First, it meant the party did not go blindly into the worst dangers. And, of course, you cant get the onyx button to appear without locking someone in the chest, and you cant get the sarcophagus open without pushing the onyx button. You are most kind, and I certainly hope to continue to be useful to you! Stone Juggernaut, Area 62. The crippling hunger effect is rather more severe than it needs to be, and burning up spell slots to end the effect (providing someone in the party has the spells to cast in the first place) isnt a very equitable solution. One chance is all you get. So Im giving the description, based on whats in the module text, and pretty much all there is in the module text is how the mouth of the devil face is about 3 feet across and just the right size for someone to crawl into. So with decent rolls and luck, and with characters who are not all max-CON barbarians, you should be able to make sure you get a kill during this fight. But when we were here, we all died. from the monkeys that perch on its walls and hang by. If they stick to their decision not to eat anything, knowing what the penalty will be, so be it. Obnoxious Golden Skull, Area 40. Whenever a Champion is damaged by a Yuan-ti they are transformed into a flying snake for 30 seconds. When your players have to work together to solve a problem, that . $18.00 + $16.50 shipping. Replace them with nothing and just let the PCs get into area 48 without all the fuss. Shagambis Tomb, Area 48. Yep, thats right: cheat, and keep the adventure on track. Have a little happy ever after. Which might not be that bad, because. no escape). This is the first official adventure I ran (thus the insane amount of resources on this page). Under this system, the players made very sparing use of the control gem, pretty much saving it as a last-ditch effort because of the possible dangers, rather than summoning up the slaad whenever a fight looked tough. Seeing your players find new ways of solving these puzzles that you . Ben: We draw our swords! Important to note is that he can cast counterspell at will, but that he can only do it once per round, as it counts as a reaction; this will drive spellcasters nuts but will also not make them totally useless. If you really want to leave the elemental cells in the tomb, it might be a good idea to go into them without a clear idea of what the PCs need to do to defeat each cell, and just see what the players come up with. This post keys off of my last one and also this post by veteran RPG designer John Wick, wherein he rants against the Tomb of Horrors, an old-school D&D module and infamous deathtrap dungeon.. If that character isnt a bard, I recommend a +2 version of whatever weapon they are currently using; it goes great with Shagambis extra attack. The next room featured a 15-foot deep pit with a stone chest and a clay golem. The obvious tactic for the Soulmonger is for it to grapple its enemies and then drop them in the lava; to make this not such an instant-kill, I recommend letting the Soulmonger grapple a victim on one turn, but not allowing it to throw the victim into the lava until its next turn, providing a chance for the victim to break free of the grapple. If you need a reason to give the party another chance at a room or trap that finishes them off, you can use this trick once. Chimeras are also fun, and who doesnt love a gelatinous cube? When I had to deal with the situation, I brought Artus Cimber back into the story to help the party escape from the Fane. This is where they can find the control gem for the slaad in area 24, for one thing. The monkeys are a mix. Dont do that. The best way to do this is to use ray of frost as a legendary action against that character, dealing 4d8 damage (or an average of 20 damage) each time, as many times as there are rounds between the end of that characters turn and the beginning of Acereraks (a maximum, of course, of 3 times). Theres not a lot more to talk about here. Shakspere. Additional Yan-ti Malisons spawn in every area and move 200% faster. This is really simple to fix. The bore is the only animal that is depicted that has more than one friend. Really, really terrible, and some of the same horrible stuff is here in this new tomb as well, and we need to take care of it and make it dangerous but not automatically fatal. There are four cells, for fire, water, air, and earth, and each cell requires you to do one particular action in order to escape it alive. N=Neutral (chapter 5). Its unfortunate that crawling through the pipes that the wine flows through is the best way to reach Nangnangs Tomb, but at least it isnt the only way to get there. And, fourth and shortest, dont worry too much about encounters with those armored flesh golems or the tomb dwarves. When the party first comes to the area, Tunnel A is connected and leads between areas 31 and 34. Ras Nsi is