during the period beginning on January 9, 1962, and ending on June 30, 1976, without regard to where on the base the veteran was located or what military job specialty the veteran performed; If youve got any of the many presumptive AO conditions it should be an automatic approval if you file a claim. "Happy Valley" Phan Rang AB group is for personnel that were stationed at or worked at Phan Rang Air Base, RVN anytime that it was operational. (that fence line was sprayed on a regular basis). I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. Thanks. I was station at Korat AB Thailand, with the F-105 aircraft. My First time at this VA Hospital, saw a DVA Office sign, walked in, told him was thinking to apply for VA Benefits, so he gave me the papers to fill out, took them home to do later, but later never came, Was there again about 2-3 months later, different man in the office, shook hands, exchanged names, told me to sit and he would type it up. Crew Chief on F-4. Comment and Posting Policy. These records include stories, photos, rosters, and But, NOTHING WAS EVER PLANTED ON THAT OPEN FIELD FROM 11/1968 TO 11/1969!!!!! old and a widower. I am not well and my partner is the one working my concerns and posting this for-me. Whenever my aircraft was scheduled for periodic maintenance, I would get to go along with it to Nha Trang (later Phan Rang) to keep an eye on it while maintenance was being performed. He came home from Vietnam to Camp Lejeune. Thank You-, Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. Any recalls would greatly appreciated. I saw it once just before I left. Antenna (Referred to as The Elephant Cage due to its enormous size and thousands of yards around it were emmaculately kept free of any & all vegetation by I suspect was Agent Orange liberal applications from rotar and fixed wing aircraft since sabotage was a constant threat. Denied 3 times. info on my precise site and barracks locations? I researched found nothing about that so called event. I worked nights and slept days and, sometime in the middle of my year, an F-4 was returning to base with a hung 500lb bomb. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. Ive had one bout of squamous cell carcinoma. Was a field service mechanic on heavy Equipment also motor pool Sgt. And Bangkok . I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). [14][15], Based at Phan Rang Air Base in Ninh Thuan province, the unit became part of the United States Air Force 35th Tactical Fighter Wing (35 TFW) and between April 1967 and June 1971,[16] the Canberras flew approximately 12,000 sorties. The guys who worked on this computer needed to get a bus or at later hours rides to their duty station. Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has repeatedly denied me. this was due to previous agent orange spraying. Thank you. given the vietnam service medal and our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross. 1.Board of Veteran Appeals ruled flight line is an extension of the perimeter. He died from an AO presumptive disease but having trouble proving exposure. Mary, the incidents that you are talking about are covered in great detail in Phan Rang Newsletter 147 in Magpies Down-Magpie 91 and Magpie 41. Look up stuff like Ubon RTAFB. You can read the legislation by searching H.R.3967 Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 Section 403 covers the AO expansion for SEA VETS. Robert Plascove. Public outcry and official investigations followed. Finally got I hope good VA rep. GOOD LUCK TO ALL VETS THAT SERVED VIETNAM n THAILAND. Anyone who can send maps of Korat or have gotten disability from Agent Orange that was stationed there during Siagon evac or Mayaquez please send any info or pictures. Does anyone have information in regards to the usage date of agent orange and why would claims not be considered after May 1975 theres no doubt in my mind chemical agents were continually applied Until our end date in Thailand 1976. That, I was defending freedom and those who were I also fought a fire in the Outer perimeter, on Spray unit spraying Agent Orange that caught fire, plus two other grass and vegetation fire in the outer perimeter. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. I am quite sure we did everything thing but devour agent with our daily meals and duties. Has anyone had a claim approved for agent orange exposure during that time? I was in the 1131 SAS, Det 10 (MACV) but visited most of the RVNAF controlled air bases including PRG (Happy Valley, I remember the sign.) We eventually got moved into the hooches. Served with the 432nd MMS in Udorn from September 1966-67. Gratuitous links to sites are viewed as spam and may result in removed comments. Working on his 2nd now. Camp Friendship from May of 1970 to December 1970, then Sattahip December 1970 to May of 1971. I was searching for information about Philco Ford in Bangkok. I come from a family without heart issues. My husband served at the Korat air base in 1970. I turned 19 over there. [21] The squadron was awarded the Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation and a United States Air Force Outstanding Unit Commendation for its service in Vietnam. We had played cards the night before and he was so happy he had survived his year in happy valley. He was Air Force and worked on planes. Although I have acquired a variety of medical ailments over the years (heart issues, type 2 diabetes), I dont believe I had significant AO exposure related to my duties there, based on my reading of this. Another 200 yards & it would have been IN our barracks!! He recovered from bladder cancer 15 yrs ago, but it recurred in Nov & he died in Dec. He passed 20 years ago and I am still trying to get compensation. Donald Raymond Sandve? I served in USAF at Sagion Tan Son Nhut AFB in 1964,I worked in large tent about a 100 yrs from the pad where an C123 transport was maintained and I pasted by the plane twice a day if it not out spraying Agent Orange.The plane nose was named Old Patches because it fly low ans slow over the tree tops doing its mission.I remember men would stand in the back of a duce and quarter filling the planes tank with agent orange by using a hand pump from a 55 gal drums.I remember seeing the stuff over flow from the drums and pump onto the ground.These men wore no protective gear the fuseledge of the plane would covered from spraying runs.Back in the 60s there were no Hazmat warning,and no one knew a lust green jungle one the day,a few days later dead.I remember taking Hughy out along the Makong river and both side of the river were dead seems like a mile on each side.The stuff really works.I my heart I feel those men are not with us today having working in those conitions.I was told Agent Orange was shipped to war in Cargo ships by the the thosands of drums.Udorn AFB was the same around the base on a fly in there.By now all those Airman are dead and I guess there still a need for more proof. I have the jacket that he had made for my 2 year old self framed and on my office wall. Thanks for all of the help brothers. I served with the 1st signal brigade us army 442nd signal battalion company c . Then again in 74 75 for 8 months at Utapao for the cambodian air lift.I joined the navy in 76 and started having sever head aches that resulted in nerological problems.Brain damage. We have documents specifying *how many* people his squadron deployed/went TDY but nothing more specific. Her husband served at U-Tapao from June 1971 June 1973, his MOS was Aerospace Ground Equipment Vehicle Operator, working with B52s and KC135s. Ive been trying to research what army inf units were in thailand at that time and where they were stationed. In 71, Phan Rang was the home base for recently assigned FACs of the 21st TASS. The next day or so, a helo made multiple passes over the vegetation as well as our hootches. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. Thank you, any one from bang pla thailand 1969 to 1971 have medical issues, I was in the storage section ,635th MMS,CSG, PACAF, at the MSA. I now take that to mean Hmong tribesmen. I worked 6th APS SCOOT (Support Cambodia Out of Thailand) Dec73 to Oct74. I know people in other branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept . Will enjoy hearing from anyone I played cards with, traveled into town, shared drinks, swam in the ocean, I was in the 417TFS. Do you know where I can find a conversion algorithm to get the old style into something new digital maps recognize?