- 8 day rest - Day 3. Ellington Darden: People ask him that all the time, and Ill shoot straight with you. Try this routine and let the detractors claim you do 'roids, sneak in extra sets after the gym closes or you're naturally muscular. Having trained on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty 1 Routine (find that book on Mike's site as well) for 2 years before losing my mind and training on the more popular 3 day on/one day off routine for 5 or 6 years, it was a blessing to get back to the lower volume and ultra-high intensity type of routine*** My Cellar-Dweller Experience After a while, we would have to pin additional weight on most of the Nautilus machines. Shrug Why? I figure that one set of this will hit all fibre-types; I often have vicious recovery-pains following this protocol. Coes arms, because of their unusual shape, always looked bigger than they measured. Sorry for the humungous post Drew; hope it is useful. It works. I took accurate measurements of Hudlow before and after, as well as photos of him from the front and back, which you can examine in the HIT book on page 202, so Ive tried to present the results in as factual a way as possible. But it wasnt until Jones started experimenting and writing about negative work in 1972, that any bodybuilder took it seriously. Leg ext - 1 x 16 reps Hi Drew, I was just reading that interview, Ive bought his book,hoping there would be something new, but have found that he was just vomiting what arthur jones did and said. I think it would be a great boon if it were discovered that it is possible to achieve optimal or near-optimal strength-training without equipment. Mike and Ray Mentzer Heavy Duty Training Mentzer's Lost Heavy Duty Secrets. Drew Baye: In your book, you also mention Mikes younger brother Ray. Promoted with an extensive Internet media campaign. (Creamy and Flavorful), Who is Luna Blaise? As a result, Jones offered Viator a job with his new company, Nautilus, and assured Viators parents that hed finish his senior year in high school in Florida. Mike & Ray Mentzer - In the Gym. Chest & Back. Stump later introduced me to the guy who eventually became the editor of The New High-Intensity Training. With the plan in mind, Hutchins hurried over but just as he approached, an older woman took the seat beside Cooper. Mike and Ray are the only two brothers in history to both win the Mr. America contest. Drew Baye: If you place those potential HIT users on the far left side a normal, bell-shaped curve, what would you label those on the far right side high-volume trainees? He played defensive tackle and was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 230 pounds. Recently, I attended a reunion of Texas bodybuilders and lifters from the 1960s, which was held at Ronnie Rays home in Dallas. His triceps, in particular, when viewed from behind, reminded one of two . all at 19 years of age. Jones had driven from his home in Lake Helen, Florida, to Los Angeles and on the way back he stopped by Red Lerilles gym in Lafayette, Louisiana, and reassembled some of his initial Nautilus machines that he had displayed in California a week earlier. Wilbur was, and still is, a wheat farmer. Some people accuse him of writing the same book over and over, with just a different twist to the training method, or geared towards a different audience. 1978 IFBB Mr. USA With the do-it-yourself approach, your results will probably never be maximum. Hutchins was a beginner and I had been training seriously for a number of years. It's part of bodybuilding legend how the squat affects overall body strength and size. Ellington Darden: Hes Andy McCutcheon and hes been using HIT principles since 1988, when he trained at Dorian Yatess gym in Birmingham, England. Also, my soreness from deadlifts lasted an entire 7 or 8 days! Tag: Ray Mentzer. Squat At the age of 18 he started competing in physique competitions, and two years later in . Drew Baye: Did you use NTF workouts in training David Hudlow, who in your HIT book gained 18-1/2 pounds of muscle in two weeks and 39 pounds of muscle in 6 months? Once you had experienced Joness brutally hard workouts, it was difficult to duplicate them on your own. You must be logged in to post a comment It wasnt unusual for Jones to discuss various deals with well-known athletes, or their agents. He admitted to spending three hours a day in the gym as a young man while serving in the United States Air Force. The entire movement needs to be fluid and controlled. Targeted to fitness and bodybuilding press, newsletters, and Web sites. This can be carried to a logical extreme. Calf Raise Breakdown (two drops) Weight: 220 lbs. He prided himself in being able to keep a straight face, which threw you off, until you figured out his style. Bodybuilding was a lot healthier then. When I was around Mike, we got along fine. It is thus very interesting to see Mentzer putting his own heavy duty training program in action. Leg Curls . The man seemed to project a mesmerizing spell on us and we soon found our heads nodding to concepts that were directly against what we believed. This article is from 2003 to read a more updated article on how Mike Mentzer had a "Heavy Duty" mindest and workout regime Click Here. My initial contact with Rodale occurred 5 years ago when Ken Hutchins introduced me to a Bill Stump, an editor from Mens Health (a Rodale magazine), who was in Orlando interviewing Ken. The website's content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. Ive heard Hutchins blast Coopers philosophy, but I never knew he had an influence on the Aerobics Center in Dallas purchasing Nautilus. And How tall is Arnold? Everyone involved agreed that this was a doable arrangement. If you can press two partners into service, there will be hardly a break in your breakdowns, make this a very advanced principle. The sad story does not end here. They say you can theoretically develop a great physique - even