a victim of the Death Curse, and wants the party to go into the Tomb and end the curse before he dies (note: if you look at his stat block on page 230, youll see his HP is supposed to be reduced each day of the campaign, which might result in his being dead or nearly so when the party finally meets him, so just ignore that and give him either full or half HP and be done with it). Id be inclined to let the party pay each gargoyle once and call it solved. Again, this is one where you walk in, but you dont walk out. Lets take a look through this tomb, and hopefully I can help you figure out some of the tricky parts; when we get to those rooms and traps that are instant death, Ill give you some ideas as to how that can be fixed without making the dungeon easy. Who aligns the orbs shall spin fortunes wheel. Refers to area 70, which involves a d100 table of random results if the PCs align the armillary spheres. However, in Configurations 1 and 2, area 63 and area 58 do connect. Thats much better than a lot of coins. WizKids Puzzles, WizKids Miniatures & War Games, WizKids Dungeons & Dragons, WizKids Toys & Hobbies, WizKids Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures, If your players are hardcore completionists, there isnt much you can do or say about it, but it might be helpful for everyone to make it clear up front that clearing out each Trickster Gods tomb is not necessary for success. The others gave chase, had to lift a barrier out of the way, and got to the next hallway just in time to see Chidia fall into a pit. Again, Acererak isnt a particularly difficult enemy to run, although youll definitely want to brush up on his major spells and on how to control his sphere of annihilation. I think I will be a frequente reader and aprentice here. If they really cant figure it out, have the arcanaloth tell them how to do it, or something like that. Third, the players are going to know that this is the Tomb of the Nine Gods, and theyre going to realize very quickly on the first level of the tomb that each of those nine gods will have a personal tomb somewhere in the overall tomb. This is tricky right off the bat, but alert players will notice that the false trapped entrance has only eight openings for the puzzle cubes, even though they have nine cubes in total, which pretty much gives away that it isnt the real way in. The next fix is to remove the skill check for moving quietly among the warriors. Even if they dont understand what the marbles are for, make sure they get them, and make sure they get two of them in case they screw up the process at the ebon pool. Besides, Acererak runs away from the battle at 30% of his HP or so, which also increases the partys odds for success quite a bit, especially as the PCs will be doing extra psychic damage as another Trickster God benefit. Various Puzzle Cubes found around the Lost City: Papazotl I'Jin Unkh Kubazan Moa Held by Wizard Wongo Back to Links Also, the designers have decided to decree that spellcasting, ongoing spell effects, and all magic items do not function in these cells. Djeco Spaceship 16pc Silhouette Puzzle Rp236.406 Barrel Of Monkeys (1pc Random Style) . The beholder starts off invisible, but follows the normal rules for the greater invisibility spell: dispel magic can end the effect, the beholders anti-magic field will end the effect if activated, the effect ends if the PCs break the beholders concentration with damage or magic, and so forth. Oubliette, Area 57. The flesh golem that turns the trap on can see into the revolving drum through a window, but you cant see the window from inside the drum because its invisible from that direction. Also, make sure that at least one of the characters can read the nursery rhyme: if nobody reads Infernal, then change the rhyme into some language that can be read. It is possible to escape from this room, so that you can wander the tomb all alone until you meet an unpleasant end. Fortunately for everyone, Artus still has the Ring of Winter, which wasnt confiscated from him when he was captured. Eventually, of course, the PCs will want to leave this charming room, and it turns out that you cant get out of this room without teleporting out, and all of the teleportation runes conveniently drop you in front of. Both good things. 37 days to go. The Maintenance Shop, Areas 26 to 28. The second option isnt really something that you have to fix, but it is something that you have to notice and point out to the players, and then they have to decide to try it: in some cog configurations, you could actually get outside the cog rooms themselves and out into the aboleths lake, and swim or climb around the outside of the cogs and get back in to a different one using another one of the doors that currently open into nothing. This screen has been specifically built with the Tomb of Annhilation module in mind. The nothics and even the arcanaloth are anticlimactic enemies after the atropal, the Soulmonger, and Acererak. This isnt as bad as it might be, because at least PCs who are knocked out by poison gas or run over by Napaka the Juggernaut have a reasonable chance to survive. Cragg . Remember that the negative energy aura is both an ongoing damaging effect and also prevents healing for characters in melee. At that point, they can drop the marbles in the pool, touch the familiar-looking obelisk, and escape from the tomb. The true entrance into the Tomb of the Nine Gods was a stone door with a 3 3 grid of indentations, each large enough to fit one of the 3" puzzle cubes the PCs gathered in Omu. Billie revealed a secret window, scared off the Tomb Guardian that imprisoned Chidia and saved her from the trap. Kind of a lot has happened since the party acquired those marbles, and you may actually be in a different game session than when they looted them from the night hags, so drawing a strong connection between the two things is important. Its a pretty dicey plan, but it could work; the problem is being able to explain to the players which openings in the cogs open onto the lake and when, because the diagrams on Handout 24 are not drawn in such a way as to make that very clear. Really the only way out is to try to wrench the door off its hinges or else beat on it until it breaks open. If they dont have it or wont give it up, overwhelming lethal force is a completely reasonable reaction for Fenthaza, and a creative escape might be called for. Second, when dealing with the magical feast in area 74, I recommend a little amnesty for characters who dont eat anything. of living monkeys and ancient carvings that are part of. So thats how I described it, and of course any reasonable player would think that crawling into the mouth is what you were supposed to do, because why would the DM tell you that you would fit if you werent supposed to try it? High-quality Tomb Of Annihilation jigsaw puzzles designed and sold by independent artists. Then decide which one of those players youd most prefer to punch you in the stomach when they find out, because youll have deserved it as much as I did all those years ago running Tomb of Horrors. And remember end of the campaign, the DM has to buy the first round of drinks, right? Ill throw in one more tidbit for you, since were dealing with a dungeon that specializes in PC kills and even TPKs. No checks, no saving throws, no opportunity for resurrection: just dead. Weve been here before havent we? The Soulmonger lies deep within the tomb, which is riddled with puzzles, traps, monsters, and mag-gp =gold piece(s) CN = Chaotic neutral ical wards. The original Prizma Puzzle web games were released from 2009 to 2011 and included 4 games. In order to make each button appear, a character has to climb into the corresponding chest and lock himself in, and then suffer whatever fate awaits him when the button is pushed. You could open them up with knock spells, but youll need to cast three of them to open up all of the locks, and honestly how would you even know to start casting knock spells when the locks are already hidden so that they cant be picked? . Any other creature is making assumptions outside the facts given by the words of other creatures. Having clues and riddles with plenty of time to think about them can be tricky enough, and I have often just decided that the solution the players came up with will work, even if it wasnt my original solution. Well, its not an impossible battle. Ill also give you some recommendations on handling boss encounters, as well as a little number-crunching to help make things a little more dangerous right at the end. And thats when my buddy socked me in the stomach, and they all stormed away, leaving me wondering what the hell had happened. Buy the book from Game Kastle to support the D&D Compendium! Essentially, in order for Acererak to do any meaningful damage to a character, he has to exceed 50 damage per round to that character, and he has to do it before that characters next turn. Except in the mirror tomb, the dangers are risks without the possibility of rewards. D&D Tomb of Annihilation includes the following: 56 battle maps with pre-placed grids and encounters. Get 4 PCs on the spots indicated by the green dots, and the barrier will come down, allowing you to . Instead of an exhaustive treatment, Ill just break down the tomb by level and go over the parts that are likely to cause the most trouble. They can apparently be used to attack any creature that deals damage to the Soulmonger or its struts once per turn. . D&D Tomb of Annihilation Notes #6 - Camp Righteous / The House of Man and Crocodile. Tomb of Horrors. For example, the players are presented with a large seesaw-like trough that is shaped like a shallow "U" . The first Season - Fellowship and Fire - is . Share Tomb of Annihilation everywhere for free. Cog of Rot, Area 58. My solution to this problem was to require an Arcana check any time the party wanted to summon the slaad to help them. And, after all, theres a charred skeleton pointing at the place they really need to go to get out. Avoid that. Nangnangs Tomb, Area 24. Revolving Drum Trap, Area 38. Yes . As far as the plot of the adventure, there isnt any need for Chapter 4 at all: the only reason for the party to venture into the Fane of the Night Serpent is because they dont have all of the puzzle cubes they need, and therefore they must go into the Fane to claim the missing cubes from Ras Nsi. As always, keep an open mind. Useless money and art objects that youll never get the chance to spend or enjoy. The general effect here is that by the end of a few rounds, the party is completely overwhelmed with devils, and more are arriving all the time. And thats assuming they survive long enough to get to the arrival of the erinyes. Make sure you narrate clearly that the cylinder is being held above the pit of lava by three struts, because breaking one of the struts is the partys best chance at destroying the whole thing, and if they dont understand the situation, they wont be able to make the right tactical decision. Mirror of Life Trapping, Area 50. Just to clarify whats going on here, there are two tunnels, A and B. Either teleport characters into area 50 facing away from the mirror, or put a shroud or something over the mirror, or change something so that the very first unavoidable thing to happen after teleporting isnt getting stuck in the mirror. Still nothing happen. They get the group invisibility and also the druid in the group hits em with Pass without a Trace . Were talking back when I stole my moms backgammon dice, back when we didnt have books or references except for a few photocopies here and there. Figuring that an average character (and thats a very big abstraction, I know, but bear with me) probably has in the neighborhood of 75 HP at tenth level, even those high-damage spells are only spilling over into the characters actual HP at less than half power. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Also, the presence of a corpse in the tunnel will probably encourage approaching the center of the tunnel with caution instead of just barreling on through as one might do with an empty tunnel. Let the magnetic ball pull everyones armor and weapons in, but then have it drop them all right away. Now, she gets that flash of deja vu as they approach the fateful location, and signals her companions to wait Ive seen this before. They can get them from the hags, or Mister Threadneedle, or wherever you like, but dont let them press forward and into the boss encounters without first gaining the means to escape the tomb. Falling damage, everyone lands prone, but they dont stay stuck up in the air and helpless for rounds and rounds. Ill discuss this room in more detail below, but suffice it to say that this clue is meant to cause the party to think twice before charging into the room and setting things moving. The traitor always lies thrice. Refers to area 62c, where correctly interpreting the gargoyles clues results in getting gassed and run over. And, because of that lineage, this tomb has a lot of the same crap in it that made Tomb of Horrors a lousy adventure. After this campaign, you have all earned it. Remember that youre in Tomb of Annihilation, and that youve come a very long way through the adventure, and you should not let enemies just execute the player characters. in which you get trapped. These clues were part of the treasure I provided as a reward for defeating the invisible beholder: information is always more valuable than money, especially when theres nowhere for you to spend that money anyways. Encounters feature a variety of role-playing, combat, exploration, and puzzles. All the while, the invisible beholder is tearing the party to pieces, because regular beholders arent nearly dangerous enough. This material is covered by a Creative Commons 4.0 license. Some puzzles leave a lot of room for interpretation into whether players truly solved them. My VERY brief non-spoiler review so far: I really like it. I'jin's name was mentioned several times during the Tomb Party's hunt for the Omuan puzzle cubes. Its just a bit of friendly advice, and giving it freely is going to make everyones life easier, metagaming or not. This sounds like a lot of damage, but when you factor in those 50 temporary hit points, theres a definite drop in effectiveness. But, if you just so happen to do the exact right things prior to dying, you end up in Shagambis Tomb, which well get to in a minute. There arent many areas on this level, but some of the ones that are here are notable, and not in a good way.
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