in you're not a genetic freak - in just five years if you apply their method of high intensity training. Here we have a sound explanation for recommending multiple joint exercises for bodybuilders seeking muscle size increases. I think back then they relied on blood,sweat,tears more than juice,which sadly . Of course Ell writes and says a lot of the same things Arthur did it was his job. In mid-February 1971, Jones noted that Casey was down to 205 pounds and was smoother than hes been since he moved to Florida. Mike's younger brother Ray Mentzer (Mr. America 1979) discovered Mike's dead body. Ray used the same Heavy Duty Training training regimen as his brother Mike. When an intermediate or advanced bodybuilder finds himself on a plateau, he is wise to consider cutting back on workout volume, while reasserting his commitment to a high intensity of effort. Mike Mentzer helps brother Ray go beyond failure on machine shoulder presses. Bill Pearl was a major influence on Rays bodybuilding. In fact, Cirulli has been testing it for the last six months in his fitness center in Gainesville. She called a cab and within 15 minutes, was on her way to Orlando. timed static contractions have become popular with some instructors for use with clients who cant perform certain exercises through a full range of motion due to physical problems or injuries. DW: I was wondering when you talk about training 20 sets for the biceps 3 times a week, what you think about the lower-volume, high-intensity training that Mike and Ray Mentzer use. Mentzer would spend hours in the gym every day when he began training. Casey could make his biceps, in a series of three distinct contractions, grow more massive as he moved his forearm closer to his shoulder. He started his fitness journey at the age of 12 and became a phenomenal bodybuilder. One thing Cooper appreciated, our mutual friend noted (and this was no joke), was that we had not raved to him about Nautilus. He also has several bars and 400 pounds of free weights. "Editing Workout was one of the most enjoyable things I've ever done," Mike claims. It was during this project, which continued for four years, that Hutchins tested and applied the initial SuperSlow protocols. Not surprising to me, the addition of 18-1/2 pounds of muscle increased his resting metabolic rate by 530 calories, or 28.6 calories per pound of added muscle per day. Im not sure why he permitted it because he certainly understood what proper form was. Arthur almost killed me, Viator remembered. Ray will be remembered for his incredible strength and never-say-die outlook on training and life. nurse at Ephrata Community Hospital years ago. Arthur told Ray to put on his brightest, horizontal-striped shirt (he didnt want Martina to miss him) and be sure and drive the old, unwashed, company car, which had a broken air-conditioner (that meant hed have to roll down all the windows so air could circulate). Copyright © 2001-2020 BodybuildingFanatic.com. Jones began immediately training Viator on a three-times-per-week schedule, and true to his expectations, Viator started growing. I was impressed. Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps) Back Workout On this back routine, Mentzer hit 5 different exercises. When I went to Baylor University in 1962, there was a guy on the football team named Bobby Crenshaw. I do think, however, that the creatine monohydrate formula was responsible for from 25 to 30 percent of the results. Sadly, Ray passed away just two days after skipping his kidney dialysis appointment. Rodale also is behind a number of magazines, such as Mens Health and Prevention. And, hes into the martial arts, so he does some of that several times a week. Besides training Viator over the next year, Jones would make sure he entered all the national bodybuilding contests. He took the Nautilus training principles and helped explain them in a way that people could easily understand and apply, and without insulting people in the process like Arthur did. Rest 1 minute Undergrip row I am in no way against slow reps a person is better off moving too slowly than too quickly during exercise I just havent seen any convincing evidence that moving any more slowly during exercise than necessary to maintain strict form provides any additional benefit in terms of strength or hypertrophy. I could feel myself actually growing during and after the workout.. That being the case, then I must go with chapter 16: shocking your hips and thighs. He reached a bodyweight of 75kg by age fifteen. I have read before that Mike and Ray Mentzer were really into using amphetamines to train harder. Reverse curlStage reps The real secret to building huge MUSCLE MASS & STRENGTH is HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING! Was their something in the environment or education system that motivated you guys into weight training? Only then do you let it return to full extension. . My methodology is simply to keep pushing at 100% force (or near as I can) until the force drops off significantly, rest a couple of seconds, and repeat until strength-levels drop way down and pain-levels become unbearable. Mike Mentzer High Intensity Training Full Body Workout | 3 Day Split Routine HIT Bearer 2.81K subscribers Subscribe 297 7.7K views 4 months ago #mikementzer #bodybuilding #2022 In this. Perhaps during the early 1970s, when he was training so many bodybuilders, it was simply easier to drive home intensity, than be so concerned with form. One deals with a follow-up to my 1995 book, Living Longer Stronger, which was written for men between the ages of 40 and 60. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. that would be a real eye-opener. At that time, Cooper was the #1 running guru, as a result of a couple of best-selling books on aerobics. Bent Over rows The reason his workouts were referred to as HIT (High-Intensity Training). Family, Partner, Biography, Easy easy to make Popcorn Shrimp (Perfectly Tender and Crispy), Who is Tiya Sircar? Hutchins and I both has access to weights through the school system. Ray went to bed after a long and demanding day at work, but Mike continued to work late. He had a reputation for squatting over 900 pounds and for once weighing 275 pounds of rock-solid muscle. In the past, with my bodybuilding books from other publishers, I had always worked with a man on the design and layout. It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. Answer: To paraphrase Arthur Jones, Rather than the best, Ill tell you the one that I like the least, which will be the routine that I need the most.. You can build up to it. At that time, Nautilus had three, state-of-the-art television studios in Lake Helen. Because thats now my age and someone needs to write sensibly for this group of men. A high-protein diet was once widely regarded by bodybuilders to be the secret to gaining muscle mass. Crenshaw inspired me to work my neck. The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results by Ellington Darden. He started to sculpt his body after falling in love with the iron right away. Ray would subsequently go on to become a legend in the bodybuilding world with his vascular 20+ inch arms and then-unimaginable weight of 275 pounds. Breakdowns - This practice involves stripping off about 10% of the resistance you're using and grinding out a few more reps. You can opt to drop the poundage once or twice a week, depending on how much intensity you're ready for. Chin He built a super, heavy duty hydraulic with a control that a training partner could operate. The idea is that by stopping short of failure you spare your recovery ability the task of having to overcompensate from a much deeper inroad. Also make sure to increase the weight in a particular exercise whenever possible. Drew Baye: How many bodybuilders do you figure are interested in HIT? Ray was forced to wait for a different donor. Tricep Extensions- 1 x 10 reps, Wednesday I remember coming in on a Monday and Benny informed me that Ray had squatted 900 that past Saturday. All rights reserved. To this day, Im a firm believer in strength training the neck, for both athletes and nonathletes. About 75 of my old friends were there and we had a great time reliving the good old days. One of the highlights was a film that Terry Todd, of the University of Texas, had assembled that showed black-and-white movie clips from the AAU Mr. America contests, 1940 through 1954. Concerning the educational system in Conroe, small-town football was big in Texas. After years of competition, Mike decided to quit his competitive career and concentrate on new projects in 1982. Ellington Darden: I certainly did. This would require a weight that would take you to failure in between 6 and 9 reps. Then, once you hit failure, keep going. But first, the medical professionals had to determine whether Mikes kidney was compatible with Rays. Ellington Darden: I cover some similar topics, such as intensity, form, and progression. Was Arthur Jones the first person to introduce negative work to bodybuilding? When Ken started high school he became a friend to one of my Conroe classmates, Philip Alexander, who was in medical school in Houston. Something similar to a lesser degree also happened to just about everyone who was trained by Jones. Overall, Im very pleased with whats happening with the book. Workouts one and three are the ones that stress your largest muscle masses in the upper and lower body, with the first emphasizing the legs, while the torso is hammered in the third. If any nontheoretical, real-life example will serve to prove the efficacy of indirect effect. Also I put Steve Reeves through a workout in 1978, as well as Frank Zane and Bob Guida. Whats up with the whole black or white thing? Drew Baye: When Nautilus hired you, did Ken visit you in Florida? Our double-team plan had failed. I was going to watch the deliberations from my angle for 10 minutes, and join the action. Ellington Darden: Negative work (eccentric muscle action) was kicked around haphazardly in the physiology world before Jones came on the scene. Ken and I had been involved in a Nautilus seminar and we were waiting to fly back to Daytona Beach. During the competition, Mike and Arnold had a bitter argument that was never settled, and worse, continued to fester. In actuality, Rays diet was largely composed of carbohydrates. So at least from that perspective, static contractions are lacking. I was a bit worried. Many years ago, the entire bodybuilding world watched Mike Mentzer grow very large. So were all the negative reps, extended sets, stutter reps, rest pause and hydraulic assisted reps any more productive than the traditional set training? Concerning volume, if youre on a reduced-calorie diet to lose fat, you can shorten your HIT routine to only 4 or 5 exercises per session and make excellent results. Theres a lot of the interesting stuff concerning Arnold and Arthur in chapter 5: How HIT Humbled Schwarzenegger. Arnold, for perhaps multiple reasons, couldnt get the hang of high-intensity training the Arthur Jones way. Staying off stages for most of the rest of the decade, Viator worked for Jones at Nautilus until 1978. 2022 Sugar Zam. Drew Baye: Can you tell me more about this NTF workout. Finally, Jones informed Ray that once he was back in Lake Helen, to give the lady a tour starting with the barn. Leg Curl Breakdown (one drop in weight) Casey Viators training history at Nautilus provides an interesting example. Drew Baye: Who were some of the bodybuilders that you admired when you began training? Drew Baye: Whats your opinion of Hutchinss SuperSlow? Furthermore, the chart and routines extend for longer than a year. 1976 Jr. Mr. America (Tall) He was that strong. In 1978, at Sean Harringtons Nautilus club in Los Angeles, I witnessed Mike go through a true HIT workout.
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